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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

DeadParrot222 wrote:

@What I'm doing during the drought

Have fun with your breakfast!

But really, I'm just hanging out on pony sites pretty much as usual and slowly but surely making progress on the various projects I have.
Despite having long gaps between seasons, the artistic communities around MLP are so productive and prolific that it hardly feels like a 'drought' at all.
Plus we've still had the comics for a monthly fix.

That's not to say I'm not hotly anticipating the new season!
Until I realize it's still so far away…
But it will be awesome when it gets here!
But the wait…

@Why we have not been inundated with spoilers yet
I've been through two of these long waits for season premiers now, and I still can't remember: When exactly did we start getting hit with spoilers in the past?
I'm having a hard time thinking that The Hub released details two months in advance (where we are now) before, but I really can't remember.
Are we actually being made to wait longer than we have before or is it just the fact that we are waiting right now that amplifies that feeling?
In either case, I'm sure they'll get around to ruining an episodes best joke(s) a couple weeks in advance soon.

Let's get back to basics!

Hey, here's a fun brainstorming thing that's totally not a cry for help because I need idea and I'm running out of my own !

If the CMCs became Filly Scouts, what kinds of merit badges do you think they would earn, either collectively or as individuals?

Umm…..since that the CMC have been pretty prominent at showing how much they fail (they've only succeeded once when they showed us what their special talents would be…..funny how all they need to do is go "Wow, I'm actually pretty good at building things/singing/being acrobatic." and they'd be set.) I don't know how much they'd pass for, but I GUESS if anything I guess Applebloom and Sweetie Belle might get something for selling the most cookies (they're too adorable not to wipe out their entire supply of cockies for) and Scootaloo would probably get one for…..I dunno a go-kart derby or something?

EDIT: Goddamn page get……Umm here, have a picture of the best Princess

Now don't bother me!

Last edited Oct 03, 2013 at 12:20PM EDT

@CMC as Filly Scouts: Apple Bloom would probably get one for woodworking or something, Sweetie Belle would get one for singing, and Scootaloo would get one for extreme sports. As a whole, they'd get the "Organized Chaos" badge.

Well, I hope I'm not too late for this because it's stuff from the last page but I was wanting to post this since this morning but ran out of time.

@Karma: Honestly, the only thing that phrases me about the downvote-trolls is when they ruin someone's otherwise-perfect karma. I don't think I've ever been hit by one, though maybe I did. Out of the downvotes my pages says I have, the only one I've seen was on my post on here a while back about shooting Nightmare Moon.

@Vinyl's Eyes: While it might sound strange that I think about this given my opinion on her and I certainly won't bitch about this, I prefer her with red eyes for two reasons:
1) It seems to fit her better.
2) I have lots of fun hating her for having EVIIIIIIIL red eyes. I can't hate her for having purple eyes, they're not demonic and my favorite Ponies have them!

On a sidenote, a little while ago I was linked to the episodes of the series on Dailymotion. When I get time I'll finally watch the series! Once I work up the courage to do it…

@Vinyl's Eyes: Vinyl with blue eyes? Do you want half the fandom to brutally murder you? I just can't imagine Vinyl with anything other than red eyes, personally. It fits her character, makes her stand out, and… well, red eyes are damn sexy.

@Karma: Alright, now I'm a bit irritated. My post about the CMC as Filly Scouts got downvoted for no good reason I can see? Look, I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but it gets annoying when you get downvoted for no good reason. That's my main gripe with these guys.

For example, if you post a fanservicey picture like this…

…and it has one downvote? Yeah, most likely a karma bomber.

@CrashGordon: Hey, good luck on giving the show a try! But remember:

Last edited Oct 03, 2013 at 08:12PM EDT

CrashGordon94 Wrote:

2) I have lots of fun hating her for having EVIIIIIIIL red eyes. I can’t hate her for having purple eyes, they’re not demonic and my favorite Ponies have them!

How can one hate someone for having evil eyes? I love characters who's eyes make them look "Evil" yet turn out not to be.

…Maybe its just my affinity for Cats though? Especially Black Cats!


Red eyes might look sexy to you, but this is what it looks like to me

I just never saw the appeal in it. It looks excessive. It doesn't go with her blue/white color scheme. It doesn't look natural. In my headcanon, whenever she has red eyes, she's using contacts just to look trendy on the dancefloor

Magenta not only blends with her colors easier and matches her glasses while remaining striking, it can be just as sexy

Last edited Oct 03, 2013 at 11:32PM EDT

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

@BSoD: Well, to each his own, I suppose. Maybe she had some sort of surgery to change the color of her irises or something. I mean, hey, we've cloned sheep.

