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Unbelievably, There Is Now "Is 'Karen' A Slur?" Discourse

Unbelievably, There Is Now "Is 'Karen' A Slur?" Discourse
Unbelievably, There Is Now "Is 'Karen' A Slur?" Discourse

Published April 06, 2020

Published April 06, 2020

A Karen, as we've come to know over the past few years: is defined by a certain set of characteristics: she is irritable, often believing she deserves her way, even at the expense of making life difficult for others. She enjoys getting others, particularly service workers, in trouble by "speaking to their manager." It would follow, then, that a Karen would be very upset at use of the term "Karen," to the point that she may compare it to some of the vilest language ever used against other humans in history.

Such was the argument posited by author Julie Bindel yesterday when she wrote, "Does anyone else think the ‘Karen’ slur is woman hating and based on class prejudice?"

Ironically, Bindel's argument that "Karen" is a slur is the most "Karen" thing ever, a fact Twitter users were all too happy to point out.

Others imagined a world where "Karen" was indeed a slur akin to some of the worst words in English.

Some remembered that "Karen" is actually a nicer term that what such people would usually be called.

Overall, it has not been a great day for the Karens of the world. Sadly, there is no manager of the human race they can speak to to complain about it.

Tags: karen, twitter, slur, discourse,

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