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Posting the Distracted Boyfriend meme to the Frontpage destroys my mental health. Just stop, I beg you.

Last posted Nov 29, 2023 at 01:06AM EST. Added Oct 26, 2023 at 02:31PM EDT
20 posts from 11 users

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A few months ago, I posted to your forums asking you to not post any more examples of the Distracted Boyfriend meme because doing so destroys what little mental health I have. Let me tell you how this happens.
As I already stated, I quote, 'I vehemently loved the Distracted Boyfriend meme because I honestly thought that people would never use that meme again after 31 December 2019 due to its huge popularity in the previous couple of years. However, since 2020 I have seen people use the Distracted Boyfriend meme about two dozen times online, and most of those instances were on KnowYourMeme's frontpage. Because of this, I am deeply heartbroken every time someone posts the the Distracted Boyfriend meme, and the more I see people use that meme, the more anguish I feel.'
I am an aspiring fashion designer whose plans to create fashion inspired by pop culture, particuarly the otaku variety, so browsing the Frontpage is essential for researching my future career. However, at least once every couple of weeks you post the Distracted Boyfriend meme to the frontpage.
I've tried and tried again to stop KYM from using this meme to no avail. I've emailed this website about three or four times and was ignored. I then made my previous topic on the forums thinking that people would show me compassion; instead they made fun of me and a staff member locked the forum, so I had to create this new topic.
As a result of all this havoc, I feel anxious and panic-striken every time I browse the frontpage, even though I have to do so regularly for researching my fashion designs.
In the early hours of today, I decided to browse the frontpage again because I had chickened out of doing so for nearly a week. My anxieties were justified because, despite all my efforts, the d Boyfriend meme was posted to the frontpage for the hundredth time since 2020.
My mental health has already been in tatters for the past seven months for multiple reasons:
1. My mother and I got scammed, so we had to run around nonstop to banks and the post office.
2. My mother also had a bad fall and broke a tooth and had to spend a shitload on dentist visits and a crown for that tooth. We would normally only visit the dentist a few times a year, but we had masses of dentist visits in a matter of two months instead.
3. Someone has built a bizarre mystery object on the road outside our house and every time a car drives over it, which is usually multiple times a minute, it drives us insane.
4. And worst of all, my grandmother has dementia and diabetes and is rapidly falling apart; my grandmother has ulcers on her legs, eats little else but fruit and bread-- thus making her diabetes worse and worse-- and has lost all her logic; for example, she wore a tea towel as a scarf, doesn't recognise her children or grandchildren, and has no idea what to do with her soiled clothing-- she has put her soiled underpants in her pocket or on the outside of her leggings and has put her soiled socks next to her fruit bowl.
Your posting the Distracted Boyfriend meme to the frontpage during the darkest period of my life is the final straw. I beg you from the bottom of my heart, stop posting that meme.
Also, please don't get me into any trouble such as suspending my KYM account. I can't handle any more problems as my life has been a hell on earth for seven months straight.
If you show me compassion and ban the Distracted Boyfriend meme without getting me into any trouble, I will be infinitely grateful.

Thank you for reading this,


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Fignewton1 wrote:

Don't forget number 5. You experience hallucinations that make you think you sign blood contracts with some non-human that says if you don't make it big as a fashion designer, that it will kill you. Also I just finished reading your forum post on the lostmediawiki website and I'm going to repeat what they said:

That's not funny. Ok, I admit I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and Asperger's syndrome, but that isn't an excuse to post a meme that 1) is stale, 2) zero effort, 3) completely unfunny and 4) extremely harmful to what little mental health I have. All I am asking is for the Distracted Boyfriend meme to never be posted to KYM again.

You've yet to even say why Distracted Boyfriend is harmful to you. Maybe you're traumatized because you were cheated on? But no, the only 'reason' you gave as for why the meme hurts you so much is because you "never thought it would be posted after 2019". What is even worse is that you're here whining again but Distracted Boyfriend isn't even on the front page right now.

Last edited Oct 26, 2023 at 03:24PM EDT
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Fignewton1 wrote:

You've yet to even say why Distracted Boyfriend is harmful to you. Maybe you're traumatized because you were cheated on? But no, the only 'reason' you gave as for why the meme hurts you so much is because you "never thought it would be posted after 2019". What is even worse is that you're here whining again but Distracted Boyfriend isn't even on the front page right now.