Iris tattooing is indeed a thing. It's expensive as hell and very dangerous though.

You could go blind, possibly requiring more surgery to restore your vision.

I never understood the 'Red eyes for Vinyl' thing. Red eyes for a pony is like seeing a Red and Black Pony IMO, it just seems more like they're desperately trying to make Vinyl Scratch cooler than cool by giving her an eye color no other pony can have and honestly….I hate that. What, Vinyl Scratch's Design isn't cool enough so you have to give her blood red eyes? Why, why did she NEED Red eyes?

@Stoner Trixie. I'm going to be completely honest, I have never heard of Stoner Trixie or her creator, when I heard people saying "Oh No Ghost died" I thought they were talking about Ghost from True Capitalist Radio that hates Bronies and always got trolled by Bronies when he let them on the air. But now that I've heard about Ghost's death I felt pretty sad about it you know? So glad I read about it because at the time I was about to leave a comment on this picture.

Yeah, I made a comment saying "Finally something to give Seth the Diabeetus."……which is MUCH better than I had typed out before reading about Ghost's death which was "Congrats, you made something that'll give Seth a Cuteness Induced Heart attack."……. Yeah now you can see why I briefly hated myself for a good 10 minutes.

Last edited Oct 03, 2013 at 11:00PM EDT

Good luck to you, sir. We're all nervicited to hear what you think.

@CMC Scouts
They could get something for always participating and never giving up even when they fail… and I don't mean that in a "you tried" sort of way, I mean more like…

Ah! Yes, thank you Twilight.
By the way, DeadParrot, may I ask what it is you need ideas for, or is it a secret?

@Vinyl’s Eye colour
I was sorta dissapointed with the canon colour at first, but it made a lot more sense the more I thought about it. Red does seem a bit too piercing.
Then again, she could always just be doing this:

(DeadParrot isn't going to be happy with us by the end of this topic).

Jimmy wrote:

I mean, hey, we’ve cloned sheep.

I know, isn't it great? I ordered, like, five cloned sheep over the past year.
…don't ask me what for.

Last edited Oct 03, 2013 at 11:36PM EDT

Kewlb00b Wrote:

I never understood the ‘Red eyes for Vinyl’ thing. Red eyes for a pony is like seeing a Red and Black Pony IMO, it just seems more like they’re desperately trying to make Vinyl Scratch cooler than cool by giving her an eye color no other pony can have

Technically, the red eye thing has happened three or so times in canon… All three of those times arguably have several factors in common… Such as being unnatural beings, being empowered by dark forces, and are evil.

(Note that I'm talking Trixie, Sombra and Discord, though there's probably a dragon with red eyes somewhere)

One OC I made qualifies for one and two, being basically just a shadow of another pony in the psychological sense. So the fact she has red eyes is understandable.

That said… she looks like the bastard child of Umbreon and Liepard got reincarnated as a Bat Pony… Though the canon bat ponies kind of look like that anyways to be honest.

So… After I tweaked the eye's redness to be duller, the fact she had gold highlights in the mane seemed to be the most eye catching feature, rather than the red eyes.

Ironically, this kind of design isn't that far out there in some people's minds…

… What really sets off the "This is unusual" button is another OC which is a Light Pink Bat Pony with Blue Eyes. When most Bat Ponies are duller and possibly darker, usually blue shifted somewhat (He he).

In fact, I'm pretty sure that's why a species swap Tumblr of Pinkie Pie into a Bat Pony started off by saying she was teased a bit about being pink.

I'm sorry, I think I just rambled on enough… Point is… Red eyes aren't that big of a design flaw if you've thought hard enough on why you're using red, and agonized long enough about just how red they should be.

Karnage wrote:

Having a great positive view on Lifeloser, I'm very glad he did something like this.

Oh hai! You really ought to drop in more often.

expect follow-up ponka on your wall.

@vinyl's eyes

There's something very striking about the fanon red that I like, but I also like how magenta fits her color scheme better. Ultimately tho her eye color doesn't really effect weather or not I like her art much.

unrelated rarara

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 01:25AM EDT

@Vinyl's eyes
I agree on that the magenta eyes look the best on her.

