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Fitness General

Last posted Jun 17, 2012 at 08:14PM EDT. Added Jun 16, 2012 at 02:14AM EDT
30 posts from 16 users

With all the new General threads, I thought I might start one myself. Anyways, here you can discuss workout routines, reason and motivation for working out, progress, why you are thinking about starting, and anything really that has to do with fitness.

I haul a heavy-ass flamethrower and fire axe around giant areas of land and inside buildings. I'm constantly switching my loads and running as fast as I can. And that, people, is how you stay in shape.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 02:16AM EDT

But seriously, stop derailing the thread with team fortress 2. We already have a thread for team fortress, use it instead.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 02:41AM EDT

Hey hey, I was just stating what things I do to keep myself in shape. Those flamethrowers are heavy and a good workout. Other than that I usually keep a minimalist diet, and avoid unhealthy stuff whenever possible. I walk almost everywhere. But I'm not above undoing all of that with a few hours of lazing around eating Funyuns and drinking Mello Yello.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 02:47AM EDT

I really like walking where and whenever. For me I like doing very active-activities (which is redundant) and I normally get myself real tired by doing tasks. So walking and as boring as this sounds: doing chores.

I just said that because the next 2 post were about team fortress and the thread was being derailed.

Anyways, I've always been the skinniest out of my friends. I'm an ectomorph and I had a terrible build. About 5 months ago, I started working out hard and trying to bulk by eating around 3000 calories. It's been working good so far. I've gone from wearing jackets and sweatshirts most of the time to hide my body, to now being able to wear tank-tops and feel good. I think the excersizes that help the most are the dumbbell press, shrugs, and the deadlift.
I am starting a new and more intense workout schedule tomorrow based on what zyzz did. Here's to hoping I can hit 185-190 with 10% body fat like he did before the steroids. It will be hard, but I'm gonna give it my best shot.

Seriously Efrain, either get on topic or get out.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 03:02AM EDT

Dac wrote:

I just said that because the next 2 post were about team fortress and the thread was being derailed.

Anyways, I've always been the skinniest out of my friends. I'm an ectomorph and I had a terrible build. About 5 months ago, I started working out hard and trying to bulk by eating around 3000 calories. It's been working good so far. I've gone from wearing jackets and sweatshirts most of the time to hide my body, to now being able to wear tank-tops and feel good. I think the excersizes that help the most are the dumbbell press, shrugs, and the deadlift.
I am starting a new and more intense workout schedule tomorrow based on what zyzz did. Here's to hoping I can hit 185-190 with 10% body fat like he did before the steroids. It will be hard, but I'm gonna give it my best shot.

Seriously Efrain, either get on topic or get out.

I just ran on treadmills before Seth started "training" me… Now I'm lifting, and trying to do more core workouts. I've actually lost a bit of weight doing what feels like the same amount of work!

Right now I do light lifting and cardio workouts for the most part (except or the one burnout I have per month, where I purposefully do too much), and I alternate back and biceps, chest and triceps every day that I workout.

On back and bis days, I start off with curling a bar (usually no more than 50) eight times for three sets (ten times and five sets with decreasing weight starting at 60 pounds on burnout days). Then I move to a machine and warmup my back… Usually I'll do eight at around 90 pounds, eight at 120 pounds, and then finish with eight at 150. Then I go about working my triceps with dumbbells until my arms feel like they wanna fall off.

I try to do obliques and abs every day… 45 pound dumbbell side bends around 30 times. I do inverted situps with a 25lbs medicine ball, then turn side to side, holding it about a half a foot away with my arm locked. Hurts like crazy if you do any more than 30 as fast as you can…

On chest and tris days, I'll start off with skull-crushers. I've been using 45lbs lately, but I'm pumping it up to 50 next time (which might not sound like a big increase, but it definitely feels like a lot…). Then I'll do butterflies (nothing very big, usually 35's… 45's when I'm burning out), hammer curls (same weight, actually), and then I cool down a little with some shrugs and my ab workout. If I have anything left in me (or if it's a burnout…), I'll do negatives, which are… Just awful…

Truth be told, I hate working out. The only reason I do it is because I used to not be husky, and I preferred that. Hopefully, I can stick with it for a bit more.

I hate gyms. I really hate gyms. I vastly prefer to do exercise outside, so here's what I do:

  • I hike for about 10 km on average daily. On the weekends I might go for longer hikes, and I think the longest I've ever done is about 30 km. It gives me a great chance to see parts of the city, and to listen to loud music while doing so.
  • I ride my bike for 40-60 km every few days. There are a couple of routes I like, some for cross-training, and some for distance runs. Gripping my bar-ends while climbing does work on my arms and shoulders too, which is nice. But, I think I might need to find some new ones though since the ones I usually do are getting too easy.

I can't run (well, I can, but I don't like to) because of joint issues, so you won't see me doing that ever. And I know I should probably try lifting at some point, but I just really dislike gyms, like I said, so I'll stick to my gallon-sized water jug for now. The routines I do also aren't necessarily all that great at reducing body fat, so that's where controlling my diet comes in. And that works pretty well.

I used to be relatively fat when I was in middle school, but I dropped about 30 pounds in the first half of 10th grade doing pretty much the same thing as I am now, so I know that diet and exercise really does work. Problem is, it doesn't really get rid of excess skin, so I can't say that I'm really thin now, but I'm not fat either. That plus my tallness and my muscular legs (and somewhat less muscular arms) means my body is kind of strangely-shaped, but I'm good with it, and it gets the job done.

I have equipment at home, don't train outside or in gyms.

