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MLP Public Service Thread

Last posted Jun 10, 2011 at 01:38AM EDT. Added Jun 07, 2011 at 03:28PM EDT
150 posts from 45 users

hooray! I shall fetch my banhammer…
Or, at least, my "complain-to-the-mods-hammer".
I'll post a warning that this may become official policy very soon on the pony general too.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 09:24PM EDT

The whole pony thing IS getting out of control, and I agree with many here that pony spam is annoying and useless, and that bronies just need to regulate their shit.

But just like 4chan /b/, I believe we should have only 1 Pony thread. Anything pony related goes in that thread. That thread is the KYM Pony general, and I believe all pony stuff should go there. And yes, I believe the MLP pictures should be filtered from the trending photos list.

The biggest issue is that some people just don't know when to stop. The show itself isn't really the problem, and I think very few people think it is. Instead what is wrong is that the fandom is really invasive, and in many cases unwilling to stop when they should. Now I'm not saying all bronies should cloister themselves in only brony sites, but instead maybe you should keep a bit higher a level of separation between your hobbies. It's like how you hear about people who like to fence, and people who like to fly airplanes, but you never hear about people who like to fence on top of airplanes unless somebody died because of it. It's okay to speak about it in moderation outside of where it's entirely accepted and loved, but many are going overboard. Really bronies just need to start self-policing, by at least letting the spammers know that they are, in fact, spamming, and take action if they continue.

Dane, that isn't really a nice attitude to take, MLP is memetic and therefore is a valid part of the site just like all the other confirmed memes. Anyways, treating bronies like lepers isn't nice either, what if you did the same thing for all forever alone pictures, confining them to a single thread? There is no reason to completely ban them, only to make sure everyone knows that it should be in moderation.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 09:41PM EDT

I have to agree with RF on much of this. I like Bronies. Bronies don't get on my nerves when it comes to thier fandom. In fact, I have to say it's the best I've ever seen.

But what does get on my nerves is the fact that KYM is almost KYP. I go into the Photos Section to see the whole thing flooded with Ponies. And it's not like they have anything to do with Memes. No, their all just sketches, drawings, Fanfics, and other stuff like that from Deviant Art and Ponibooru. If I want to see that I'll go to those sites. NOT KYM.

And have you noticed how even filtered, Ponies have successfully taken half of the spots on the Trending Photos portion of the front page. but, you can't hate on them too much for that they are tied to other Memes of have actual Meme material. Not that other stuff that got it filtered in the first place.

Thats pretty much what we just said. And yes, hopefully we will begin self policing once we get a few individuals who give warnings and recommend spammers who invade other people's threads with ponies to the mods.
Glad to see everyone here's in agreement… now, let us stop passing judgment, and negotiate a formal policy along these lines to the moderators. And be sure to use reasonable language, so you don't sound like haters… a few of us here have that problem, though I'm not going to name names.

Okay, so it seems like what we want is people who look for non spam bot spammers and notify them of what they are doing who can do something about it if the problem persists, because honestly MLP could be replaced at any time by something equally invasive so making the rule a pony only thing would be silly. Also, we need people to respect that they should attempt to stay within the given topic and not attempt to completely derail it. Anything else?

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MDFification wrote:

Please remove your post. This thread is a rational discussion of how to solve the current conflict, not a place for insulting group judgements.

Edit: Herp Derp I'm going to insult bronies.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 10:20PM EDT

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:

Edit: Herp Derp I'm going to insult bronies.

You're right, Bronies are the only people who would say such a thing, as the complaint was purely due to anger over you not liking his series, rather than any minor things like it going against the whole point of the thread. It must be because he's a brony.

Anyway, back to the point. At what point do we think the line to spammer get's crossed?

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

You're right, Bronies are the only people who would say such a thing, as the complaint was purely due to anger over you not liking his series, rather than any minor things like it going against the whole point of the thread. It must be because he's a brony.

Anyway, back to the point. At what point do we think the line to spammer get's crossed?

When you take over a thread with pony pictures.

When most-to-every post you make has to do with ponies.

When you force MLP: FiM to become trending by constantly bumping anything pony-related.

Basically when you force MLP:FiM down the throat of KYM.

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:

Edit: Herp Derp I'm going to insult bronies.

