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best Source Of Entertainment?

Last posted Aug 28, 2012 at 07:16PM EDT. Added Aug 25, 2012 at 01:53AM EDT
26 posts from 23 users

Agreed, MDF.

Also, I'm a bit surprised that someone hasn't said music. In ways, I think it's the best source of entertainment, because it's generally present in many of the ones listed here. It helps to enhance the experience of movies, television, and video games. Without music, many of these wouldn't have the same effect. Could you imagine a boss battle without music (well, actually, that would be a nice effect, but only when the rest of the game has music.)

And then there's music by itself. There are so many genres, and there's nothing else getting in the way of it. It's such an abstract experience, but you can also analyze it and break it down to enjoy it on a different level.

I really like this video.

The guy just talks about a commonly used chord progression and how a video game composer changes a couple of chords. If you've heard many forms of music, then the first version probably could expect what chord would play. But how the composer (Kenji Ito) changes that fifth chord…

My pants…

MDFification wrote:

This thread is grammar hell…
Also Video Games are the best form of entertainment.

This. Also, KYM Forums, IRC, Tumblr, MSPA, and various other websites provide me with entertainment from day-to-day.

It is incredibly obvious that this is spambot, just saying (I mean, two bad grammar Brand New Members?). If you aren't, then you're giving me a major false positive.

But thread-related, I like to read, play vidya games and surf KYM forums.

Twilitlord wrote:

It is incredibly obvious that this is spambot, just saying (I mean, two bad grammar Brand New Members?). If you aren't, then you're giving me a major false positive.

But thread-related, I like to read, play vidya games and surf KYM forums.

Or, you, know, English isn't their first language.

Besides, wouldn't "spambot" imply that OP is an ad for something?

Teh Brawler wrote:

Or, you, know, English isn't their first language.

Besides, wouldn't "spambot" imply that OP is an ad for something?

1. Title of the thread. "best Source of Entertainment" it seems like it was set up for a link. It's so broad, that the answers can only be few in number.
2. Tomberry's first language isn't English either. Same for RandomMan. Same for Muumi…Granted, some people have a bit better grasp of English, to be sure, foreign or otherwise. But spam accounts are known to have the weakest of grammar.
3. It's in General. Spam threads are always in General. Most users would put this is JFF.
4. No avatar. Most people can find an avatar, even as BNMs.
5. Usernames. How original.
6. Time posted was 1:53AM Eastern. Legit threads get made in the early hours, but not usually.

But I didn't lock it, because it didn't have a link and the account doesn't have one either. Innocent until proven guilty. Also, like Twilitlord said, I'm positive that jobharden is advertising.


I searched the link he posted for his, um, "website" on Google.

Saw this thread he made.

Saw the signature, which is obviously advertising. Just so happens to be the same site on his account on KYM.

And he's not new at this.

Quite experienced, actually.

Might even say it's his job.

I think you get the picture.

Also went and looked up sherinpaz0055.

I haven't seen any links (even some images in the posts!), but the accounts are the same: username, number of logins, number of posts…

Perhaps sherinpaz just likes to hit it and quit it. Maybe a media entertainment afficionado. No link, no ad, no spamming, no problem.

tl;dr: jobharden is a spammer. The link on his profile, the nature of its activity, and the posts elsewhere under the exact same name are enough reason for me to nix that account. sherinpaz probably is, but the user hasn't done anything yet (and like I had hoped, people actually began discussing the topic anyway. Besides, if the previous sherinpaz0055's are any indication, this will be the only post.)

So I'd have to say that Twilitlord is more accurate than Brawler in this case.

On-topic: I also like to investigate people's accounts. That's entertaining.

Last edited Aug 28, 2012 at 06:36PM EDT

Vikingbolt wrote:

I like the actors and the interesting dialogue.

Next Door Skanks 6 had a great storyline, I really recommend it for the feels alone.


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