
Prepare For A Weekend Of Video Games With These 20 Gaming Memes

Two gaming memes in the following collection.
Two gaming memes in the following collection.

Published January 14, 2022

Published January 14, 2022

Gaming isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle. While everyone else is having social lives, we're staying home playing video games, and that's just fine. What's fun is still fun, and we're certainly not here to judge. We aren't into partying or meeting new people. Some people call that antisocial behavior, but we just call it having priorities. There's nothing better than a good video game every once in a while. And by every once in a while, we mean every waking minute.

The weekend is coming up, and that means it's time to play our games without time constraints, and even if your parents knock on the door and tell you to pause the game (which you obviously can't) and go outside, you have no reason to listen. So pull those blinds closed, grab a bag of chips, and get your console of choice, because it's time to reflect on the lifestyle of a gamer. Here are the best memes to enjoy before your weekend of gaming.

The Easier Way

(Source: Reddit)

Big Save

(Source: Reddit)

The Art of Marketing

(Source: Reddit)

New Year's Eve

(Source: Reddit)

Why Make It So Confusing?

(Source: Reddit)

They Can't Read It

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No Context Needed

(Source: Reddit)

A Sad Thought

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh No…Anyway

(Source: Reddit)

It's Never Enough

(Source: Reddit)

You're Just Hitting People Really

(Source: Reddit)

But How?

(Source: Reddit)

Amazing Feeling

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Get Too Friendly

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Simpler Times

(Source: Reddit)

Building Up Excitement

(Source: Reddit)

Of Course It's Relevant

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: skyrim, gaming, video games, gaming memes, games, wholesome memes, wholesome, memes, chad, yes chad, reddit, collectons,