Don't force yourself to watch the series. Just watch it when you feel like doing so

@Unrelated Rarara

I love this picture


Did I ever mention how much I like using that as a nickname for prettiest pone? I just found the image that I picked it up from agian

and apparently others use it as well (I'm thinking /mlp/ maybe? I haven't been there in awhile) because there's this

@Stoned Trixie
Since Kewl mentioned not knowing about it until now (and the general rule is that for every person who asks, a few others also don't know but didn't ask), I might as well throw some info out there.
AskStonedTrixie was pretty much one of the earliest of the pony Tumblr blogs that really caught on and stayed on all the way up until earlier this year.
Where most blogs flared up and died out quickly, this one stuck around and was sort of a staple.
The concept was pretty straight-forward but fun.
What if Trixie was a stoner?
Hi-jinks ensue.

If you feel like reliving history, here's the link: AskStonedTrixie

Honestly, one of the weirdest things about the aftermath of all of this is seeing artists with 'cleaner' styles draw a character that was always so (intentionally) messy.

@Vinyl's eyes
Pretty 'meh' on that one.
I do remember liking the red eyes back when they were first adopted as a concept because of their 'striking' look, but I fully agree that the magenta ones fit better.
I'm happy with the 'red contacts' option.
It gives the best of both worlds while still seeming like something Vinyl might do.
(What is it with Vinyl and fanon compromises? She has two widely accepted names, two widely accepted eye colors… What's next?)

<div class=spoiler title="Oh, you want to know my secret?">

All in due time, friend.
All in due time…


Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 03:44AM EDT

@Me watching the show: Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Just to say, I definitely won't be forcing myself and I'm still nervous about full Brony but it's about time I gave it a shot.

@Eyes: I was going to comment on Jimmy saying Sratch's eyes being sexy but I decide against it. What I will say is that I was briefly considering doing an edit of her with one red eye and one purple eye.

As far as hating her for having evil eyes, I don't really care for the "Dark Is Not Evil" thing anymore. It's become such a cliché that I've started lash out against it. It's a also the reason for my hatred of Luna and the Bat Ponies.

@Vinyl's eyes
Ah, I remember everyone getting butthurt over their headcanons getting burned. Remember when there were giant debates over the "dark" lighting of the Canterlot Wedding and how that made her eyes appear to be magenta?

So does that mean if Obama doesn't wear a banana costume, Bohner will bring about eternal spending cuts (the sequesters will last forever!)?

CrashGordon94 wrote:

As far as hating her for having evil eyes, I don’t really care for the “Dark Is Not Evil” thing anymore. It’s become such a cliché that I’ve started lash out against it. It’s a also the reason for my hatred of Luna and the Bat Ponies.

Actually, "Dark is not Evil" is still very much the exception rather than the rule. "Dark is Evil" is so very much still so very overused that we don't even notice it anymore.

I specifically lash out at "Dark is Evil" for that reason, its an unnecessary color coding of alignment that allows people to just say "That's the bad guy" despite the fact that it actually dumbs down one's ability to cut through the moral spectrum.

But what really gets my goat is the whole "Light is Good" thing. It's so thoroughly ingrained that I want to punch the guy who thought of it in his cave man days.

If I had it my way, both Light and Dark would be stripped of ALL moral connotations and let people decide the path they choose themselves. The path of light, where everything is laid out for you, or the path of darkness, where you find your own path.

Needless to say… I choose darkness. But despite that I have no qualms with light outside of its moral high horse… For starters, it's because these symbols of Light and Dark only mean what you choose for them to mean… And second…

In order for balance to exist, both sides of the symbolism must be equally appreciated… A thing so rare in this world that continues to highjack the issue by turning everything into a matter of morality despite the fact there is nothing to make it a moral issue, and in fact dumbs down the debate on what morality even is.

At this point, I want to see Celestia and Luna get drunk and pummel each other in a cage match like double jerks one evening and the next morning they've apologized for the events and are licking each others wounds. Or something to that effect. It would be a death blow the the idea that Light or Dark mean anything in a moral sense, and that those under each are just as average as the rest of us imperfect beings.

Because there is nothing good or bad, it's all in your head.

(And please, nobody get up on a moral high horse and say that Light is a source of "Meaning" and "Importance". Because as far as I'm concerned it's the source of eye cancer)

Now… On the topic of Bat Ponies in particular… I'm pretty cure that their "Almost always Tagged" state of 700 ish images on derpibooru compared to the "Not actually tagged consistently" tag of Pegasi at several thousand (Where Rainbow Dash may be tagged 10000 times maybe) Then it seems Bat Ponies are still a minority. As in, there's jack all, compared to sunnier counterparts.

