
Return To The Classic Memes With These 10 'Advice Animals'

Advice animal memes from the following collections.
Advice animal memes from the following collections.

Published June 01, 2022

Published June 01, 2022

What is it about Advice Animals that keeps us coming back for more? Is it the way these memes embody some ebullient, early internet vibe that is purer and fresher than the abysmal muck we trudge through now on the socials? Is it their simple, impactful frankness? Every person probably has a different answer, and yet they're somehow so universally appreciated that they sparked a whole genre of online humor beginning in the early 2000s.

The advice animals are the classics, where it all began. And, they're a piece of living history: these modern advice animal memes, like Civil War reenacts congregating at some old battlefield, are here to make the distant past vibrant and alive for us again. Here are some of our favorite advice animals that survived the test of time and became great new memes in 2022.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Sometimes

(Source: Reddit)

Success Kid contains multitudes. He's there to express it when we win, when we win and feel weird about it, and even when we don't win but feel okay about it.

How Sleep Happens

(Source: Reddit)

Brain is pain.


(Source: Reddit)

The look of tranquility, serenity, uncompromising zen on the soft plump mug of this happy seal… all we can do in this brutal, brief world is wish one another that kind of grace and that kind of gentleness. I wish you that, dear reader.

Enough, We're Done

(Source: Reddit)

Not referring to him by name is the new wave.

Introvert's Life

(Source: Reddit)

The Confession Bear is so sad and yet so pleased with itself… it captures a particular emotional ambiguity that is often felt but rarely expressed.

Speaking Truth To Power

(Source: Reddit)

Lisa is explaining things so fully, declaratively, and thoughtfully, the way we all do when winning arguments with imagined strangers when lying in bed alone.

Thank You, Wholesome Duck

(Source: Reddit)

The duck is just here to help. He has such pretty feathers.

Hurry Up And Wait

(Source: Reddit)

Oof, you could learn a lot of things from the flowers.

I'm Offended By This

(Source: Twitter)

Who knows how to offend someone the best? Condescending Wonka,, if anybody, would be the person.

Working From Home

(Source: Reddit)

The Confession Bear can hold startling power.

Tags: advice animals, reddit, memes, old memes, confession bear, condescending wonka, success kid, collections,