
Tippy, aka Tiffany Jade, Talks About His Viral 'Daddy Chill' Meme, Girl-Voice Trolling And Embracing The Meme

Daddy Chill Meme and Tippy, aka Tiffany Jade, interview.
Daddy Chill Meme and Tippy, aka Tiffany Jade, interview.

Published May 17, 2022

Published May 17, 2022

Tippy, also known by his alter ego Tiffany Jade, is a YouTuber known best for his appearance in McJuggerNuggets’ 2019 video Eviction Day where he tells Psycho Dad, "Daddy, chill." The clip took off across social media, particularly on TikTok in 2020, inspiring memes, remixes and propelling the phrase "daddy chill" into everyday use.

Beyond Daddy Chill, Tippy uploads videos trolling people on Omegle and Fortnite using his girl voice under the name “Tiffany Jade.” We recently spoke with Tippy about the origins of his channel, his alter ego, the daddy chill meme, and what it’s like becoming a meme.

Q: So for those who might not know you, can you just introduce yourself?

A: My name is Tippy, or I go by Tiffany Jade, which is the girl voice, aka "Daddy Chill." That's me. I've been doing YouTube for a few years. I've been known by Tippy for four years and Daddy Chill for like three

Q: Where did the name “Tippy” come from?

A: Tippy is a childhood nickname that a neighbor gave me years ago. I used to be very clumsy and one day he's like, "I'm gonna start calling you Tippy.” Before Tippy, I had a different channel name, it was like Saucy or something like that and then one day I'm just like, "You know what, I'm just gonna change my name to Tippy." Something short, simple, easy to remember I feel like.

Q: Who is your alter ego “Tiffany Jade” and what’s her story?

A: So I have a bunch of different wigs, this pink one is my favorite 'cause it's just short. All of the long wigs, they get me too hot, I can't. But on my channel before Daddy Chill came out, I did a lot of girl voice trolling on “Fortnite.” And then one day I was just recording, I was trolling this guy and he asked for my name. I was like… Tiffany Jade. 'Cause it's my initials. So TJ, Tiffany Jade, it was just something quick that I just made up and it stuck. It's kind of like porn star-ish, but whatever.

Q: What’s the difference between yourself and Tiffany?

A: Tiffany, she's probably the inner woman in me that tends to come out sometimes. She's very sassy. I'm more of a calm, collected person that likes to just laugh all the time. I love my friends and family, just that calm person. And then Tiffany Jade, she's like the sassy bitch that just comes out of me at night. I don't know what it is, but she's just so sassy. Her confidence is on 10. She doesn't care what no one says about her. I just feel like she's just a bad bitch in general.

Q: Where did the famous “daddy chill” video come from? What’s the story behind it.

A: It was on the McjuggerNuggets channel. It was like a 30-minute-long video. It's called Eviction Day. And I had literally five seconds in the whole video. The crazy thing is, I've never seen the whole video, but that’s probably [the case for] a lot of people. It was on McjuggerNuggets' channel, he was getting evicted from his dad’s and I was invited to… I guess they had a little competition, that was before I came in, then one of my friends Miguel, he won this house in the backyard. Like a pool house, he had. Miguel won that for the video. And then Miguel, he decided to throw a party and he invited me. I went, I was really confused. He informed me who McjuggerNuggets was, but all I know with that video is he was getting evicted and the psycho dad came out of nowhere, screaming.

It wasn't planned, I swear to you. This is not planned, no one's told me to say anything, but like I felt like I had to. 'Cause I feel like it would be really funny. I was just like a plus one, so I got there and all this screaming, screaming, screaming is going on. I was like, "You know what? Let me just say something real quick," so I was like, "Wait, wait, wait. Daddy, chill."

Q: Was that your first time acting in a video?

A: It was like my first time meeting a big, huge YouTuber. It was my first time being in front of cameras like that, like those Cannon 90Ds, 80Ds. When I first started I was on my iPhone. It was my first time with that. Yeah, it was just natural. Nothing was planned. And I think that's what going viral is all about just being yourself, just being natural. Just let things happen naturally.

Q: What were the reactions like on set after the line and after Psycho Dad’s “What the hell is even that?” Did people think it was particularly funny then?

A: To be honest, I do not remember him saying, "What the hell is even that?" 'Cause I was very nervous. It was like big cameras. Like, what the f***is going on? I only knew one person. Miguel, you can see him in the video, he's the one in the red shirt yelling at the old guy first. Talking about, "I won the house, I won it." I think everything just went blank. I don't really remember much after that. When I watched it back, I was like, wait, I don't remember him saying, "What the hell is even that." That's really, really funny. I heard a few chuckles when they turned the camera, they had to just let some laughs out. We didn't really notice how funny it was until after we had watched it back.