Thank you for your insightful addition to this discussion. Upon considering what you've said, I don't know that I would agree. I'm sure that there are also some non-bronies on this site who would try to keep the conversation from degrading into base name calling, but it's reassuring to know that you feel it's unsurprising that a brony would.

DrPepperFan: I would imagine that if someone is posting images in a thread that aren't related to the topic, or aren't at least accompanied by any comments of their own that are on topic, that'd be a pretty good indication. Maybe have a 3 strike system before temporary bans start?

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 10:17PM EDT

MDFification wrote:

The thread you use as an example does not qualify for the entire site. And suggesting that people have no right to have ponies for their user images is completely unreasonable.
You seem like a reasonable person. I think that if you rationally look into the entire forums, not just one forum game (forum games, I might point out, are less then 10% of all threads on this site, and most of them are pony-free) you'll find that you've greatly exaggerated the problem of pony spam, which is actually a rare phenomenon.

First of all, are you expecting me to say, "Wow, you're right; the spamming is rare. Please give me more pony spamming!"?

Secondly, checking through the threads on the first page of JFF as I begin to type this, I note:
Meme Image ABC's: Already discussed in this thread.
Ban The Person Above You: Ponies mentioned twice on the second-to-last page.
Pokemons. I made one: No ponies evident in thread.
I dare you to find a better Gif!: My connection seems to be lagging, but I see there is at least one pony gif.
A thread: A "thread about nothing" that has a picture of guess what on every page of it?
Stupid question thread: Ponies mentioned on every page but the last one, which only has eleven posts so far.
The internet can now find stars: Not going to go through all that junk again, but there's a pony picture at least on the last page.
Everyone: No ponies evident in thread.
What Do?/?: Ponies mentioned a handful of times in thread, MLP video clip embedded.
"What's worse than…" Game!: Ponies mentioned just a few times.
Beat The Picture Above You: Six pony pics in thread.
I would like to form an alliance…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What's Your Theme Song?: Rebooted: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme Millionaire: No ponies evident in thread.
i think that MLP fandom has reached an odd status of a religion…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
A New My Little Pony personality quiz.: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What animation had taught us.: One pony pic.
Drawball: No ponies evident in thread.
Funny pictures thread.: No ponies evident in thread. (Must not be funny.)
Deciding others' fate.: Ponies mentioned on every page, last page has several pony pics.
Magical Soda Machine Game: Ponies mentioned a couple times on the first page.
In this thread is a weird face: No ponies evident in thread.
I have been here this entire time: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme-loaded Flash game: No ponies evident in thread.
Can you deadpool Deadpool: No ponies evident in thread.
Name my WiFi: No ponies evident in thread.
Losing faith in humanity: No ponies evident in thread.
The reaction face thread: No ponies evident in thread. (At least in the last four months.)

So, excluding the pony-themed threads, there are 26 threads, half of which contain references to and/or pictures of ponies. That's admittedly not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still a level of saturation that I don't think is warranted for any meme.

Edit to add: I'm not suggesting that people should not be allowed to use pony pics as their user avatars; in fact, I've done it myself twice in the past. I just point out that a lot of people have made pony avatar pics, which makes it extra-difficult to avoid having to look at ponies on every single thread. I'd wager even money that if I went back and checked those threads with no posts about ponies, they'd technically all have pictures of ponies in them anyway due to pony avatars.

Edit to add for lulz: I miscounted. The Meme-loaded game thread does mention ponies in one post…by me.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 10:40PM EDT

OKay, from what I gather, it'll be OK to occasionaly post a pony image or mention it, as long as they're not used frequently or with the intent of derailing a thread (unless it's one of those thread which everyone tries to derail i guess). Will it be fine to use them as reaction images though?

^Oh well when you lay out the info like that, the problem doesn't really seem that bad anymore….

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 10:38PM EDT

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

OKay, from what I gather, it'll be OK to occasionaly post a pony image or mention it, as long as they're not used frequently or with the intent of derailing a thread (unless it's one of those thread which everyone tries to derail i guess). Will it be fine to use them as reaction images though?

^Oh well when you lay out the info like that, the problem doesn't really seem that bad anymore….

For me, as long as it's relevant, it's okay.

Brucker wrote:

First of all, are you expecting me to say, "Wow, you're right; the spamming is rare. Please give me more pony spamming!"?

