meme review

Unexpectedly, It Appears That The MLG Era Of 'Major League Gaming' Memes And Videos Are Being Revived On TikTok

An image depicting various elements from MLG memes that recently began popping up in new videos.
An image depicting various elements from MLG memes that recently began popping up in new videos.

Published October 12, 2023

Published October 12, 2023

The MLG Era TikTok Revival is a trending phenomenon on TikTok that emerged earlier this month, involving the increased reposting of old clips that harken back to the days of Major League Gaming (MLG) memes nearly a decade ago.

These clips and nostalgic callbacks to that bygone era are part of a broader macro trend known as "nostalgia-posting," catering to the nostalgia of Millennials. In our latest video, host Aztrosist describes the phenomenon of the 10-year-old meme trend resurfacing on TikTok as we attempt to learn why this largely dead moment in internet history is suddenly making a comeback.

Tags: mlg, mlg meme revival, mlg era tiktok, major league gaming, memes, gaming, video games, internet culture, video, meme reviews, youtube, nostalgia, millennials,