meme insider

Weekend Meme Roundup: The CDC Recommends, Joshua Luna, Gas Crisis

Two memes from trending formats over the weekend.
Two memes from trending formats over the weekend.

Published May 17, 2021

Published May 17, 2021

This previous week was full of fresh upstart memes. With exception to the CDC Recommends meme being a sub-meme of the COVID-19 pandemic, this week had memes that largely stand on their own and aren't connected to a bigger topic. The 2021 U.S. East Coast Gas Shortage was a joke lasting a few days that was self-sufficient, and Joshua Luna is completely separate from other comic book memes.

Joshua Luna

Joshua Luna is a comic book writer who used to be part of a tag-team with his brother called "Luna Brothers." Since going solo, he's been developing his own comics, which online can be hit or miss. At this time, it's a miss, as his comics are often the target of parody edits and other forms of ridicule. This, for the most part, is because his comics often use very political imagery and overt word choices to further illustrate his point, making them a target for people who would want to edit the words to give the opposite meaning to what was originally presented.

2021 East Coast Gas Shortage

2021 East Coast Gas Shortage refers to an event in which the Colonial Pipeline, a major gas pipeline, was hit with ransomware and unable to dispense gas for several days. The news report about the gas pipeline being stopped led to a short-term gasoline shortage in several states that the pipeline blockage affected. This caused a massive run on gas stations, which led to many running out of fuel. In an attempt to hoard as much gas as possible, pictures began to surface online of people filling plastic bags and other containers full of fuel to keep for later, to the amusement of everyone online (even if some weren't entirely accurate).

The CDC Recommends

The CDC Recommends is a series of memes revolving around the ever-changing recommendations by the Center for Disease Control relating to COVID-19. With more people getting vaccinated now, the guidelines for what is and isn't allowed as a country have been changing rapidly, and some chose to take the opportunity to turn the idea into a meme.

Meme Insider is a Know Your Meme publication and the world's leading internet culture magazine. Find out how to get your first print copy for free, and check out the Meme Insider website for more info.

Tags: joshua, luna, luna brothers, cringe, covid-19, memes, funny, cute, comic, 2021 gas shortage, plastic bags, gas, cdc recommends, weekend meme roundup, meme insider, editorials,

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