
The Best of "'How Old Is' Google Searches"

The Best of "'How Old Is' Google Searches"
The Best of "'How Old Is' Google Searches"

Published July 25, 2018

Published July 25, 2018

Sometimes a format is ahead of its time. Such was the case with 'How Old Is' Google Searches. The meme, which features a black man crying as he discovers, via Google, that his favorite characters are close to death, debuted in February of 2017 and featured the Sonic the Hedgehog character Knuckles.

The format laid dormant for about a year and half, when all of a sudden it surged on Reddit in July of 2018. In the span of a week, dozens of new edits trended on sites like /r/dankmemes and /r/animemes, leading to a robust new meme. Here are some of our favorites.

Goodnight, Rock

(Source: Reddit)

RIP Eminem

(Source: Twitter)

Mr. Deadwide

(Source: Reddit)

We're Stuck With Him

(Source: Reddit)

Onions Be Like

(Source: Reddit)

The World Does Not Deserve One So Beautiful

(Source: Reddit)

According to All Known Laws of Aviation

(Source: Reddit)

He Orang

Ah, Nuts!

(Source: Reddit)

I'm 28!

(Source: Reddit)

Anime Girls Never Die

(Source: Reddit)

Oh This Makes Sense

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: how old is, google, exploitable,

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