Sorry, but I've told you exactly why that meme harms me: I loved that meme because I thought that no-one would post it in the 2020s and later, so when people do post that meme it gives me heartbreak.
Also, I've never been in a romantic relationship. I've had extensive trauma from many events, but being cheating on was not an event that I went through.
Finally, the Distracted Boyfriend meme was posted on the front page a few days ago. I can't view the front page every day because I'm always scared that that meme might be posted again.
For the last time, please ban that meme. It's unfunny, uncreative, zero effort and highly dangerous.

If someone came up to you and said that anime girls with pink hair give them horrible amount of anxiety, would you change your profile pic?

I'm sorry that it makes you feel this way, but your demands are unreasonable. That image is everywhere and you're going to see it from time to time regardless of how many strongly worded letters you send. It can be frustrating, but that's unfortunately how memes work.
The only thing you can do about it is change your attitude towards it or seek help if you are unable to do the former.

Also in my opinion, Know Your Meme frontpage seems like a poor source for fashion research, try Tumblr or find a subreddit about anime fashion.

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Ozzzim wrote:

If someone came up to you and said that anime girls with pink hair give them horrible amount of anxiety, would you change your profile pic?

I'm sorry that it makes you feel this way, but your demands are unreasonable. That image is everywhere and you're going to see it from time to time regardless of how many strongly worded letters you send. It can be frustrating, but that's unfortunately how memes work.
The only thing you can do about it is change your attitude towards it or seek help if you are unable to do the former.

Also in my opinion, Know Your Meme frontpage seems like a poor source for fashion research, try Tumblr or find a subreddit about anime fashion.

I'm sorry, but this isn't about giving the meme giving me anxiety; this is about that meme giving me extreme heartbreak and suicidal depression every time I see it. I will fight and fight until that meme is banned.
Also, my profile picture is from the eroge Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms, which unfortunately does not have an anime yet. It does, however, have two manga, at least one of which has a fan translation.
Furthermore, the reason I use the frontpage for researching my future fashion design career is that it contains all sorts of content that can be useful for fashion design. Along with memes about fashion and hairstyles, it also regularly features great music that I can use to soundtrack catwalk shows, as well as all sorts of content about anime, manga and related media. When researching for my fashion design career, I can't possibly restrict my research to clothes, accessories and beauty, because I also need to research music, film, TV and other forms of pop culture,

SaoriShun wrote:

I'm sorry, but this isn't about giving the meme giving me anxiety; this is about that meme giving me extreme heartbreak and suicidal depression every time I see it. I will fight and fight until that meme is banned.
Also, my profile picture is from the eroge Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms, which unfortunately does not have an anime yet. It does, however, have two manga, at least one of which has a fan translation.
Furthermore, the reason I use the frontpage for researching my future fashion design career is that it contains all sorts of content that can be useful for fashion design. Along with memes about fashion and hairstyles, it also regularly features great music that I can use to soundtrack catwalk shows, as well as all sorts of content about anime, manga and related media. When researching for my fashion design career, I can't possibly restrict my research to clothes, accessories and beauty, because I also need to research music, film, TV and other forms of pop culture,

Dont worry buddy that meme is super dead you most likely wont be seeing it anymore ever again

So your reason for hating the meme is simply that…people keep using it even though you don't like it?
I would suggest getting off KYM entirely and find alternative places to look for fashion ideas; memes come and go, and new ones will pop up from the mildew every day; it's highly probable that you'll come across another one that you don't like, especially considering your teetering psyche; I know I've had plenty of memes that I disliked or straight-up hated over the years.
The internet is unfathomably big; I'm sure you'll find plenty of other sources for your studies, even if they're not necessarily in one place. Twitter, for example, is ever bustling with contemporary discussions on various cultures and media, even if most people here wouldn't recommend going on it. For anime and manga, there are forums and communities like MyAnimeList, which I'm pretty sure are extremely more up-to-date than an "aggregate" site like KYM. Hell, even Youtube has a lot of memes uploaded every day on every current trend you could think of; all you have to do is search a bit. There's also Reddit, which is huge; if you can take the time to learn how to navigate it, you'll easily find the relevant communities.
If KYM is hurting you that much, consider for a second that you might have other options. You're just one person; frankly, it's unlikely that you can change the direction of an entire website to suit your personal needs. None of us can.