Q: When did you first become aware that the “daddy chill” clip was going viral?

A: I was at my last job in 2019. The video dropped in 2019 of January and then it was a little bit slow, but then I remember on Reddit people were sending me stuff. Daddy Chill hey, Daddy Chill this. I think by March it was like when the crypto market just explodes like a big green candle, it was like that. Like the video just exploded out of nowhere.

I remember I was at my job, I was like, "Oh my God, what's going on?" People at my job were finding out. Then I eventually got fired. That was when I first started my channel, so I wasn't really making anything to live off of [with] my channel nothing like that, so I had to go on unemployment for a few months. Then at the end of 2019, I was officially a full-time YouTuber.

Q: Did you get fired because of the viral video?

A: My boss, he was saying how he saw my channel. I remember think I had like 50K at the time, so I remember they and my co-workers would like snoop on my channel. I was close with them, so obviously they knew. But to this day, I don't know if they fired me for that, but that's what I feel like. He said that they didn't need me anymore. And I don't think, to be honest, that's legal, but whatever. Oh well.

I don't wanna say that [I was fired] for that, but I feel like it was for that, there was no other reason to fire me. I used to sit on my desk 'cause I finally had got some coin from YouTube, so I had bought my first MacBook. I would sneak it into work to edit my videos, so I think one of the ladies snitched on me. Oh well. I did what I could. We're here now.

Q: What was the first big sign to you that the video had taken off?

A: I think after Worldstar posted it, I was like, "Woah, this is getting really big.” I didn't expect it at all. Like I said, I remember I was just at my job just looking at my phone like, oh, okay, it's getting a lot of views. I expected it, 'cause it was on a big Youtuber's channel. 4 million subscribers. So I was like, "Okay, we expected this." But then it was just, boom, boom, boom, like big big, big, big, big.

Q: What was your initial reaction to the clip going viral?

A: I was shocked 'cause this is what I wanted. I worked, I've been on YouTube since the end of 2017. So I was just very thankful. I was happy. I mean, people, they still don't know that I go by Tippy. They still know me by the “Daddy Chill guy,” but that's over 100 million people versus 300,000 people who know who I am.

My family's reaction is what I was worried about the most. 'Cause I come from a church background. I have some judgemental people in my family. But after they had found out about it, I built a lot of confidence in myself after that happened. I just really didn't care anymore. So I'm just like, you know what, I'm gonna just be myself, let me do me on the internet and just give the people what they want, you know, give them daddy chills.

I feel like it's very hard to explain unless you go through it. I don't know. Going viral is surreal. 'Cause I know on the TikTok tag there's like a hundred-plus million people who used the tag. So I'm just like, wow. They all know my face. [laughter] All these millions of people. [laughter] And it was so unexpected.

Q: When did your parents first find out about the video?

A: I remember my mom, she had sent me something through Facebook, this Emoji like, “Hmm.” You know which emoji I'm talking about? She sent the link of Daddy Chill that someone posted on Facebook. It had like a million views on Facebook. And then I said, "That looks just like me, LMAO." That's what I had said 'cause I didn't know [how she’d react.] I didn't want anyone to know about my channel maybe 'cause I was just worried about what people were gonna say about me, like my family. But now they're more like, okay. I have some family that are really, really supportive of me. So I really appreciate them.

Q: Daddy Chill blew up on TikTok a little later; what kind of effect did that have on your TikTok presence?

A: So it took like a while for it to blow up on TikTok and then everybody started using it. I think the initial [blow up] was Facebook and Reddit. But TikTok was later on. Then I started making a bunch of Daddy Chill TikToks. That’s how I got like 500K on my TikTok. I just put on the wig and just do s*** 'cause people recognize my face as soon as I put this wig on. So if I go like this, some people might not recognize me, but if I put this wig on it's gonna click automatically. It's happened before, I filmed videos in malls, like public videos where I walked through the mall with the wig on and it was crazy. We got kicked out. It was really crazy.

Q: Do you get recognized in your hometown?

A: Some of my neighbors, some of the kids, when I go out and I go to the mailbox and get mail or whatever, sometimes they're walking and they look at me. I don't say nothing, 'cause you never know, 'cause people know where you live. But I just wave. I remember one time someone looked at me and he looked away and he ran to his friend. I get some mall reactions, people in the mall, whenever. I do get a lot of looks, but I don't know if it's just how beautiful I am or if they actually recognize me.