Secondly, checking through the threads on the first page of JFF as I begin to type this, I note:
Meme Image ABC's: Already discussed in this thread.
Ban The Person Above You: Ponies mentioned twice on the second-to-last page.
Pokemons. I made one: No ponies evident in thread.
I dare you to find a better Gif!: My connection seems to be lagging, but I see there is at least one pony gif.
A thread: A "thread about nothing" that has a picture of guess what on every page of it?
Stupid question thread: Ponies mentioned on every page but the last one, which only has eleven posts so far.
The internet can now find stars: Not going to go through all that junk again, but there's a pony picture at least on the last page.
Everyone: No ponies evident in thread.
What Do?/?: Ponies mentioned a handful of times in thread, MLP video clip embedded.
"What's worse than…" Game!: Ponies mentioned just a few times.
Beat The Picture Above You: Six pony pics in thread.
I would like to form an alliance…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What's Your Theme Song?: Rebooted: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme Millionaire: No ponies evident in thread.
i think that MLP fandom has reached an odd status of a religion…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
A New My Little Pony personality quiz.: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What animation had taught us.: One pony pic.
Drawball: No ponies evident in thread.
Funny pictures thread.: No ponies evident in thread. (Must not be funny.)
Deciding others' fate.: Ponies mentioned on every page, last page has several pony pics.
Magical Soda Machine Game: Ponies mentioned a couple times on the first page.
In this thread is a weird face: No ponies evident in thread.
I have been here this entire time: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme-loaded Flash game: No ponies evident in thread.
Can you deadpool Deadpool: No ponies evident in thread.
Name my WiFi: No ponies evident in thread.
Losing faith in humanity: No ponies evident in thread.
The reaction face thread: No ponies evident in thread. (At least in the last four months.)

So, excluding the pony-themed threads, there are 26 threads, half of which contain references to and/or pictures of ponies. That's admittedly not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still a level of saturation that I don't think is warranted for any meme.

Edit to add: I'm not suggesting that people should not be allowed to use pony pics as their user avatars; in fact, I've done it myself twice in the past. I just point out that a lot of people have made pony avatar pics, which makes it extra-difficult to avoid having to look at ponies on every single thread. I'd wager even money that if I went back and checked those threads with no posts about ponies, they'd technically all have pictures of ponies in them anyway due to pony avatars.

Edit to add for lulz: I miscounted. The Meme-loaded game thread does mention ponies in one post…by me.

That pony picture in "The internet can now find stars" Was by me. And I think it was pretty funny too.

I am really glad to see everyone at least trying to get along here. I am somewhat new to the site, and a rather recent fan of MLP. But seriously. I really do not like what some of my fellow fans have been doing on this sight. I came here to know what the "Me Gusta" face was about 2 years ago, and have reached meme enlightenment since. I recently made this account, just to get some occasional help or give a suggestion. When I saw the trending pics get more pony, I was so happy. But, now, reading these forums, I can see what fans are doing to this site that was oh so amazing. I would really like to see whats new in all the memes, not just MLP. At first, I thought the filter was a total kick in the nuts, now I'm not sure if it was enough. I would like to see all MLP localized bacj to their respective places. I would like to know all the MLP news on one page, but first be able to see what has been popular on /b/ and what is being tossed around all the other corners of the internets. I really hope that we can find a good compromise and that the mods can fix this problem soon. Until then, I'll just up vote ideas that will work for everyone. Stay amicable, my friends.

Chris wrote:

For me, as long as it's relevant, it's okay.

Yes! Case in pont: HoH's occasional Nazi spamming should be incredibly offensive at any time, but you know what? We put up with it because at least she doesn't do it everywhere, all the time.

If the thread that was used repeatedly as an example of pony spamming had been a "Pony Image ABCs" thread, then there wouldn't have been enough ponies. But when a thread like that becomes…

P is for PONIES!

Q is for QWOP

R is for Rickrolling

S is for, um… SOME MORE PONIES!


I am also a rather recent joiner of the site, and I came for the ponies. This new fad? subculture? whatever it is has actually what pulled me out of my shell of introversion on the internet, and has inspired me to actually try new things. I've started drawing for the first time in years, as well as making silly response poems for pictures and commenting.

