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Brainstorming a KYM-tan/Deadpool-kun Comic

Last posted Feb 12, 2024 at 04:05PM EST. Added Feb 07, 2024 at 02:42PM EST
13 posts from 4 users

Thinking about working on a fan-comic about KYM-tan and Deadpool-kun. Not some super serious comic, just something for a bit of fun. It's a lot harder than I thought because the two are not as applicable in situations as I thought, not to mention I'm going through a bit of a creative block.

I had a few ideas in mind, nothing concrete yet. One idea is a space western involving KYM-tan and Deadpool-kun being space cowboys, where they work together on the Great Meme Heist with an anonymous collaborator. The plan? Steal seven meme artifacts located in seven different planets and deliver them to a specific location. There, they deliver the stolen artifacts to the anonymous collaborator and get a large cash reward.
Normally, a heist this large takes months to plan and execute. However, they only got one week to do all of this, as this week is during an intergalactic holiday, so security is lower in all seven planets. That being said, security is not 0%. The two can still get caught if they're not careful. I could also incorporate an antagonist to add conflict. I'm split over making it the authorities, which I would give a silly name like "The Meme Federation" or something, or making it a rival thief, making it a bit of a race! Title of comic is undecided.

This is not final, as I improvised all of this in the middle of class. If you got ideas or critiques, do tell. Again, it's probably nothing too serious. I'll keep this thread up to date with ideas and drawings and whatnot. I do hope I can make this comic, but don't be upset if I scrap this project if my hyperfixation on this idea wears out.

Last edited Feb 07, 2024 at 02:43PM EST

KYM-tan can be the brains and Deadpool-kun can be the brawns as well. The former being big brain and make plans and the latter can… idk, break shit with his scythe (does he have a scythe?)

solstice258 wrote:

You could make Tiktok the villain (either an incarnation of Tiktok the social media or a group of stereotypical Tiktokers)

Obviously, an anthromorphized Tiktok akin to KYM-Tan would be fitting, but my sleep deprived brain first thought of this:

Last edited Feb 08, 2024 at 12:20PM EST

Toasty wrote:

but don't be upset if I scrap this project if my hyperfixation on this idea wears out.

Good to admit to this early. There have been a lot of KYM-tan related projects that just fizzled out. It's sometimes depressing seeing all these things people started work on that never panned out.

Toasty wrote:

KYM-tan can be the brains and Deadpool-kun can be the brawns as well.

Uh "the brawn?" This guy?

Yo sure you don't want FEATURED MAN or Featured-Sama as "The Brawn"? I mean, maybe having a guy who looks like he's a child being "the brawn" is the joke.

solstice258 wrote:

You could make Tiktok the villain (either an incarnation of Tiktok the social media or a group of stereotypical Tiktokers)

Toasty wrote:

Obviously, an anthromorphized Tiktok akin to KYM-Tan would be fitting

There are some TikTok Gijinkas online. The obvious problem is that they are other people's OCs and just straight up using them to make them a punching bag might cause drama that could just be avoided by… not doing that. Maybe just make it the literal TikTok logo like a hovering head or a large number of drones that just float around attached to what they think is clout.

Jill wrote:

Toasty wrote:

but don't be upset if I scrap this project if my hyperfixation on this idea wears out.

Good to admit to this early. There have been a lot of KYM-tan related projects that just fizzled out. It's sometimes depressing seeing all these things people started work on that never panned out.

Toasty wrote:

KYM-tan can be the brains and Deadpool-kun can be the brawns as well.

Uh "the brawn?" This guy?

