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[Announcements] Login Images Submission Thread - Ends August 15th!

Last posted Sep 03, 2015 at 06:03AM EDT. Added Jul 31, 2015 at 03:34PM EDT
265 posts from 130 users

Have you ever tried to log in on KYM and have you seen one of those images?

Have you ever though "Those sucks, I could do a better one" or "Man, I wish one of my images was there"? Then this thread is for you! After this suggestion, the KYM moderation team has decided to hold a contest to choose new login images, and until August 15th you will be able to submit them!

  • How can I participate?

It's rather easy, you just need to upload a 180×180 picture to the website with a common tag (login2015). Don't forget those two, because if the image is bigger or isn't tagged correctly it won't enter the competition. Do this all the times you need, because there's no submission number restriction!

Anything is allowed: from GIFs to drawings, references to memes or injokes, JUST GO CRAZY! Do you have a good idea but you can't into Photoshop or suck at drawing? No worries! In this same thread you can make requests, and both requester and creator will be credited if the image wins (remember to add it into the image notes)! Also, in case you made fanart or some drawing for the contest, we would appreciate that you upload the original to its appropiate gallery.

If the image doesn't appear instantly on the list, do not freak out. The server may take a while to include it on the list, so there's no need to reupload it or change the tags.

  • How will the winners be decided?

Winners will be decided by image karma. You can still post your submissions here to promote them and get forum karma, but it won't be considered in order to choose the winners. Anyway, karma doesn't guarantee that your image gets choosen: if the mods think the image it's offensive or it hasn't enough quality to be choosen it will probably be rejected.

  • Is there any restriction?

- No antagonistic images: Images that make fun or insult websites, communities or specific fandoms WILL BE IGNORED. Honestly, if I login, the last thing I would want to see is a "Yiff in hell furfargs" or "Remove all brones" image.

- No KYM users (except admins): The last thing we want is a image that mocks some user to be on a public part of the website. For that reason we decided to ban all the images that target specific users. The only exceptions to this rule are the administrators (like Don) or the Internet Scientists (like Forest Gibson).

- No Riff-Raff injokes: (sigh, yes dad) First, some of them revolve arround particular users, and that breaks the rule above. Second, most of the jokes are pretty obscure, to the point where most of the website and basically anybody who doesn't visit RR will aknowledge about them. Adding an image with a joke that a huge part of the userbase doesn't understand to a place that also visit people who is alien of the community would be extremely confusing.

- Finally, in case there's a overload of images with a similar theme (for example, Don jokes) among the winners, only a few of them will be choosen. We can't give an exact number, but you could expect a max of 5. If some user has various of his submissions among the winners there will also be a discard. We will try to stick to a max of 3 there.

  • When will the winners be announced?

August 20th, we decided to delay the announcement so we culd have a moe relaxed discussion about the winners.

  • How many images will be choosen?

It will depend on the number of submissions, so we can't give an exact number. The only thing we can ensure is the minimal of accepted images will be 20, and it can only get higher. The number of winners will be announced on August 20th.

So, what are you waiting for? DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS! JUST…


UPDATE 1: Remember: Today is the deadline. The submissons will close at 5 PM EDT, so hurry up if you still want to submit something!

UPDATE 2: Deadline Passed. GG to all the participants, we'll now evaluate the top scoring images and will select the winners. Please remember that being in the top x does not guarantee save passage.

Last edited Aug 16, 2015 at 09:33AM EDT

Adept Samuel wrote:

ok, let me see if I got this right, is Don as god emperor of Memes allowed?

The antichrist has finally been born.


P.S. how many images are gonna be announced winners?

Last edited Jul 31, 2015 at 08:56PM EDT

Tentacles wrote:

The instructions say first that injokes are allowed and then said that they aren't so…
to put it simple, it's The Goat allowed?


The rules say that Riff-Raff injokes are not allowed. Riff-Raff is a board on the KYM forums and is basically our equivalent of /b/ or [s4s].

Made another:

Also decided to re-purpose a KYM-tan image I made earlier

Last edited Jul 31, 2015 at 11:04PM EDT

Sorry if the quality is too bad with the last one, my editing capabilities suck, but our login needs more JoJo

Edit: Darn, the letters are hard to read, if anyone can fix it up and make it more readable, please do, I'll be grateful, here is the original image

Last edited Aug 01, 2015 at 12:15AM EDT

Another request for artist.
Redraw Parasol as KYM-Tan.
Redraw Umbrella as brand new user.
Redraw ice cream as laptop.
Panel 1: "Why are you logging into KYM?"
Panel 2: "I always login to KYM when I'm having a bad day."
Panel 3: "But you login to KYM everyday!"
Panel 4: Single tear runs down brand new users cheek, have the background be the login page with the mouse hovering over the login button.

Hey it's Brian wrote:

Is there a database somewhere so we can see what images are already in it? Because all the ideas I've been having I'm like half sure are taken.

just search "login2015" on the search bar
in the images tab, all the images submitted for this competition should be there

heres one of my entries


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