But, as I have barely strayed outside of the cordoned of pony section (I think I've made one comment on a non-pony meme), I honestly had no Idea what was going on. Well except for the trending pics, with all those stupid sexy ponies, which really annoyed me as well.

But the thing about many pony submemes is that they are direct evolutions of existing memes and it seems warranted to put the ponified Sad Keanu with the original Sad Keanu, so some amount of pony leakage is guaranteed. However comment spamming any image so that it gets into trending is definitely uncalled for, and really it gets boring seeing the same images trending for days at a time because a civil war is going on in the comments.

Could one of the Bronies here be promoted to a Brony Community manager of some sort to help corral the ones doing the damage to the rest of the site? I'm sure that the nobody wants to constantly be fighting half the community over out of place ponies. But really, if a thread warrants a pony, it should receive one.

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 11:39PM EDT

Yes, I was actually thinking as the thread went on that a Pony ABC Meme's thread was actually a really cool idea, seeing how many meme's that had crossovered with it, but as a simple Meme ABC thread, it FAILED.

So, occasional ponies are fine, but if a thread becomes like that, then;

Basically, we should use (the beginning) of that thread as the Ponie's Super Robo Jesus

@fetchbeer Haha Brony Community manager, that's an AWESOME idea!

Last edited Jun 07, 2011 at 11:45PM EDT

After reading to coments on here and in the thread I as the creator of the Meme ABC's thread apologuise for my over kill of pony. I was just so intreged how every meme could have a pony theme to it that I got over excited. The thread was just to be fun and I ruined it with too many ponies. I would change the name to "Pony ABCs" just to stop the argument but seeing as everyones having fun in there posting normal memes, I wont. I mean thats what it was orignaly for!

TL:DR Version
I am sorry for my bronie fueled actions, and I hope we can have fun in the Meme ABC's thread. x3

Will you please accept my appology muffins?

Thx I'll eat those muffins nao.

Anyways, maybe a sub forum for ponies? That would PROBABLY keep 90% of the pony pics out of non-pony topics.

Good job with the example setting, Affinity For Muffins. I think that most of the people involved in the pony spamming are just people with good intentions who don't realize exactly how far they're going, who just need to be occasionally reminded of what the limit should be. Responding to these people by telling them that ponies suck or something to that effect isn't a good idea at all, given that hostility is a lot harder to take seriously.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

Thx I'll eat those muffins nao.

Anyways, maybe a sub forum for ponies? That would PROBABLY keep 90% of the pony pics out of non-pony topics.

It's much too much work to create a whole sub-forum entirely for ponies which will, inevitably, be a passing fad.

If something like a whole forum for ponies is required, it can either be kept in a relevant thread or be taken to a website that is for such needs, like Ponibooru or some other Pony themed website.

I for one will apologize, even if my actions didn't seem to affect much. Overall, after seeing the meme's popularity escalate to this point, it made me sick remembering all of the dumb posts I sent towards other memes, acting like a deranged army commandeer. Ugh Ugh Ugh! Kids my age do dumbassical things, I'm no exception. I hope to learn from all of this to become the true incarnation of a Brony, and I figure I'll get it by listening to you guys.

However, I would like to note a few things; Abs, I doubt a place like Ponibooru would work, considering the site overloads as it is. In general, I think forcing the people to post their stuff among another site would make preexisting pony sites like EquestriaDaily a pain to navigate due to flooding. I'd go with a idea similar to others; possibly make filtering for pony trending pictures, due to sheer volume (bout 6k pictures and counting), that can be switched out to see other regular types of memes (Maybe a picture from Combustible Lemons, or an example such as). Like, the website starts with the popular trend pics, while the filter will show the pony related trends. Would it even be a filter then? Perhaps it would be a…layer? I'm not very techno-savvy when it involves websites, so maybe yous guys have a term for it. As for the sub-forum, I see the good in making a Thread for Ponies, but something about it feels like it would isolate the bronies here from regular meme researchers, possibly making some unwanted feelings stir up among people who truly come here for a lot more than just ponies (Although I'm not implying that normal bronies don't have their own memes to watch, I just think it's safe to say that the majority of the pony posters here are on mostly for the ponies). Disciplined Moderation would be the course of action for me, but of course with so many of us, it's easy to sympathize with the staff about the thought of it being a nightmare. Oh man, this IS a big pickle, isn't it? Well, we will see what will come up in the future. Majority Rules will probably determine the course of action, and that's what makes this so confusing. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to get all of that off of my shoulders after reading through this. I'll stay out of this unless someone replies, eh?