Yo sure you don't want FEATURED MAN or Featured-Sama as "The Brawn"? I mean, maybe having a guy who looks like he's a child being "the brawn" is the joke.

solstice258 wrote:

You could make Tiktok the villain (either an incarnation of Tiktok the social media or a group of stereotypical Tiktokers)

Toasty wrote:

Obviously, an anthromorphized Tiktok akin to KYM-Tan would be fitting

There are some TikTok Gijinkas online. The obvious problem is that they are other people's OCs and just straight up using them to make them a punching bag might cause drama that could just be avoided by… not doing that. Maybe just make it the literal TikTok logo like a hovering head or a large number of drones that just float around attached to what they think is clout.

when you got a scythe, you can do anything
like breaking shit

also yeah nah im not going to incorporate tiktok, that's not my style of storytelling.

thanks for the feedback :D

one thing im gonna do to prevent this project from fizzling out is keep it simple and small, and go from there. no sense trying to make this GIANT STORY when my skill level at storytelling keeps up.
so we're gonna do something simple, and i think the brainstorming i wrote is simple enough

Jill wrote:

Toasty wrote:

but don't be upset if I scrap this project if my hyperfixation on this idea wears out.

Good to admit to this early. There have been a lot of KYM-tan related projects that just fizzled out. It's sometimes depressing seeing all these things people started work on that never panned out.

Toasty wrote:

KYM-tan can be the brains and Deadpool-kun can be the brawns as well.

Uh "the brawn?" This guy?

Yo sure you don't want FEATURED MAN or Featured-Sama as "The Brawn"? I mean, maybe having a guy who looks like he's a child being "the brawn" is the joke.

solstice258 wrote:

You could make Tiktok the villain (either an incarnation of Tiktok the social media or a group of stereotypical Tiktokers)

Toasty wrote:

Obviously, an anthromorphized Tiktok akin to KYM-Tan would be fitting

There are some TikTok Gijinkas online. The obvious problem is that they are other people's OCs and just straight up using them to make them a punching bag might cause drama that could just be avoided by… not doing that. Maybe just make it the literal TikTok logo like a hovering head or a large number of drones that just float around attached to what they think is clout.

So I thought about it some more. Here is some more brainstorming I had in mind:

I realized now that calling Deadpool-kun the "brawn" was a misnomer. What I meant was that he's not as smart as KYM-tan and he has an over-reliance of his scythe, like Maslow's hammer. Either making him the alleged expert or a bumbling sidekick
With that in mind, your personal headcanon of Deadpool-kun could work. Stoic, responsible, mature, permanent RBF… it could work.

I also decided to scrap the idea of the big meme heist with the seven meme artifacts and whatever. It's too complicated, and I'm still a beginner in creative writing. The ambition is higher than skill level. Instead, I have a more simpler plot.

It is the year 20-Whatever, and KYM-tan and Deadpool-kun are broke. In a moment of impulsive buying, KYM-tan bought a junk spaceship with all the rent money, and now the rent is due by the end of the month. Deadpool-kun had the idea of getting money by forming a band and make money that way (why waste his guitar skills?). KYM-tan didn't like that idea because it's not a guaranteed way of getting money and because she's not the best singer per se.

"Well, ya got a better idea then?" Deadpool-kun asks in frustration.

"Bounty hunting!"


Yep! They're gonna make money by bounty hunting memes. Obsolete and ironic memes.

You see, the universe in this story is the Internet. Planets are websites. And there's a bounty system of memes that overstayed their welcome, are obsolete, or forced. Those that find these memes get a cash reward. Where do they get the bounty?

Uhhh… I HAVE NO IDEA. Maybe Submission-tan handles the bounty system. I'm gonna need to workshop this. Time to study KYM Lore.

I have an idea that the bounty system is hosted in Submissionopolis, and said city is where you take the meme and get your reward. Tiers and the price of the bounty can probably be calculated by their historical importance and how easy/difficult it is to find the meme. THIS CHEETO and SUPER ROBO JESUS has the highest bounty due to their whereabouts being unknown.

I'm probably not going to incorporate controversial or offensive memes in the story. It would be a headache to portray such memes and not upset people. TikTok memes will probably not be included as that site is controversial as fuck x_x

Inside jokes from this site could be incorporated. We'll see.

Last edited Feb 12, 2024 at 03:48PM EST

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