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What fictional universes do you want to visit?

Last posted Jan 01, 2015 at 07:44PM EST. Added Dec 28, 2014 at 09:58PM EST
26 posts from 25 users

As long as it's established (AKA not purely in the realm of fanfiction), it counts. Crossovers are fine too, as long as it has been officially worked on.

You can visit each place for as long or short a time as you like. You can bring stuff back home with you, but if it wouldn't function by our laws of physics, it would fail, fall apart, or become simply decorative. People follow the same rules. You can choose to stay in one if you want.

Almsot all of mine are video game series, but yours can be from anything.

Super Mario
Quirky, whimsical, lighthearted, and generally peaceful. And if the "acting troupe" thing is true, then things could potentially be even more peaceful. Might consider living here.

Goes without saying. Superpowered animal friends? Hells yeah. Also would consider living here, as long as I had plenty of 'mons to keep me company.

Star Trek
Life in the 24th century looks pretty cushy, all things considered. I'd love to try out a holodeck, mingle with all sorts of alien species, visit Risa, heck, I'd even consider joining Starfleet, as long as I was on the science or engineering teams! I'd want to stay away from border zones, though.

Legend of Zelda
In addition to the obvious (and doomed to fail) attempt to see Midna, I'd love to hang with Gorons or swim with Zora, explore the Lost Woods, visit the Castle Town bazaar, or see what lies beyond Hyrule's borders. I'd just have to make sure Ganon isn't due to rez during my trip.

Warhammer 40K
Just to sate my curiosity of how royally fucked everything is. I'd want to see a few IG tanks, maybe find a little trinket to show my allegiance to the Emperor, then run like hell at the first whiff of trouble.

Monster Hunter
Felynes. I love them. Also, I'd love to hear some war stories of some old hunters or go wyvern watching. Maybe I can partake of some local cuisines. I would love to try a Felyne-cooked meal! So tasty!

Elder Scrolls
I think I'd try to show up before the Thalmor screwed up the Empire, maybe before the Oblivion Crisis, too. Perhaps it's simply because Oblivion was the first Elder Scrolls game I played, but I'd really love to see Cyrodiil. It also seems to be the most diverse province, what with being the Imperial capital and all. I'd bring home some Surilie Brothers wine for my dear mother, as well.

Oryx and crake
A post-ecopocalypse world set in the late 21st century. Filled with lose genetically modified organisms, decaying cities and other structures, global warming, and the total collapse of human society after a bio-engineered apocalypse kills almost all humans off.
I'd like to roam freely in this post-geneticpocalypse world, maybe even find love in the form of a pigoon, or wolvog; maybe even live before the year of the flood and do a little something with Oryx ;).

The World State from Brave New World
Although I do think the book is a masterpiece, I also believe that Aldous Huxley, whether intentional or not, sets up a kind of false dichotomy: Either pick this new reality, or the way things are today. Well guess what? There are a lot of things described in the novel that are pretty fucking awesome. For example, soma is a single drug good enough to replace all others known- there are no negative side-affects, and it's essentially impossible to become addicted. Are you kidding me? Of course that's preferable to how we have it. Also, free love is an idea that might have made Huxley nervous, but in my opinion all it needs is some tweaks from the way he portrays it.
Not to sound egotistical, but I feel like an "enlightened individual", i.e. me, showing up from out of nowhere in the middle of things could in theory convince the society to make the necessary changes. And if I could, that would end up being near a straight-up utopia. (Not entirely, because that's impossible.)

0.9999...=1 wrote:

The World State from Brave New World
Although I do think the book is a masterpiece, I also believe that Aldous Huxley, whether intentional or not, sets up a kind of false dichotomy: Either pick this new reality, or the way things are today. Well guess what? There are a lot of things described in the novel that are pretty fucking awesome. For example, soma is a single drug good enough to replace all others known- there are no negative side-affects, and it's essentially impossible to become addicted. Are you kidding me? Of course that's preferable to how we have it. Also, free love is an idea that might have made Huxley nervous, but in my opinion all it needs is some tweaks from the way he portrays it.
Not to sound egotistical, but I feel like an "enlightened individual", i.e. me, showing up from out of nowhere in the middle of things could in theory convince the society to make the necessary changes. And if I could, that would end up being near a straight-up utopia. (Not entirely, because that's impossible.)