Okay, if you want an insightful discussion, I'll give one to you:

I really hate the whole brony thing. It seems kind of weird how this whole thing has been evolving. It's pretty much comparable to Justin Bieber, what with the people who hate it and the people who keep looking for others who enjoy it.

I have a few questions.

1. Why this show, exactly? Lauren's had some other great works, and outside of Lauren, there have been plenty of great shows. I don't see why you didn't have an obsession with say, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

2. How did you get into the show? This is kind of the weird question, everyone has their own reason. But how did it even strike a chord with you? One episode in particular, the charm factor, the cult-likeness of it all? For me, the first 2 episodes seemed UNBEARABLE, and yet people who watched it from the very beginning managed to get past that and continue to enjoy the show.

3. Nothing is sacred to you? Ponies are pretty much everywhere now, on everything from memes to favorite characters. But why are you doing it? The fandom seems kind of crazed, finding nothing awesome or cool until it's been ponified. Can you not enjoy the thing as it was originally intended?

Maybe I'm looking into this too deeply, especially since these ponies have been keeping me awake at night (literally, I can't fall asleep). But who hasn't examined something deeply and not found something interesting?

Really, I'm mostly just angry. (I'm even… MAD, you could say.)

Well, every fandom large enough will seem like that eventually, as the fans get more vocal and those who really hate it do so as well.

1. Well, unlike Foster's it's currently active. Also, the basic attitude of the show is substantially different. Honestly the most basic level is that we like it, nothing more, nothing less.

2. Well, the community is what drew me in at first, seeing all of the art and just general good-naturedness of the fans made me curious. From there watching the show a bit seemed like a good idea, and I was happy to find that I liked it. After the first two episodes the show changes pace greatly, from a sort of Magical Girl type thing to Slice of Life. Really though I get the sense that if it was entirely unbearable and completely lacking in anything you liked, it's fine that you decided not to continue.

3. I think you're looking at this the wrong way, it's not that we can't like anything that hasn't been made a pony, it's that we just like drawing ponies. Therefore it's natural that existing characters would be adapted for the art, given that making original characters is not something everyone who is good at drawing is good at. I know that it seems obsessive the way almost every character ever has a pony version, but to be fair there a a ton of extremely talented and prolific brony artists out there.

Brucker wrote:

First of all, are you expecting me to say, "Wow, you're right; the spamming is rare. Please give me more pony spamming!"?

Secondly, checking through the threads on the first page of JFF as I begin to type this, I note:
Meme Image ABC's: Already discussed in this thread.
Ban The Person Above You: Ponies mentioned twice on the second-to-last page.
Pokemons. I made one: No ponies evident in thread.
I dare you to find a better Gif!: My connection seems to be lagging, but I see there is at least one pony gif.
A thread: A "thread about nothing" that has a picture of guess what on every page of it?
Stupid question thread: Ponies mentioned on every page but the last one, which only has eleven posts so far.
The internet can now find stars: Not going to go through all that junk again, but there's a pony picture at least on the last page.
Everyone: No ponies evident in thread.
What Do?/?: Ponies mentioned a handful of times in thread, MLP video clip embedded.
"What's worse than…" Game!: Ponies mentioned just a few times.
Beat The Picture Above You: Six pony pics in thread.
I would like to form an alliance…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What's Your Theme Song?: Rebooted: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme Millionaire: No ponies evident in thread.
i think that MLP fandom has reached an odd status of a religion…: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
A New My Little Pony personality quiz.: Pony-themed thread; exception as noted in previous post.
What animation had taught us.: One pony pic.
Drawball: No ponies evident in thread.
Funny pictures thread.: No ponies evident in thread. (Must not be funny.)
Deciding others' fate.: Ponies mentioned on every page, last page has several pony pics.
Magical Soda Machine Game: Ponies mentioned a couple times on the first page.
In this thread is a weird face: No ponies evident in thread.
I have been here this entire time: No ponies evident in thread.
Meme-loaded Flash game: No ponies evident in thread.
Can you deadpool Deadpool: No ponies evident in thread.
Name my WiFi: No ponies evident in thread.
Losing faith in humanity: No ponies evident in thread.
The reaction face thread: No ponies evident in thread. (At least in the last four months.)