Sugary Salt wrote:

So your reason for hating the meme is simply that…people keep using it even though you don't like it?
I would suggest getting off KYM entirely and find alternative places to look for fashion ideas; memes come and go, and new ones will pop up from the mildew every day; it's highly probable that you'll come across another one that you don't like, especially considering your teetering psyche; I know I've had plenty of memes that I disliked or straight-up hated over the years.
The internet is unfathomably big; I'm sure you'll find plenty of other sources for your studies, even if they're not necessarily in one place. Twitter, for example, is ever bustling with contemporary discussions on various cultures and media, even if most people here wouldn't recommend going on it. For anime and manga, there are forums and communities like MyAnimeList, which I'm pretty sure are extremely more up-to-date than an "aggregate" site like KYM. Hell, even Youtube has a lot of memes uploaded every day on every current trend you could think of; all you have to do is search a bit. There's also Reddit, which is huge; if you can take the time to learn how to navigate it, you'll easily find the relevant communities.
If KYM is hurting you that much, consider for a second that you might have other options. You're just one person; frankly, it's unlikely that you can change the direction of an entire website to suit your personal needs. None of us can.

I don't merely dislike the Distracted Boyfriend meme. For the last time, what makes that meme so dangerous is that i vehemently loved that meme because I thought that people would never use it again after 1 January 2020. Therefore, people using that meme after that date gives me heartbreak. I have explained this clearly en masse and I have no idea why no-one understands something so simple.
Also, I haven't got the time to do research on all those websites every day. The reason that I use KYM is that it aggregates all the latest pop culture/meme news in one website.
And to all other KYM users: please show me compassion and please stop making fun of me. My mental health should not be destroyed by a particular meme, which is why the Distractec Boyfriend needs to be banned.

No!! wrote:

we gotta take this somewhat seriously, trauma is a bitch

This doesn't strike me as trauma in the conventional sense. This looks more like psychosis. I'm seeing delusional beliefs and paranoia here.

Yeah "trauma" really has nothing to do with this. SaoriShun has already claimed to be a paranoid schizophrenic in another thread. Schizophrenics fixate on irrational stories about symbols in their lives. It's not a fear resulting from past trauma, the brain just makes a connection and next thing you know it's a life-consuming paranoid delusion.

Yeah, so, I'm gonna be that guy and tell you that you need counseling from a psychologist ASAP. The way you're developing such a strong love-hate parasocial interaction towards an Internet meme of all things, is not by any stretch a normal behaviour. I have no idea how this came to be, and won't claim that I fully understand what you're going through; I only know that you're gonna end up a lolcow at best, and/or a delirious shut-in at worst if you don't seek out professional help right now while you still can. If you truly care about your mental health, this is the only correct answer. Hopefully you'll at least take the time to consider that option.

I sincerely don't understand what kind of logic you're operating under. You liked the meme, but not because you found it funny or entertaining, but because you actually didn't like it and figured that people would stop using it soon? You don't, by any chance, like to hurt yourself because you know that the wounds will heal, do you?

I agree with Triplem. I'm not one to judge whether or not it's normal behaviour, but it's clearly harming your mental condition. Even if the meme was banned, the "scars" would still be there; and when serious harm is involved, professional help is the way to go.

For those reading this thread who do not understand, and would like to know more about paranoid schizophrenia, I recommend the autobiographical book "Operators and Things", written by a schizophrenia survivor. She tells her story about falling to schizophrenia and working her way back out of it through force of will, undoing the knots her mind has tied. It's really quite thrilling. You can find a copy online to read.

Paranoid schizophrenics have lost their ability to sense intuitively what is real the way others can. Instead of just riding on autopilot, trusting that normal life will remain normal, they feel they have to constantly make paranoid connections and associations to keep on top of what reality is. When they live according to these invented stories, that's the only semblance of stability they can create in their lives.
When SaoriShun says that she loved the meme because she thought it would die, that's her story that she puts faith in to give herself direction and stability. It's the same as "the CIA is listening to me with a satellite and I need to cover my head in aluminum foil." Something about the meme originally freaked her out, possibly due to some previous association, and she decided that the meme needed to die. Then she told herself the story that the brightest stars burn out the fastest, and reassured herself that such a popular meme would surely die quickly when everyone got sick of it. Now she can love the meme, because it's so popular that it fits her story of it dying quickly. It's all going according to plan, and that feels good. But now that the meme hasn't died, it's upset the order, and it's very dangerous. The meme betrayed her. Her subconscious intuition is gone, because she's schizophrenic, and now her paranoid rationalizations have failed her, because the meme did not die as she predicted. She's totally lost control.

Her first post in this thread reads like textbook paranoid schizophrenia. Particularly the list of problems, including a bizarre mystery object that makes noises. That's pretty typical.

Getting onto anti-psychosis meds is the solution here. But considering she's already admitted to having schizophrenia, I suspect she's been diagnosed, and has been prescribed those meds. Considering what she says about her living condition, it's pretty believable that she's stopped taking her medication for one reason or another.

Last edited Nov 29, 2023 at 01:08AM EST

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