I failed to put it in my last post, but yea i wish to live in the same universe.
A world where science has won, where equality is given not by religion, dogma, but science; magical, cold, science
Taking part in breaking the cycle of death all nations follow would be a honor, a new world; a new humanity.

Any Racing Game ever

I want to see what the world is like that is only dominated by mankind's insatiable lust for auto-sports. Where cars are the new currency, and gas is just a commodity.
I want to see what would happen if you step out of your car, what would happen when you taste freedom and open air rather than being locked inside the cockpit of a 800+ horsepower race car.

What would it be like-gets run over

All of the Transformers Universes

What can I say, I am huge Transformers Fanboy and I'm not too pick about which community's universe that I'd love to visit.

Warhammer 40k
As long as I don't end up in an Ork WAAAAGH!, Necron Uprising, Chaos fuckery, Tau attacks, Tyranid invasions or get killed by a random mugger inside a hive… that case Mcragge or the Imperial Palace seems like the safest place to visit the WH40K universe…for now at least.

Kamen Rider Universe or Tokusatsu universe in general
Kicking! Explosions! Giant Robots! Multicolored suits! WOOOOOO!!!

Gundam Universe(specifically the Universal Century, Build Fighters, and Future Century)
What can I say? Gundams are cool. I wanna visit and meet Char and Amuro(provided they're still alive), Battle with my Gunplas and learn how to destroy mobile suits WITH MY BARE FISTS!

Monster Hunter
Yeah, I wanna go there too. I wanna have some of them sweet monster-based weapons and armor.

Super Robot Wars
I wanna see Getter Emperor fight Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann because it's seems like the SRW universe COULD handle the sheer badassery of those two fighting. That and it's the fastest way of finding your favorite mechas in one setting.

Animal Crossing
Seems like the perfect place to live. No real issues besides a debt you pay at your leisure, plenty of free food, and friendly neighbors all around!

Jewel Pet
Harry Potter crossed with a bunch of cute animals? Sign me up!

I think this goes without saying.

The Elder Scrolls
Step 1: Become a destruction mage
Step 2: Win everything

Dark Souls
If I don't go hollow within the first week that is.

Xenoblade Chronicles X
I haven't even seen the whole world yet, yet I still wanna go!

Final Fantasy (Specifically 12)
In my opinion the only true "fantasy" related Final Fantasy game besides 9. Not so much for the powers or characters (cept the moogles, they're pretty cool) but mostly the world. Easily my favorite FF world.

Last edited Dec 29, 2014 at 03:15AM EST


The ability to shape the world around me would be great, and sometimes the isolation is appealing to me at times. The potential for adventure when I wanted it would be a nice incentive too.


If I was just visiting I don't think I'd be a trainer, it'd be too hard (and a bit unfair to the Pokémon) to have to leave my team behind when I left. Still, seeing the world, meeting Pokémon, watching battles and such would be an awesome experience.

The Elder Scrolls

Such a robust, interesting setting. It's familiar enough to be accessible, and to allow me to not stick out like a sore thumb, but has plenty of cool unique stuff. Heck, there's magic accessible to the general public!

It seems like an exhilarating adventure through a really magical land. That and wings.

Team Fortress 2
I would love to see Australium being used for scientific purposes, what its potential is and also to get to know the mercs in real life would be pretty friggin nifty.

Only so that I can spam the Gorillaz mailbox with mail saying "k".

Sam and Max
HELL YEAH! I'd finally be able to hang out with my two favourite comic characters, although I guess I'd have to chill out with the whole "fan" thing, seeing as how their last fan nearly died.

Saints' Row
I don't think anyone who isn't the Boss would survive in any Saints' Row setting for more than 10 minutes.

Sakura Spirits

Last edited Dec 29, 2014 at 07:50PM EST

i would like to see what Light Yagami utopia/dystopia would be like even through i suport his ideals i wonder how people would think that the whole world is being controled by a man who could very well kill a innocent person by accident

I'm a explorer at heart. Adventuring dead Earth with a 20,000 year-old rotten civilization sure is tempting.