So, excluding the pony-themed threads, there are 26 threads, half of which contain references to and/or pictures of ponies. That's admittedly not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still a level of saturation that I don't think is warranted for any meme.

Edit to add: I'm not suggesting that people should not be allowed to use pony pics as their user avatars; in fact, I've done it myself twice in the past. I just point out that a lot of people have made pony avatar pics, which makes it extra-difficult to avoid having to look at ponies on every single thread. I'd wager even money that if I went back and checked those threads with no posts about ponies, they'd technically all have pictures of ponies in them anyway due to pony avatars.

Edit to add for lulz: I miscounted. The Meme-loaded game thread does mention ponies in one post…by me.

This hardly constitutes as spam. I believe you're over reacting.
And no, I don't expect you to do anything. You are determined to pick a fight with the bronies, in my opinion, and nothing I can say or do will change that; but I want others at least to realise how much people like you have exaggerated the current issue.

@ Gentlemen

Since Ardent is already dressing your matters, I just want to say: I am very glad you desided to step into this forum to adress the issue, instead of hate comenting on the pony meme page, like some other non bronies do (although thankfuly that has disapated for now) It shows you are a very civilized person, and not a troll like some others. Thank you for taking the effort to help try and figure things out.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 11:44AM EDT

Well, if you bronies can tell the rouges you've got to calm down and stop ruining memes, then I will show you much gratitude (Think of yourself as Twilight Sparkle on a quest to get rid of all the parasprites that are ruining the candy-cane gumball cotton candy crops.)

We'll try our best to keep our own aware of the limits.

Also, remember that you too can remind us of our error if we end up doing something unpleasant, as long as you try to be as reasonable as possible about it.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 01:20PM EDT

MDFification wrote:

This hardly constitutes as spam. I believe you're over reacting.
And no, I don't expect you to do anything. You are determined to pick a fight with the bronies, in my opinion, and nothing I can say or do will change that; but I want others at least to realise how much people like you have exaggerated the current issue.

First of all, I think you need to understand what is considered spam for the purpose of this discussion. While the definition tends strongly to focus on the volume of messages, at the base of it, the core issue is a message being unwanted. See an example at the end of this thread in particular if not the topic of the thread as a whole. User "DavidBlaine" was branded a spammer and banned after how many posts? One.

Secondly, as I have said repeatedly, I am not "determined to pick a fight with the bronies," and to paraphrase a cliché, some of my best friends are bronies. I am against pony spammers, and if I'd had time to make my case more clearly in the previous thread that was closed, I might have come to the point where I am now: suggesting even "bronies" should consider the merits of K.I.L.L.P.O.N.I.E.S., as the pony spammers make the rest of the "brony" community look bad by extension. Running with the religious metaphor from that thread, it's like the way reasonable Christians collectively facepalmed over the whole May 21st Rapture crap (and continue to do so over groups like the Westboro Baptists). When the worst examples of a subsection of society are the ones that are the most vocal, it unfortunately tends to paint the whole group with the same brush.

Finally, as for "exaggerated", the very post you were responding to here was my attempt to avoid exaggeration: instead of saying "Wow, there's pony spam everywhere!" I was attempting to give a clear qualification and quantification of what I consider the problem and let people judge for themselves. Please don't tell me I'm exaggerating when I put in an effort to be honestly accurate. As I openly admitted in the post, there was less spamming going on than I had thought, but I posted the information anyway, because I believe it is highly dishonest to do research (using the term pretty darn loosely here) and discard the results when they don't fit your expectations. I could have easily cherry-picked four or five threads like the oft-referenced ABCs thread and said, "Look at how obnoxious this is, and I'm not even including the explicitly pony-themed threads!"

I'm trying really hard to be civil on this thread (and the previous one), and I'd appreciate it if you didn't harsh on my posts just because I'm not agreeing with you.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 01:56PM EDT

Regarding the thread I started, hated by all and bombarded with accusations, (and at the time of writing this, #1 in trending topics for some reason) As the thread is now locked (thank god) I'd just like to apologize if I offended anyone. I agree that the pony fandom does get out of hand quite often, but that's no reason to hate every single brony. But like I said on my profile, I will try to contribute whatever I can, and I genuinely thought the thread would be used for discussion about the pony meme takeover. Once again, I would like to emphasize that I did not intend to start a meme or create a new rule, I was simply stating a fact as a rule of the internet, and not trying to start a new one.