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 07:30AM EDT

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

Alright, now I’m a bit irritated. My post about the CMC as Filly Scouts got downvoted for no good reason I can see? Look, I’m not trying to be the bad guy, but it gets annoying when you get downvoted for no good reason. That’s my main gripe with these guys.

Well, if you actually look through it, you might actually see that there are various reasons to downvote some of them. For starters, over a length of 7 posts, 4 were made by you. Here are their contents:
1.) One single reaction image.
2.) One line of reaction, to the exact same post as your previous reaction image was aimed at.
3.) A very small reaction to a topic that was already brought up before your previous two posts.
4.) A bit more decent post, but still contains a topic already brought up even earlier than your third post and a fanservice image for nothing more than just wanting to post fanservice.

(They're actually not)

Any bit of effort put into your posts and you could've easily combined those 4 posts into one post, wouldn't even take effort. There isn't even an excuse present that one of them went over a topic that was posted later, because all 4 of them went by topics brought up before the first post was made.

You don't utilize post length to its fullest, but instead just choose to be lazy and make as many small posts as possible. You give the thread a glance, make a reply, get distracted, and then check back later to make another reply. I don't know about others who post here, but I find post clogging a reason to downvote on occasion.

Vinyl's Eyes:

>tfw not glorious no-eyes master race.

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 10:07AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Jimmy Lethal wrote:

Alright, now I’m a bit irritated. My post about the CMC as Filly Scouts got downvoted for no good reason I can see? Look, I’m not trying to be the bad guy, but it gets annoying when you get downvoted for no good reason. That’s my main gripe with these guys.

Well, if you actually look through it, you might actually see that there are various reasons to downvote some of them. For starters, over a length of 7 posts, 4 were made by you. Here are their contents:
1.) One single reaction image.
2.) One line of reaction, to the exact same post as your previous reaction image was aimed at.
3.) A very small reaction to a topic that was already brought up before your previous two posts.
4.) A bit more decent post, but still contains a topic already brought up even earlier than your third post and a fanservice image for nothing more than just wanting to post fanservice.

(They're actually not)

Any bit of effort put into your posts and you could've easily combined those 4 posts into one post, wouldn't even take effort. There isn't even an excuse present that one of them went over a topic that was posted later, because all 4 of them went by topics brought up before the first post was made.

You don't utilize post length to its fullest, but instead just choose to be lazy and make as many small posts as possible. You give the thread a glance, make a reply, get distracted, and then check back later to make another reply. I don't know about others who post here, but I find post clogging a reason to downvote on occasion.

Vinyl's Eyes:

>tfw not glorious no-eyes master race.

As far as her having two of everything, at one point she was going to have two accepted GENDERS! Some people saw her listed as a dude on a toy description and a whole bunch of people were apparently like "Woo! Yay, transgender! 8DDDD".
… ಠ_ಠ

@Lunar: Honestly, I still don't see it. Honestly, it tends to often either be fetishising nasty evil things like demons, dark magic and the like, saying that sort of thing is good or stupid broody emo "edgy" stuff. I hate both of those.
Also, if it's not going to be connected to morality, why have it mean anything at all, why not just be the difference between whether you like the look of dark colors and light colors, or unimportant things like that? Basicallly, I'd accept either "Light = Good, Dark = Evil" or "Light = Wearing white clothes and painting your room in pastels, Dark = Wearing black clothes and painting your room in gloomy colors".
Or maybe I'm just not making sense, I'm having trouble putting it into words.

CrashGordon94 Wrote:

@Lunar: Honestly, I still don’t see it. Honestly, it tends to often either be fetishising nasty evil things like demons, dark magic and the like, saying that sort of thing is good or stupid broody emo “edgy” stuff. I hate both of those.

I have as much of a knee jerk reaction against Judeo/Christian Pantheons and mythology as I do with the concepts of "Light is Good" and "Dark is Evil", because it places the opposites at opposite ends of a conflict, when by rights it should be better for there to be no conflict at all.

It shoots down one side of the philosophical spectrum instead of addressing the criticism things like "Demons" present to the "Angels.

