ITT we post things older members would know/remember
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KYM Oldfag thread
Last posted
Jul 08, 2010 at 09:23PM EDT.
Jun 11, 2010 at 11:37AM EDT
70 posts
31 users
Sweatie Killer
u meen liek tihs?
Tommy Mims sees wut u did thar.
Guess who found this pearl on page 10.
I remember this!
Do YOU Real Genius?
Nostalgia'd hard ?
Hay guize whats goin on in this thread
Generic raging about anon.
I've always remembered this as being Epic. Of course, I've only been here for 3 Months.
Hay look you guise Im using KYM (2010) added 4 months ago
added 4 months ago
4 months ago
Vlad cannot be apart of this thread
I'll see you on page 10.
Can I be a part of this thread?
Also, anyone remember this?
Oh god, it's me.
Sweatie Killer
Wel lulz guise iz gets maor carma tin u's.
Not an oldfag.
Sweatie Killer
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PleaseDelete MyAccount
Who posted my nipples without my permission >:O
All I know is without a shadow of the doubt,
If you consider my absence during animecello's shark image, Real_Genius's thread bumps and a crappy image macro that Skankin made, Griff's "Trolling" Era, (inb4 Tristan comes to be Griff's white knight) and Tommy Mims and Scott Evenson provoking drama to be excuses why I can't be an "Oldfag",
Then I have two fingers raising up at each and every one of you "Oldfags" (especially you,Tristan) through my intangible computer screen.
EDIT: CAMOAWAM sucks and is only used as a password to a treehouse where other users here congregate and have a huge orgy.
(Creating a meme on a website about memes, my ass)
Sweatie Killer
@Emerelds5 Hay
It belongs to Nigeria now, what a shame..
Red leader standing by
Cool story bro.
Mind explaining when and why you got all that sand in your vagina?
Chris Menning being hit on…by a man. Thrice.
And, Captain Blubber's avatar as a park trooper.
Also, Pat Sajak, of course. I know his true identity.
I hope you guys remember these:
Also, don't you guys just love having Piartes! (^_^)
My old favorite image.
Also, remember this?
Also, remember Jostin and Frketson's honeymoon in Mordor?
Excellent post Joss, which brings me to mine….
I am an oldfag? Whatever:
Am I oldfaggish enough for this?
@ RG,
That honeymoon was great, i took him shopping and we had so much fun.
He sure loved those clothes.
What a coincidence! I'm wearing that same black long-sleeve shirt right now!
That was a great shopping day.
Remember this??
not that old, but still counts..
Lionks or didn't happen.
Draw Batman with your Eyes Closed
Brett Favre
Blubber's Class Pic of 2009
Our first deadpool: That's what she said.
I'm not even that much of an oldfag and this makes me happy.
I'll also do this…
For old times sake
Sarcasm goes in bold.
Isn't old.
And so is Nickelback.
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