For example, someone could say, "we need a law about x" and while that person could never get that law passed, he would be initiating a discussion about it, just for the sake of discussing it. If you understand, I sincerely thank you for being a sensible person and not a troll. If you want to give negative karma on this post because it makes you feel better, idrc.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 02:20PM EDT

Honestly, I think ponies are being spammed. At least one of the recent pictures will be a pony, and MLP is always trending.

What annoys me is that people feel the need to take a reaction pic and put a pony on it just for the sake of having a pony on it. This causes ponies to be everywhere, when in reality, they simply aren't needed. The normal reaction images work fine, so you don't need to upload ones with ponies. Also, the ponies kinda ruin the reaction image.

The forum situation is also somewhat out-of-hand. Almost every thread will have at least one pony in it. Look at the Meme Image ABC's thread's first page; completely overrun by ponies. It gets annoying having to see ponies everywhere all the time. And as mentioned earlier, there are always multiple threads related to ponies going on at the same time, and it's simply unnecessary.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 02:49PM EDT

Philip J. Fry wrote:

Honestly, I think ponies are being spammed. At least one of the recent pictures will be a pony, and MLP is always trending.

What annoys me is that people feel the need to take a reaction pic and put a pony on it just for the sake of having a pony on it. This causes ponies to be everywhere, when in reality, they simply aren't needed. The normal reaction images work fine, so you don't need to upload ones with ponies. Also, the ponies kinda ruin the reaction image.

The forum situation is also somewhat out-of-hand. Almost every thread will have at least one pony in it. Look at the Meme Image ABC's thread's first page; completely overrun by ponies. It gets annoying having to see ponies everywhere all the time. And as mentioned earlier, there are always multiple threads related to ponies going on at the same time, and it's simply unnecessary.

In before bronies saying that because you hate pony spam you hate every single brony in existence.

I saw the two pilot episodes of MLP: FM. Not bad animation, it is actually ok for today's standards.

The problem is as stated previously by many members of KYM: its almost uncontrollable fandom widespread.

Problem in KYM is that for the last 4 MONTHS, EVERY SINGLE DAY, at least 7 out of the 9 trending photos were pony related ! And dunno how many months straight the MLP:FM has been a trending topic. Every time I log into KYM, it's Pony here, Pony there. No wonder many members have been MIA or quit altogether. There are, as of now, 6018 images and 638 videos in the MLP entry. WTF !!!!

Hell, even 4chan /b/ has their own practice of having a single thread for Pony things open. You don't see RDash, or Derpy in every other post!

TL;DR, It's ok to like the show. Just please keep your fandom in check and within boundaries in KYM.

@fry Don't really understand your problem with the reaction images, although I do hope we get more variety in the trending images soon. Hopefully now that this thread exists, people will stop commenting on thigns purely to get them trending, although some of the trending pony images are genuinely trending to people commenting on them in approval, aka the Sad Keanue one.

And yet another mention of the ABC's. That thread seems to be the really big problem still, despite that having been resolved. I do wonder if this thread would have been created if not for that. (Not saying that in a complaining way, just genuinely wondering)

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

@fry Don't really understand your problem with the reaction images, although I do hope we get more variety in the trending images soon. Hopefully now that this thread exists, people will stop commenting on thigns purely to get them trending, although some of the trending pony images are genuinely trending to people commenting on them in approval, aka the Sad Keanue one.

And yet another mention of the ABC's. That thread seems to be the really big problem still, despite that having been resolved. I do wonder if this thread would have been created if not for that. (Not saying that in a complaining way, just genuinely wondering)

The ponies still would've reached critical mass and this thread created to siphon out the radioactive internet-Uranium called pony (And it's hard for me to say that because Uranium is awesome, but ponies are just as explosive as Uranium), But because of that thread this thread was created earlier then it would've without that thread.

Brucker wrote:

First of all, I think you need to understand what is considered spam for the purpose of this discussion. While the definition tends strongly to focus on the volume of messages, at the base of it, the core issue is a message being unwanted. See an example at the end of this thread in particular if not the topic of the thread as a whole. User "DavidBlaine" was branded a spammer and banned after how many posts? One.

