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What Does 'Thicc' Mean? How The Slang Term Evolved Through Meme Culture

THICC slang term meme example.
THICC slang term meme example.

Published April 30, 2022

Published April 30, 2022

While scrolling online, you're likely to see someone posting up a picture or making a status to which someone will reply with the word "Thicc." It may even be one of the variants that you hear about, such as Extra Thicc or Dummy Thicc, or maybe they reply with a picture of Anthony Fantano proclaiming D Boi He Thicc. If you weren't aware of the meaning beforehand, you could easily mistake these words for one of the various derogatory statements made online, like Dogwater, but in this case, it's good to be thicc. Allow us to explain.

Where Did 'Thicc' Come From?

The term "thicc," is a slang version of the English adjective "thick" that got its start in the early 2000s as part of African American Vernacular English, which slowly started to integrate itself into online culture in the 2000s. Online, the earliest known mention of the word can be found on an Angelfire-hosted webpage from November 4th, 2004, dedicated to more than a dozen hip-hop artists of that era.

Thicc Usage In Memes

Thicc is typically used in memes to denote that someone is full-figured or voluptuous, meaning they have a little extra weight around their thighs or are "curvy" without looking stereotypically obese. In memes, the word thicc is thrown around whenever a waist, thighs or bottom is proportionally larger than the surrounding body parts. This is commonly seen in animation, which consistently has inconsistent or purposely comedic character proportions. This usage led to meme characters such as Patrick Star being labeled as "thicc," among many others … especially Pixar moms.

Is Thicc a Compliment?

Thicc is considered a compliment online when spelled with "-CC" at the end, whereas in person it may need extra emphasis or tone to denote that it's being used in a complimentary way instead of an insulting way.

What Does Thicc Mean for a Boy?

When a boy is called "thicc," it means that he has a large, generally plump and commonly considered "juicy booty." Thicc can also be used as a complimentary adjective for a figure that resembles Dad Bod.

How To Use Thicc?

  • Boi He Thicc
  • Girl you thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal
  • I have a sickness for the thiccness
  • LF ThiccAF GF DTF

Extra Thicc

Extra Thicc refers to an exploitable scene from the 2001 animated series Samurai Jack, in which the shape-shifting master of darkness Aku, is shown ordering "extra thick" henchman for his plan. Online, the scene is humorously utilized in reference to the slang term "thicc".

Dummy Thicc

Dummy Thicc is a slang expression based on the term "Thicc", indicating that someone is exceptionally voluptuous. Online, the phrase is typically used as a synonym for "Extra Thicc".

Boi He Thicc

Boy He Thicc is a memorable quote uttered by YouTuber Anthony Fantano in a video in which he gets excited next to a green screen. Online, people edit the green screen, changing what Fantano is reacting to.

For the full history of thicc, be sure to check out our entry on the exclamation here for even more information.

Tags: thicc, mrs. incredible, explainer, slang, thicc meaning, thicc definition, what does thicc mean?, how to use thicc, internet slang, pixar, dummy thicc, explained, extra thicc,

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