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Photoshop Contest #22: Goose on Fire

Last posted 8 years ago. Added 8 years ago
27 posts from 22 users

Continuing from where we left off.

As seen on the site. Check out the original image here, upload your creations and post your shoops as a reply to this thread. Change the text, change the characters, change how fuckin lit the goose is, as long as it matches the theme even a little, go nuts! Redrawing and other remakes count as well!

Head to the main thread for questions and other.

Last edited 8 years ago

Three minutes in photoshop.

Probably not gonna win but it was the first thing that came to mind sooooooโ€ฆ

0.9999...=1 wrote:

How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost fowls
Swimming in a water hole
Year after year

I kind of hate myself for not coming up with this one myself.

Get on my mad Power Point skill level.

I made a looped video since KYM wouldn't let me upload the .gif version, does that still count?

I can't believe how much time I spent doing this, I spent hours searching for that goose 3d model and then aimating the rotation and rendering it, then some more hours setting up everything, finding the right assets and deciding what looked better, you better appreciate it, this is the most effort I've put into a meme


looks like it did work, but I got an error and thought it didn't

Last edited 8 years ago

Antibot wrote:

It's said that the pond was built on legends. And that legends are a way of understanding things greater than ourselves. Forces that shape our memes, events that defy explanation. Geese whose lives soar to the heavens or fall to the earth. This is how legends are born.

Also Congratulations!

Late to the party? Try your luck in Photoshop Contest #23!


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