Secondly, as I have said repeatedly, I am not "determined to pick a fight with the bronies," and to paraphrase a cliché, some of my best friends are bronies. I am against pony spammers, and if I'd had time to make my case more clearly in the previous thread that was closed, I might have come to the point where I am now: suggesting even "bronies" should consider the merits of K.I.L.L.P.O.N.I.E.S., as the pony spammers make the rest of the "brony" community look bad by extension. Running with the religious metaphor from that thread, it's like the way reasonable Christians collectively facepalmed over the whole May 21st Rapture crap (and continue to do so over groups like the Westboro Baptists). When the worst examples of a subsection of society are the ones that are the most vocal, it unfortunately tends to paint the whole group with the same brush.

Finally, as for "exaggerated", the very post you were responding to here was my attempt to avoid exaggeration: instead of saying "Wow, there's pony spam everywhere!" I was attempting to give a clear qualification and quantification of what I consider the problem and let people judge for themselves. Please don't tell me I'm exaggerating when I put in an effort to be honestly accurate. As I openly admitted in the post, there was less spamming going on than I had thought, but I posted the information anyway, because I believe it is highly dishonest to do research (using the term pretty darn loosely here) and discard the results when they don't fit your expectations. I could have easily cherry-picked four or five threads like the oft-referenced ABCs thread and said, "Look at how obnoxious this is, and I'm not even including the explicitly pony-themed threads!"

I'm trying really hard to be civil on this thread (and the previous one), and I'd appreciate it if you didn't harsh on my posts just because I'm not agreeing with you.

I'm also trying to be civil here, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't harsh on my posts just because I'm not agreeing with you. I am simply stating that I believe that most of the instances you have named as spam do not qualify. That is what I meant by exaggeration.
You are right of course with my "determined to pick a fight with the bronies" comment. That was needless and potentially insulting.
KILLPONIES is not going to be considered by the bronies. Firstly, because its comes of as extremely-anti brony, and secondly because it doesn't really offer a solution. The majority of the bronies on this site are trying to fight spam daily.
I might add that as for "unwanted" posts, there is a large brony community on this site, and it has the same rights to use the forum as everyone else. Most of our posts are not in fact pony-related, and the occasional out of place image is seen on hundreds of forum posts, by virtually every meme. Simply because of a few misguided individuals decided to actively spam the trending photos in relation to the pony pictures being taken off, which the majority of our community agreed with I might add, that this issue has been blown out of proportion by certain individuals. It's not hard to find evidence of spam on a forum if you actively seek it out.
Most bronies are simply offended by the claims people aligned with KILLPONIES because they don't spam. If you wish to suggest that simply being openly brony constitutes as spam, then I suggest you take your censorship elsewhere.
Now, does anyone have an actual practical solution to propose? Because simply ragging on how you dislike seeing ponies everywhere is in no way related to solving a legitimate spam problems.

Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 03:45PM EDT

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:

Okay, if you want an insightful discussion, I'll give one to you:

I really hate the whole brony thing. It seems kind of weird how this whole thing has been evolving. It's pretty much comparable to Justin Bieber, what with the people who hate it and the people who keep looking for others who enjoy it.

I have a few questions.

1. Why this show, exactly? Lauren's had some other great works, and outside of Lauren, there have been plenty of great shows. I don't see why you didn't have an obsession with say, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

2. How did you get into the show? This is kind of the weird question, everyone has their own reason. But how did it even strike a chord with you? One episode in particular, the charm factor, the cult-likeness of it all? For me, the first 2 episodes seemed UNBEARABLE, and yet people who watched it from the very beginning managed to get past that and continue to enjoy the show.

3. Nothing is sacred to you? Ponies are pretty much everywhere now, on everything from memes to favorite characters. But why are you doing it? The fandom seems kind of crazed, finding nothing awesome or cool until it's been ponified. Can you not enjoy the thing as it was originally intended?

Maybe I'm looking into this too deeply, especially since these ponies have been keeping me awake at night (literally, I can't fall asleep). But who hasn't examined something deeply and not found something interesting?

Really, I'm mostly just angry. (I'm even… MAD, you could say.)

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm afraid that there is no solution in this case.


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