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Top TV Memes: The Best Formats From Season Three Of 'You'

Two memes from _You_.
Two memes from _You_.

Published October 19, 2021

Published October 19, 2021

You is a Netflix original series about a psychopath who falls in love with a series of women and murders everyone around them he doesn't approve of, usually leading to the woman ending up dead in a ditch in the woods. This may be a controversial opinion, but the third season is drastically better than the first two. The first and second seasons spent a really long time dramatically filming Penn Badgley’s Joe Goldberg follow stereotypical girls around and stare through the windows of their apartments, narrating everything to himself, when it should have spent more time on the people stuck in that weird cage he somehow carries around with him wherever he moves. The third season, however, is actually pretty impressive.

The hype surrounding the third season explains why You surpassed Squid Game in popularity right away. In this season, we see much more than just Joe being a pervert, since he’s married to another psychopath who’s definitely worse than him. There’s a lot more going on in this season than in the other two combined, and this means much more violence, finally explaining why this show is categorized as a thriller. Now that millions of fans are talking about it, You is set to create some popular memes once more. Here are some of the best episodes from the new season that will certainly create some.

Joe and his wife Love (played by Victoria Pedretti) decide to attend couple’s therapy after Joe gets sick of Love’s casual murdering of people who inconvenience her. Joe believes that he’s so morally superior over Love because he only has a death toll of about eight at this point. Told through a series of flashbacks, this episode essentially follows the therapist’s misunderstanding of the issues Joe and Love are dealing with, including their desire to brutally murder one another.

At one point, she even tries to empathize by saying half of all married couples feel the same, and goes on to say, “You’re many things, but you’re not murderers.” An awkward silence follows. For some reason, therapy actually seems to help the dynamic between Joe and Love, but that didn’t stop people from making countless memes about that line, as well as memes about the fact that two serial killers are attending couple’s therapy because they think that will somehow solve the problem that they keep committing violent murders and abductions whenever an unvaccinated child in their neighborhood sneezes on their baby.

Most Meme Potential: Season 3, Episode 5: "Into the Woods"

This one was really, really weird, but if you’ve ever lived in California, you probably get the jokes. Basically, Joe and Love get into more marital drama, leading to Joe attending a ritualistic masculinity weekend in the deep woods with his neighbors. You has always had some interesting takes on Californians (and speaking as someone who used to live in SoCal, they’re surprisingly accurate), and this episode was basically one long, unexpected joke about the weird men of the suburbs. In essence, the retreat they attend has a mandatory no-shirt rule, they’re not allowed to eat anything except wild animals that they kill, and howling like wolves while quoting spiritual nonsense. At one point, one of Joe’s neighbors annoys him so much that he pushes him off a cliff, and I think we were all a little disappointed when he survived.

This episode has another focus as well, which is Love’s relationship with the 19-year-old neighbor Theo, who is played by Dylan Arnold. Predictably, the internet has already violated the actor with hundreds of memes about their obsession with Theo. This episode seems to be the most we see of him, and it brings out his sob story that everyone’s been joking about even further, and it’s kind of concerning that random middle-aged women are so infatuated with a character so young. I feel like I say this on here a lot more often than I need to, but it’s just a TV show, so please, I’m begging you, watch it without writing questionable fanfiction for once.

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Tags: memes, tv memes, funny memes, funny, you, you memes, netflix, joe goldberg, fandom, popular, trending,

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