Imagine if this happened with the Stoics and Hedonists. The Stoics believe that Destructive Emotions are derived from an error in judgement, while the Hedonists say the best way to live life is to do what your emotions tell you, otherwise you'll feel dead inside if you can't be human and have those emotions.

Each is a legitimate criticism of the other. While simply calling one "Angels" and the others "Demons" and pretending one is pure good and the other pure evil is a complete disregard to the true subtleties of philosophical debate.

…And The fun thing about Philosophy is that NOBODY IS COMPLETELY RIGHT OR WRONG!

… Usually.

That's why I refuse to place Light and Dark as representations of some "Absolute" moral imperative. They will retain a much more nuanced and less aggravating meaning if it were instead made that Light and Dark made to mean something else.

Something like the difference between what is hidden and what is visible. Between heroes of legend and fortune, and heroes of the arcane and obscure.

Or to put it another way…

…Pirates vs Ninjas!

Or if your image of Pirates is too subtle then Knights vs Rogues (Robin Hood figures). And in the case of Wizards, the Oracles vs the Illusionists.

Also note, that we can find more to back up this meaning with the animals that are awake at night as well. Such as cats, who are known to be stealthy, yet playful and kind of amorous to those they trust.

Then there's bats who can find their way through an environment that we can't see jack all in, hidden under cover of darkness they can catch their small rodent prey without anything spotting it (such as anything bigger that wants to eat them like hawks or their prey they are trying to sneak up on.

So with all that said…

…There's a reason that Ninjas are called "Shadow Warriors".

And then there's the whole psychological function of "The Shadow" which is basically whatever parts of yourself you suppress and keep hidden from yourself and others. The parts of you that you deny having for some reason… But! They aren't good or bad, just manifestations of unexplored sides of oneself.

Also, if it’s not going to be connected to morality, why have it mean anything at all, why not just be the difference between whether you like the look of dark colors and light colors, or unimportant things like that? Basicallly, I’d accept either “Light = Good, Dark = Evil” or “Light = Wearing white clothes and painting your room in pastels, Dark = Wearing black clothes and painting your room in gloomy colors”.
Or maybe I’m just not making sense, I’m having trouble putting it into words.

I would love to have that be a thing.


Humans have this stubborn and annoying habit of requiring things to have a meaning. Such as "Fire" meaning "Passion".

It's kinda hard to get that to change without finding a new meaning to replace it.

So Sneaking around like a cat vs charging in to send a message it is!

(As for the unaddressed point on "Dark Arts", I prefer to think of it more as "Forgotten Techniques", where its just some plain robed girl finding an old book in some buried archive and discovering a lost technique for summoning a long forgotten warrior spirit to guide and protect them. Which is neither foreboding nor evil, and basically just makes them an Archaeologist Wizard.)

@Bruno the Rustler
I'm hoping for either this, or the moral of "sometimes, you have to put the good of Equestria over your own family and friends" which could also serve as some great foreshadowing/red herring/fanfic material.

(What is it with Vinyl and fanon compromises? She has two widely accepted names, two widely accepted eye colors… What’s next?)

Two voices. When the writers give Vinyl a speaking voice, a lot of people are gonna bitch and moan because she wasn't voiced by Nowacking. As their headcanons burn down, they quickly devise a plan. The betrayed settle on Vinyl having a voice changer during her concerts.

Alternatively, they start to make wincest pics of her and Bon Bon. Voice changing may run in the family.

@Dark Is Not Evil thing: I can bring up Luna, and the whole concept of dark being evil will fall apart. But that's a time bomb better saved until later, now isn't it?

Unrelated Rarara:

Okay, this is really pushing my buttons…
First off, I'm a Christian and I'll have you know it's not all fundamentalism and awful crap like that.
Secondly, Demons are BY DEFINITION the embodiment of evil! and the stories portraying them otherwise doesn't change that.
Destructive Hedonists are bad by definition, the "destructive" gives that away, ETHICAL Hedonism on the other hand is good… And firmly on the Light side fir being literally trying to spread happiness, I haven't seen such a bright and cheery philosophy in ages! Stoics aren't always great either, it's a good idea some times but not others.
Pirates versus Ninjas actually seems to fit into the literal version pretty well, and I'll leave the rest of the comparisons alone because I have little to nothing to say about those.
And yeah there aren't hard set right and wrong answers in Philosophy, that sucks. Of course, it's also one of the few Sciences to actually make the world worse… But I won't belabour this point since it's a sore spot.
Yeah, the literal approach COULD be difficult… So I guess it's back to "Light is good, Dark is evil" since it's better than new agey nonsense.
As for Dark Arts, that's nice but it's really evil/Satanic magic for bad people. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers:
Number 1: That's the mainstream definition, it's what most would think of if it was mentioned.
Number 2: It makes sense and is self consistent.
Number 3: If that WAS how it worked it gets awkward. How is that Dark if it's just magic Archaeology? How old does it have to be? Does it have to be a certain number of years old or does the mystic equivalent of "brb reinstalling Deus Ex" count?

