What Does 'What TF Is A Kilometer' Mean? The Modern American Patriot's Favorite Meme, Explained

This past 4th of July, lots of American memes trended on the web to celebrate the United States' freedom from the British. One of the most viral memes this year is phrased like a simple, yet ignorant question, "What TF is a kilometer?"
For some reason, the aforementioned question resonates with a vast majority of American citizens. It appears all over social media, on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and elsewhere, proving its viral nature.
Although the joke behind it might be obvious to some Americans, others might be confused. People from Europe, and the rest of the world, already know was a kilometer is, so what's the hubbub all about? Let's explain.

What Does 'What TF Is A Kilometer' Mean?
The question at the center of this meme is about the existence of a kilometer. For those who don't know, a kilometer is a distance measurement that's at the core of the metric system; a measurement system used by most of the world. Pretty much the only part of the world that doesn't use the metric system, and therefore kilometers, is the United States.
Instead, the U.S. uses its own U.S. system that's a variant of the old British imperial system. Part of that is using the term "miles" instead of "kilometers."
So basically, the question "what TF is a kilometer?" plays the part of an ignorant American who is arrogantly ignorant to the point of completely disregarding the metric system used by the rest of the world. According to experts in the field, one of the main reasons that the U.S. doesn't use the metric system is pride, a truly American quality.

Where Did 'What TF Is A Kilometer' Come From?
The original meme that started it all used an image of George Washington, but it wasn't just an ordinary George Washington. Instead, he's seen standing on a burning pile of rubble with one fist in the air, holding a giant weapon and a bald eagle perched on his other arm. In Impact font, the captions read the now-famous question, culminating in a hilariously patriotic meme.

Who Made The 'What TF Is A Kilometer' Voiceover?
Inspired by the original meme, video creators had the crafty idea to narrate the catchphrase and add sound effects. The first to do this was a YouTuber by the name of ShanePatSmith.
His video would go on to inspire countless reposts and original variations that either re-animated the scene or just used the voiceover's audio. In turn, various characters were seen echoing the phrase, like ones from Team Fortress 2 or even King of the Hill.
For the full history of "What TF Is a kilometer," be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.