Q: Who are some of the most famous people to reference the video?

A: Oh, my God. There's a lot. I know Chris Brown posted it. Oh, Cameron Dallas. There's. Eden the Doll, there's Faze Rug, Molly Eskam, the list goes on. There are a lot of celebrities who posted it. I'm just like, wow, that's crazy. You guys know my face. It's a pretty cool feeling.

Q: What is it about the video that you think people latch onto? Why do they find it so funny?

A: I think it's just how random it was. It left people like, on a cliffhanger. It left people questioning, "What the f*** is this?” I hear it every day, but sometimes when I rewatch the clip, if I just sit down for a second and if I see it in a meme compilation, I'll do like a chuckle 'cause I'm like, "That's hella funny."

Q: People on TikTok use the phrase all the time and have made viral trends out of it. What’s your favorite way people use “Daddy Chill?”

A: The ones where people incorporate daddy chill into pranks, going through drive-thrus, saying, "Let me order a daddy chill please?" I think that's funny. I think just people incorporating daddy chill into their own funny jokes is something that's my favorite.

Q: What effect did “Daddy Chill” have on your community and fans?

A: So I remember at the time when it came out, I had around 30K. So after that, I remember it was just slowly growing, like, "Oh, you're the Daddy Chill guy." Because I started off with my gaming. I was a “Fortnite” girl voice troller, who just trolled people. Who just messed up people on the video game as Tiffany Jade. So I kind of had to transition into more of me, 'cause that's what people wanted to see. I was like, "I just have to do this. I have to transition to myself and start doing more content as Tiffany Jade.” So that's what I did. I had to transition kind of from gaming into IRL type videos. Now I do these Omegle videos. I troll people, but obviously, every single person I match up with, or they see me, they're like, "Oh, you're the Daddy Chill guy."

Q: What is it about girl voice trolling you enjoy so much?

A: I just think it's fun. I've been doing my girl voice since 2012. So I can get people really good. 'Cause I used to watch videos like [that] a long time ago. I used to think that was really, really funny. So I was like, "Lemme just start doing this." Something about trolling people and then getting their reaction to when they see that I'm a 6'1 man with a wig and a beard, they’re like, "Whoa, where the f*** did that voice come from?" So I just think their reactions are funny. And I like making people laugh, so.

I always used to doubt myself when I was younger. So people, don't doubt yourself. Just be you. Honestly, just be you and do what you wanna do. But I always used to doubt myself. And one day I was like, "You know what? I'm just gonna use all my savings and buy an iMac." You don't need a iMac, I just wanted an iMac to be boujee or whatever. So I got the iMac and after that, it was said and done. I created my channel, I got my Elgato Gaming capture card and then I just put myself out there. I played video games and trolled people and people liked it. I earned 30,000 subscribers by myself without the help of Daddy Chill.

Q: Have you worked with McJuggerNuggets since Daddy Chill?

A: There's a handful [of videos] that I've been in on his channel, but his subscribers are so much different than mine. It's crazy how these worlds collide 'cause his fan base is a lot of straight people. I don't wanna say that, but that's just what it is. And my fan base, I represent the LGBT, I'm LGBT, Hispanic. So our fan bases are a little bit different, but I've been in a few. [Daddy chill is] universal. That's another thing that’s cool about it, it's universal.

Q: What’s your biggest takeaway from becoming a meme?

A: At the end of the day, I'm a meme. I don't get annoyed by it. It's me. This is what I'm known for. I love it. I really love what I do. I'm glad, I'm really happy that Daddy Chill has gotten as big as it can and I can do what I do and do what I love.

When I think back on it, I was so miserable at my old job. I bought this MacBook just to edit at my job. I got fired. I stressed out for a few months and then boom, now I'm here. It's really crazy. How I met Miguel is crazy. 'Cause I didn't know anybody from McJuggerNuggets, I didn't even know that he lived in the same state as me. I was working my job and he had come in. He was vlogging and I was like, "Oh, this is cool." We exchanged channels. He came back. He was like, "Yo, we have to exchange numbers." 'Cause he really liked my girl voice. So we exchanged numbers. This was in a mall that's like 45 minutes away. So it's crazy how he was there and then we were there at the same time. Then he invited me to the party, which was the night I said daddy chill.

You can subscribe to Tippy on YouTube and on TikTok @tippytiffanyjade.

Tags: interviews, daddy chill, daddy chill interview, tippy, tiffany jade, daddy chill guy, trolling, viral videos, tiktok, psycho dad,

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