Wow, I really went on a rant here…

You can also bring up that both Celestia and Twilight have used dark magic with no apparent ill effects. Indeed, I don't think MLP actually subscribes to Dark is Evil, – For that matter, there is very little evidence for true evil even existing in Equestria. (If you think about it, Nightmare Moon wanted to replace Celestia. That isn't actually evil. Chrysalis merely wanted food. Sombra- is the apparent exception. Even then, we don't know exactly what he did.

edit- I suppose it really depends on what you mean by dark. Is it the HP version, where it seems to mostly be a label slung around to discredit someone, or is it an objective one?

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 04:23PM EDT

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Yes, you guys could bring that up. Jimmy's point is part of why I hate Luna, actually.
I would have seriously preferred if rather than redeeming her, they just killed Nightmare Moon.

I feel that way about Discord, honestly.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

@Random: I'll admit, I chuckled.
I should probably stop here, I'm getting really worked up about this…

Look man, you're entitled to your opinions and shit, but when you get worked up over something that's about a cartoon bitch horse that got "purified", your maturity rating, my overall tolerance level, and any chance that you're taken seriously decrease dramatically. Right now you're coming off as one of "those" bronies who can't handle something they disagree with. Calm your tits and shrug if off, as well as stop saying you "should stop" instead of actually doing it.

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 05:14PM EDT

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Yes, you guys could bring that up. Jimmy's point is part of why I hate Luna, actually.
I would have seriously preferred if rather than redeeming her, they just killed Nightmare Moon.

How can you want this dead?


Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 05:10PM EDT

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Yes, you guys could bring that up. Jimmy's point is part of why I hate Luna, actually.
I would have seriously preferred if rather than redeeming her, they just killed Nightmare Moon.

Honestly? I don't think that would be fair, to be honest. Look at her motivations: Ponies were paying less and less attention to her- she probably thought that Celestia was trying to sideline her, and had legitimate reasons to believe that. (Indeed, a more logical power-sharing arrangement would be to abolish the Night Court, and have Luna and Celestia alternate who takes the Day Court.) It seems harsh to kill someone for a legitimate grievance, and Nightmare Moon wasn't an idiot- I suspect that, had she won, Eternal Night would have lasted roughly as long as it took for someone to point out that food could not be grown in darkness. Remember, Nightmare Moon was onyl ever opposed to Celestia- the only ponies she ever directly tried to harm were the Element-Bearers, who were trying to defeat her at the time. Not to mention, judging by the comics, Luna was possessed, and the Nightmare Forces were the ones who had the idea for the stuff that Nightmare Moon did wrong. (and THEY were, it seems, killed when they were evicted from Rarity) It seems kinda harsh to kill someone who is reversibly possessed.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Yes, you guys could bring that up. Jimmy's point is part of why I hate Luna, actually.
I would have seriously preferred if rather than redeeming her, they just killed Nightmare Moon.

But then this would have never happened:

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Yes, you guys could bring that up. Jimmy's point is part of why I hate Luna, actually.
I would have seriously preferred if rather than redeeming her, they just killed Nightmare Moon.

How could you just hate Luna/Nightmare Moon?

CrashGordon94 Wrote:

Okay, this is really pushing my buttons…
First off, I’m a Christian and I’ll have you know it’s not all fundamentalism and awful crap like that.
Secondly, Demons are BY DEFINITION the embodiment of evil! and the stories portraying them otherwise doesn’t change that.

I don't believe in the supernatural so I can just say a few things…

1, even if one accepts the "by definition" thing of angels and demons being their respective alignments, in real life, I cannot subscribe to the idea of invoking a being being pure good or or pure evil. So why not throw them out all together? That is something I can do.

2, I have problems leaving angels being associated with "Light" and "Good" because that's an unnecessary burden on thier depiction.