I bought myself two dumbbells and got a body press from my father. The following pics should give an impression of how they look. It's not super deluxe gym equipment, but it does a great job for me.

With that I do 5 types of workouts. I do 3 each day to not overwork myself and because I don't want to spend too much time on it each day. All my workouts are based on the upper body. I use my bike to get to school and work, plus I also walk quite often to either school (bike → train → 15 min. walk) or to walk the dog (30 min. average). So I get the lower body from that, don't need to spend more on it.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 01:29PM EDT

Omomon wrote:

I'm trying to get larger forearms so people will stop teasing me for being skinny.

I won't pretend to be a personal trainer, but Ive gone through much trail error in the past year and a half and it wasn't until a little over 5 months ago that I started a routine that started packing on the pounds.

I suggest that if you don't want to be skinny, forget working out your forearms. They will grow with your other workouts. Do compound workouts such as the squat and the dead lift. Those will get you a lot of mass in your back and legs. For chest, my favorite are the Chest fly and the dumbbell press. Arms, skull crushers and dips for triceps, curls and pull ups for biceps. Shoulders and Neck, shrugs Should work good. Abs, crunches till failure. Sounds like a lot, but keep in mind you should spend 45 min to an hour atleast wieght lifting. also, only do one muscle group a day, for example: chest/bicep on one day, tricep/back another day. Do some research to see what you like.
A good routine wont mean anything without a good bulking diet. No unhealthy food or drinks( or Atleast not a lot, NO BEER, stick to liquor). Try to consume at least 2500 to 3000 calories a day with whole grain, oats, pasta, fish, chicken, and red meat. I use a lot of supplements( pills, mass gainer, protein shake, and pre workout) not needed, but it helped me get 10 pounds of lean muscle while staying at 10% percent body fat, so If you want fast results( almost half a year fast though) i suggest you look into it. So yeah, hope you get the results you want.

Yeah, I know a lot of people who hate gyms. I just have a well stocked home gym myself so I don't have to deal with the horrors of public gyms. But yeah, I prefer working in a gym because I have different goals than you and need weight lifting to bulk. But jogging is great and I wish the weather and air were I lived was better so I could do that.

@ Patrick
I know what you mean. People think 45 pounds each hand Is nothing for a dumbbell press, but it doesn't actually work like the bench press and Is a lot of weight( for me atleast)

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 03:15PM EDT

@Dac – I think part of the problem of why I hate gyms is the temperature. I drink a lot of water – like, probably on average a gallon per day – so since I have so much water in my body I'll sweat bullets if I'm inside doing exercise. I mean, it's always to be expected, but it would be nicer if the gym was cold. It's not so bad outside, and plus, I like moving around and seeing things. As for different goals, I don't really feel the need to 'bulk up' to be honest. I just like staying healthy, although I probably could do with more arm muscle. I had some small weights once but my sister stole them…

The water does help with stamina, despite what those Gatorade commercials would have you believe. And it also makes me healthier and better able to process nutrients, even if it does make my weight extremely variable. About your advice for Omomon, supplements really do help, but don't overdo it. Too many supplements can really screw up your GI tract.

opspe wrote:

@Dac – I think part of the problem of why I hate gyms is the temperature. I drink a lot of water – like, probably on average a gallon per day – so since I have so much water in my body I'll sweat bullets if I'm inside doing exercise. I mean, it's always to be expected, but it would be nicer if the gym was cold. It's not so bad outside, and plus, I like moving around and seeing things. As for different goals, I don't really feel the need to 'bulk up' to be honest. I just like staying healthy, although I probably could do with more arm muscle. I had some small weights once but my sister stole them…

The water does help with stamina, despite what those Gatorade commercials would have you believe. And it also makes me healthier and better able to process nutrients, even if it does make my weight extremely variable. About your advice for Omomon, supplements really do help, but don't overdo it. Too many supplements can really screw up your GI tract.

That's funny, I like working in my gym because it's a comfortable 75 degrees, while outside is 90-100 plus weather with some of the worst air quality in the country. About the supplements, your right and that's why I cycle them out when needed. But yeah, if you feel your lower body is bigger than your upper body, try to do some push ups and pull ups and you get really cut without getting bulk.
Quick question: what's your favorite workout song?
Mine is now greyhound by Swedish House Mafia. It pumps me up so much and is pretty long.

Last edited Jun 16, 2012 at 03:46PM EDT

Dac wrote:

That's funny, I like working in my gym because it's a comfortable 75 degrees, while outside is 90-100 plus weather with some of the worst air quality in the country. About the supplements, your right and that's why I cycle them out when needed. But yeah, if you feel your lower body is bigger than your upper body, try to do some push ups and pull ups and you get really cut without getting bulk.
Quick question: what's your favorite workout song?
Mine is now greyhound by Swedish House Mafia. It pumps me up so much and is pretty long.

I listen to a ton of DnB and also some trance if I need to slow things down a bit. I have a couple of DJ mixes that go on for an hour or two which work nicely. Also, while the weather is 90-100+ there, it's usually around 60-70 here. So you see why I like being outdoors, except for today, because it's absolutely pouring.

Damn you and your perfect weather! I wish it was that cool around here.

What do you guys think about the new Nike+ kinect training for the Xbox?

It seems like a pretty neat way to get your cardio, but I don't see it being a game changer really. Just get a jump rope and some tennis shoes, It's a lot cheaper, but I guess the online aspect makes it more competitive and therefore more fun. Still its not really relevant to my interests.

How can he honestly think that looks good? Synthol is the dumbest thing you could possibly inject into your body.

This is what it should look like, not those balloons on his body.

Last edited Jun 17, 2012 at 12:19AM EDT

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