Ive been keeping up with his latest arch. I saw someone made a doc on him and I went "Wait i use to watch that guys channel like a decade ago hes a lol cow now???" Its fucking bad…
Honestly it was funny at first but now just sad at this point, like he is full on delusional
>Does enough weed to knock out a horse every day all day. Prob doesn't even know what normal feels like anymore.
>Makes 10% of what he did a year ago
>Gets A logged consonantly
>Has absolutely no one backing him up and multiple people close to him telling him to log off and when they do he burns the bridge with them.
>Now just today theres apparently a video of him jacking off floating around privately.
Like the guy needs help badly but no one is close enough to him thats left willing to help him. I get that he sucks and this is pretty deserved, but no normal person acts like this, it 100% has to be trauma from his kid plus the drugs. The thing with his kid prob broke his brain and he needs to just log off or its gonna just keep getting worse.
I dont even watch out it as entertainment anymore, its like a you're seeing the horrors of a plane crash. His life is like a circle of hell. Great reminder to constantly do ego checks and dont smoke pot that much pot daily.