3, Let me show you a legitimate depiction of an angel that fits biblical Canon:

You see that? That's based off an Ophanim. That is an actual depiction of an angel.

Yes, it looks like a wheel with arms for spokes and a face in the center surrounded by spokes.

There is nothing creepier.

So if you're going to call "dark" a term for things that look horrifying, monstrous and gothic, then angels qualify. Regardless of their status as good, or the fact they have a glowing halo.

Other depictions of angels include a draconic angel called the Seraphim.

If you want something that fits the "Spirit" of how this argument started, creepy looking things being "Evil" then angels count.

Beyond that, qualms about literal light and darkness is just an academic extension. A single visual motif that I would rather keep away from both angels and demons.

…Of course, if we go back to before Christianity, we can look at the Roman and Greek pantheons. Which have a rather remarkable feature of having a sun god and a moon goddess who are equally… Neutral in moral affairs. As with all Greek and Roman mythology. And I'm pretty sure back then, angels and demons weren't even conceived, and light and dark were without moral connotation.


Yeah, the literal approach COULD be difficult… So I guess it’s back to “Light is good, Dark is evil” since it’s better than new agey nonsense.

Dark meaning just "obscure" has been a concept around longer than we have.

What DOES count as new agey would be if one equated darkness to existentialism, insignificance, and lack of meaning…

…Which one writer already has mind you.

As for Dark Arts, that’s nice but it’s really evil/Satanic magic for bad people. Don’t believe me? It’s all in the numbers:
Number 1: That’s the mainstream definition, it’s what most would think of if it was mentioned.
Number 2: It makes sense and is self consistent.
Number 3: If that WAS how it worked it gets awkward. How is that Dark if it’s just magic Archaeology? How old does it have to be? Does it have to be a certain number of years old or does the mystic equivalent of “brb reinstalling Deus Ex” count?

I suppose all it would take is the fact that it's not taught in "Magic School" and one's forced to go elsewhere to study it or study in in one's own time.

Which in a world where there is no outright magic studies, basically places all magic under "Occult". Regardless of its uses, benign or not.

Now before I finish… Some disclaimers:

Okay, this is really pushing my buttons…

Understandable… But it would be hard to approach the issue at all if I didn't.

First off, I’m a Christian and I’ll have you know it’s not all fundamentalism and awful crap like that.

Acknowledged…. But that doesn't prevent me from deconstructing every fragment of depiction or dogma as applies to the situation. In this case, its necessary to deconstruct angels and demons as a concept, and why I would choose to either throw them out entirely or revise thier appearance to allow dark elements in "Good" Angels and light elements in "Evil" Demons.

…Because this isn't a religious debate, it's a matter of story telling, and what we prefer our stories be about…

Personally, I'd rather throw out angels and demons when writing something and just have non alignment based spirits who represent Literal Light and Dark (Or metaphorical in case of non-Moral meanings) similar to what ancient non-christian religions had so we can mess around with a story that has a shadow dwelling dog companion being friends with a cat made out of lasers.

Hmm… This sounds familiar.

… Close enough.

Now… lets all get back to pone

Luna <3

Last edited Oct 04, 2013 at 07:16PM EDT

@Dark being good and/or evil

Allow me to offer a quick example of how these things can so easily be reversed.

In ancient Egypt, the colour white was associated with death – which is why mummies were wrapped in white linen. Black had the opposite connotation. Why? Because the Egyptians were heavily dependant on the flooding of the nile, which deposited rich nutrients into the floodlands that made the region such good farmland that, after Egypt lost its political independance, it was called "The Breadbasket of Rome" – as it basically fed the entire Roman empire. The black soil of the floodlands caused the Egytians to associate black with life and prosperity, and white (like the sandy soil where nothing can grow) with death.

My point here is that these associations are arbitray, and are the result of a long history of social constructions. There is no objectivre reason why one colour should have more positive connotations than the other – as the relationship could easily have been reversed if the culture had evolved differently. Thus, if an author wants to write astory in which the colour symbolism is reversed or played with, there should be no problem, since the author won't be disturbing any objective truths. A reversal of signification may be culturally subversive, but in those cases the opposition to that subversion would merely be a case of one arbitrary set of values being in opposition to another arbitrary set of values – nobody has a solid, objective base to stand on, which means that a normative "ethics" of colour symbolism is not really worth taking seriously.

So, TL;DR – getting mad over a change in colour ymbolism is pointless and kind of silly.

Have a pony:


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