A few minutes ago I was on /c/ for no particular reason when I find out that the rules regardng junk posts have gotten more strict. And it's actually going to be enforced. So the boards might actually be fun to visit agin.
Then maybe /b/ won't move so fast.
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The chemo that is curing 4chan.
Last posted
Dec 31, 2009 at 12:45AM EST.
Dec 25, 2009 at 03:12AM EST
71 posts
16 users
Great. Now if they get mods that aren't lazy retards, maybe this will help.
so now my kids can visit 4chan
@ Mr. F
You mean it wasn't just kids there in the first place?
also, /b/ has been producing a 1 image "newfag guide" explaining how to triforce, write in zalgo, etc.
Greg McCoral
wow realgenius youve stooped to no word posts now? sad
How is that a no word post?
It's an image, man.
Greg McCoral
i see no image
Well, it's there.
In fact, I'll retype the text and post it to your wall.
Greg McCoral
ok then
@ Mr.F No legitamite child will ever visit 4chan. EVER.
Even if m00t and his admins and mods do shape up the rules and do take control of 4chan, it will still be a place of immense faggotry (no matter if they are old or new, they are still fags (no offense) )
and stupid people. /b/,or /c/, or /whatever letter is inserted here/ are not place to be sane and intelligent, or for rules to be enforced. Why do you think the internet grew so popular in the 1990's? There were no rules on the content of the internet (not counting HTML and SQL). The internet will always be a place were rules do not exist, and that is especially prevalent in 4chan. In fact, the chemo that will cure /b/ is the cancer killing the internet.
How you like that now, biatch?!?!
You know, there's a physics property that basically states that the more you fix things the more problems will show up.
Fix one thing, 30 more problems show up. Fix those 30, and 900 more show up. Fix those 900, and 810,000 more appear.
Greg McCoral
and thats terrible
and where did you get those numbers?
I made them up. There are no exact numbers, it's just an example.
but he's a genius, so they're accurate.
Greg McCoral
@joe im technically a legitimate child who has visited 4chan. . . .
redspear, you are 15? Thats closer to being an adult than being a child
I wouldn't call any of us children.
I would not label animecello as a child due to maturity.
I would have made more, but I can't square 810,000 in my head.
PleaseDelete MyAccount
im 15 e_e
I'm 15
18 here.
Hahahaha. I can buy pr0nz and you cant. lol.
But I can also be drafted. =(
>Paying for porn.
I lol'd.
Also, Joeflims is correct.
There's pride in being a pirate.
Redspear is not a child.
he is a minor. (There is a difference right???)
also: I am a pirate!
Speaking of which, in a month we'll know what to expect to pirate from ZUN this year.
He always announces them in February, right?
I just know Ill be playing the demo when Reitaisai starts this year.
I'll play the demo every day. Complete it on Lunatic.
I just wonder how easy the extra stage will be.
Extra stages are evil. I just re-unlocked IN's extra stage, and I got game-over on Mokou's 5th spell card.
The one with the fylfot design was easy. I was actually surprised.
PleaseDelete MyAccount
Why buy when you have the power of the internet?
^Does Chris Hansen really care about piracy?
if it's about pirating steamy underage minors, then yes, yes he does
Nah he would rather catch you with this
either way. He gets a good high off it so it won't matter
Lolicon is very legal in America.
Very legal. If lots of green involved.
Real Genius knows his loli!
No, really. It's against the constitution to outlaw any form of artwork.
I see.
Awww, so I'm not a little kid anymore? I am a legitimate child that has gone to 4chan. RAWR LION
YAY, cant wait for the next game!!!!!!! I hope it doesn't SUCK like 12.3! That game seriously was lame to me.
You are 91% 4chan material.
You are the true face of 4chan. You’re the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me… and yet, I love you.
How 4chan are you?
Take More Quizzes
I’m 12 years old and what is this? (srsly, i am 12)
I guess that means im on 4chan too much
Wait a minute, you've been to 4chan?
Also, Unthinkable Natural Law wasn't even a real game.
Ya, I've been to 4chan. Many times. I've had my share of melted brains :)
Wait, it was an addon to another game, right? Whatever. I don't even like the fighting games.
This guy does.
He's probably one of the site's most stubborn members.
I beat Touhou 8 on hard and he says "You used a continue, so it doesn't count."
Yet he feels so proud to make an accomplishment in a JRPG.
There are no accomplishments in most RPG's unless it's like this game.
You can tell a lot about a gamer's skill by what games they play.
What kind of games do you play?
And, by that, I mean which series of games?
Average Joe
Alright, totally unrelated, but I think the waiter at the singapore cuisine restaurant put pot in my sesame chicken and fried rice. Time is slowing down, but me and the TV are moving in regular time, and I can't stop talking to myself. Talk me through this.
Pot doesn't do that right?
Maybe its the excess of salt and MSG instead.
Average Joe
Didn't taste too salty. I've been there before, and the sesame chicken and fried rice didn't do anything. The waiter was acting funny. He was really quiet. Also, if it's worth noting, I'm ranked #4 on the global list of people who look like pot-heads but aren't.
Now when I try to move the fingers on my right hand, they don't move a lot. So, probably not pot. I don't think pot does that.
hahaha. like any of this matters.
@Average Joe
That's really creepy. Just lie down.