meme insider

The Weekend Wink: Sugoi Mudskipper, FaceApp And Armstrong

A magenta background with an artist's representation of Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising, in the style of Uzaki-Chan from "Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out!" In place of Raiden is a mudskipper, and on the sides of the image are a Senator Armstrong meme and a profile of Uzaki-chan
A magenta background with an artist's representation of Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising, in the style of Uzaki-Chan from "Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out!" In place of Raiden is a mudskipper, and on the sides of the image are a Senator Armstrong meme and a profile of Uzaki-chan

Published August 17, 2020

Published August 17, 2020

Welcome to the Weekend Wink, where the memes that trended over the weekend are explored and explained, quick as a wink! The third weekend of August has given us a treasure trove of new memes to explore and shown the continued use of an older meme as well. This week, the main genres present were gaming and anime, with phone apps being the major workhorses this time around. Let's take a look.

Sugoi Dekai

Sugoi Dekai is a series of fan illustrations and photoshops based on Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!, an anime series that has recently gotten a lot of attention online. The anime is a generic "slice of life" romantic comedy, which features the titular character, Uzaki, winding up in humorous situations from episode to episode. The specific meme from the main series involves a lot of characters from different shows being drawn in the same art style as Uzaki, featuring her signature shirt, with the phrase "Sugoi Dekai" on it.

Senator Armstrong

Senator Armstrong is a fictional U.S. senator and the main antagonist from the game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, which has many other memes associated with it, such as Sundowner. Armstrong himself already has a few memes that he's fairly well-known for, like Nanomachines Son and 200% Mad, so it's not too surprising to see him appear again. Since his first appearance online, Armstrong has remained consistent in his meme appeal and still gets posted regularly using any number of his iconic catchphrases. As seen in the past, even lacking proper context doesn't stop people from using Armstrong memes, so there's always a possibility of seeing a new meme of him pop up anywhere, at any time.

FaceApp Face Morphing

FaceApp Face Morphing is another meme in a long line of FaceApp and face manipulation memes. This one involves taking two pictures, with one often being a celebrity, and morphing them together for comedic effect. Though originally used with celebrities, for the most part, it wasn't long before facemorphs were created using any combination of the countless video game faces as well. Much like other face editing memes, this one has a lot of potential to stay relevant for the rest of the week, as the limits are only restricted by the creativity of those using it.

Impressed Mudskippers

Impressed Mudskippers is a new animal meme involving the aforementioned mudskippers, a small amphibious fish. In the format, two mudskippers are seen staring at another in disbelief as it launches itself out of the mud vertically, much like a fish jumping out of water. The most common usage of the meme was a fairly basic template, simply putting words over the animals to give it context (known as an object labeling meme). However, some of the examples we've seen were able to enhance the picture itself or take the mudskippers out and put them into other hilarious contexts, which, if explored, will add longevity to this meme. The faces made by the skippers, reminiscent of PogChamp, are still very ripe for further use as a simple reaction image, although this has not been seen in the wild so far.

Meme Insider is a Know Your Meme publication and the world's leading internet trends and culture magazine. Find out how to get your first print copy for free, and check out the Meme Insider website for more info.

Tags: uzaki-chan, uzaki, metal, gear, rising, reveangence, senator armstrong, senator, armstrong, faceapp, facemorph, mudskippers, sugoi, 200% mad, horny, dekai, impressed,

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