Riff raff was the best thing to happen to this site besides Epyc Wyn.
Forums / Fun! / Forum Games
64,965 total conversations in 720 threads
piss off KYM in one sentence.
Last posted
Sep 02, 2016 at 10:18AM EDT.
Jun 16, 2016 at 03:50PM EDT
147 posts
100 users
I don't give a fuck about GiIvaSunner's high quality video game rips.
At some point users will realize I'm always right.
Nintendo isn't infallible.
Konami is a good company
Cringeworthy should be closed and never be open again.
Coke Sucks.
The alt-right is annoying.
I will deliver a KYM project.
Iamslow wrote:
I don't give a fuck about GiIvaSunner's high quality video game rips.
who's GilvaSunner?
I need blood take mine.
Please, 9gag is way funnier than those ripoff artists in 4chan!
NeonWabbit wrote:
I will deliver a KYM project.
no one will fall for this lie at this point
jojo fans in kym are annoying
insert fandom that happens to have the top image gallery until the next fad fandom comes around here sucks.
Two Worlds was an amazing game with an amazing set of voice actors.
Kojima is a cunt
Post about myself
8chan is overrated and filled with arrogant pro-GGers who think they're better than 4chan (Oops! I meant halfchan XD) because they support Gamergate and uphold their site as a bastion of "FREE SPEECH".
Forgive me, brothers, but I must.
Don is not a good memer, and is the false shepherd; Particle Mare is the one true Memelord.
Noob Lord
I'm going to visit the Internet Paraphilia entry, possibly to make it trending! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thoughts and prayers to the Orlando incident.
There should be way more Vine memes and hashtags.
Dick Crosby - ウエイバーコホーム
I masturbate to calculators.
minions are the best thing since sliced bread and you guys are all haters
Fuck me daddy!
Jesus what the fuck is with Epyc Wyn I mean his posts aren't good. Epyc Wyn amiright. Epyc Wyn Epyc Wyn Epyc Wyn Epyc Wyn
RWBY is a terrible excuse for an Anime
Shou Tucker is a great villain.
Bastion deserves every play of the game
Mighty No. 9 is better than nothing
Much like 8chan, voat is overrated and filled with arrogant pro-GGers who think they’re better than reddit because they support Gamergate and uphold their site as a bastion of “FREE SPEECH” (yes, I copypasted that from my 8chan sentence on purpose).
brb gonna make a Entry about myself
Anita Sarkeesian actually makes valid, well-informed videos about women in video games.
(downvotes your post)
[insert year that people are saying is a shit year because a bad event (or events) happened recently] has been a good year.
Brexit was the best thing that happened in British history.
GamerGate was never about "ethics in video game journalism" but was an antifeminist smear/harassment campaign from the start
I'll pronounce may-may however I want
NTR is best genre of Manga.
Fuck mega man, Mighty No. 9 is the greatest game ever, the so called problems just give it character.
Stop dragging Gamergate into every video game-related controversy and blaming said controversies on SJWs and/or radical feminists.
Why is this trending?
Why was my post downvoted?
[Anita Sarkeesian reaction gif]
Thoughts and prayers to Istanbul Airport Attack.
The advertisements on this site are not obtuse to your view.
Calculator_Fetishist was an outstanding role model of being a quality contributer to this site that all users should try to emulate.