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Last posted about an hour ago. Added 8 years ago
4533 posts from 235 users

while I can't win myself, I can ensure that at least one person won't

anyone who replies after me is a nerd

Sunhammer wrote:

Y'all realize a mod's gonna lock it and just get last post with the lock announcement right.

And then another one will unlock it, post, then lock it again. Just like always happens.

a t t e m p t s  t o  g e t  t h e  t h r e a d  l o c k e d  s o o n e r  b y  l i g h t l y  d e r i d i n g  T h e  C o u n c i l  a s  a  c i r c u s  f u l l  o f  c o n s t r u c t i o n  w o r k e r s

Last edited 8 years ago

List time I had one of these threads on another forum, it went on for 3,000 pages and only got locked after some guy tried to erp in it.

a t t e m p t s t o g e t t h e t h r e a d l o c k e d s o o n e r b y l i g h t l y d e r i d i n g T h e C o u n c i l a s a c i r c u s f u l l o f c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k e r s

buddy we all basically agree with you

List time I had one of these threads on another forum, it went on for 3,000 pages and only got locked after some guy tried to erp in it.

ey bby want sum fuk

I hereby claim victory in the name of our holy God-Emperor, Donald J. Trump!

Last edited 8 years ago

The users above and below me are actually alts of Lisa Lombardo. Disregard their posts and opinions, as they are disingenuous and false.

May the memes be ever in our favor.

Last edited 8 years ago

"Yea verily, though I charge through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am driving a house-sized mass of 'fuck you.'"

new last post to win meta: derail the thread into previously banned topics in order to get the thread locked

for example: this thread is now good fffriggin comment 2

"pedophilia is literally defined as being sexually attracted to children, but if it's not real children it doesn't count, right?"

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