the realm of darkness larrz had dragged applebloom into was only illuminated by the light gushing in from the portal and the energy seeping from applebloom. "tacos! i should really wash my clothes. did i mail that letter. this marshmallow is hard" thought larrz through his insanity.
suddenly a thought occurs to him "i don't like it here" "and neither do i!" he said, letting go of applebloom. using his wings larrz propelled himself towards the portal, getting nicked and scratched by the falling undead. "feels like lettuce" he mumbled as he flung himself out of the portal.
the energy from the portal went through his mind like a jolt and shocked a word from his old subconscious "shea-tagooth!" shouted larrz as wandered off, his insanity driving him in random directions