WipEout series
You guys can basically bash me for spamming my love for the series, but I'm curious what will the pilots' face turn into after a 700km/h+, 4-minute race day.

xTSGx wrote:

I don't know why anyone would want to go to the Pokeverse. It's a world full of giant centipedes that shoots gallons of superacid at you, creatures that live by eating your soul, one that possibly kidnaps and/or kills children because it loves the sound of their crying, another that kidnaps child and might cause them to fall to their death, an SUV sized spider that can shoot lightning, and one that can mindrape you and is plotting to conquer the world.

Not to mention asshole ten-year-olds who blow up their poor Golem with dynamite.

Honestly, almost all fictional verses are either very much like reality or vastly more dangerous. Super Mario? Bump into a turtle and you die instantly. Fallout? All the cool places are irradiated to the point where you can't even get near them without munching anti-rad pills constantly. Minecraft? You have to cower in a deep pit every night just to survive the constant monster attacks. Yu-Gi-Oh? Either you get mind crushed by Yugi, get sealed inside a card by Pegasus, or some other weird shit happens to you. Hell, even the MLP:FIM verse has eldritch abominations imprisoned a thousand years ago crawling out of the woodwork every other week.

The universe I would love to explore the most is the Orion's Arm universe, a scenario that spans the next ten thousand years of galactic history, from the near future interplanetary colonization to the far future where the galaxy is ruled by vast ascended intelligences. There is a fantastic diversity of stories, worlds, societies, ecosystems and technologies, all of them based on hard science. Some of the elements I love the most about it is the lack of humanoid aliens (I'm looking at you, Star Trek!), the evolution of societies by technological achievements, logical explanation for even the most surrealistic events, and diversity Up to Eleven.

Check out its site to find out more:

As about more popular universes, I would like to stop by Star Trek, Command and Conquer, Starcraf and MLP's universes, just to see what's going on.

Hurr durr.
Kingdom Hearts
Storm Hawks
I doubt anyone else knows this show, but who wouldn't want to ride a flying motorcycle!?
Just to see how anally fucked up the world is.
Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX
Both managed to look beautiful on a PS1. Imagine them in real life. Especially Midgar and Lindblum.
Any MMO Universe
Who wouldn't want to gather their friends and fuck shit up?

The more I think about it, the more I realize my favorite things have pretty shitty universes to live in.
- Like for Zelda the world is always full of evil shit trying to kill you (but like OP said that's only when Ganon's around so it would be nice being there while he's dead).
- In Lord of the Rings the world is medieval so there would be lots of inconveniences with that (and Zelda when you think about it) and of course there's a wave of evil sweeping over the land so that would suck, unless it's post Return of the King Middle Earth, then I might enjoy it.
- In Xenoblade humans are an endangered species pretty much and are at constant war with robots since the beginning of the game. That and the world is still full of deadly stuff even when the robots aren't trying to murder you. And X doesn't sound much better when aliens are trying to wipe humans out in that story.
- I do wish I lived in the Pokemon world though. I don't even like Pokemon but I've wanted this for as long as I could remember like most people. As long as you're careful this world is just about as dangerous as the real world if not less.
- I would adore living in the Harry Pottee world as well and have wanted this about as long as Pokemon. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a goddamn wizard? Of course as long as it's pre or post Voldemort's era because I don't want to go to war and see all my friends die.
- Even though Metroid is one of the best things in the universe, there's probably no reason for me to live there. Everything Samus does is go to deadly and unfriendly places. Not like there'd be anything for a normal person to do, and also the fact that the series' setting is basically the entire universe so who knows where I'd want to go and who knows when space pirates could raid wherever I go.

Last edited Dec 30, 2014 at 04:09PM EST

I'm amazed by the fact that no one has mentioned Doctor Who yet. Seriously, that shit would be awesome (specifically cruising around with the tenth Doctor).

"The Grid. The digital frontier. I tried to pictures clusters of information as they moved through a computer. What did they look like? Shapes? Motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways?"
Last edited Jan 01, 2015 at 12:22AM EST

Mass Effect. I would be exploring the galaxy with the amazing crew of the Normandy. I would get to hook up with my waifu, Tali. I would get to go on the greatest of adventures. On the other hand, I would have to deal with Cerberus, mercs and Reapers. Lets hope my visit would be after ME3.


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