Really, guys? Really?
Anyway, there's a tie. I'm not going to leave the tie to you guys, because not even all of those who are in the game and post on the thread actually vote.
However, I want to reward those who voted (and encourage participation for the rest of the game.) So via a randomization site, I assigned Ashbot, Riyku, and Teh Brawler numbers. Teh Brawler was "1," Rikyu (freshly resurrected,) was "2," and Ashbot was "3." I chose from ANY person who submitted a vote: they may all be villagers, they may include both mafia, or anything in between.
The randomly chosen number determined the following death regardless of affiliation.
Sorry to change things up mid-game, but if we're going to play, then I figure I'd need to add more initiative to participate.
Teh Brawler knew his time had come. All of his crimes and deception, his greed for power, his alliance to an evil and bloodthirsty mafia…
At this point, he almost welcomed the End. Almost.
He walked as normally as possible to his vehicle. He drove at a normal speed, past his house, past his neighborhood, and out of town. He pulled over beside a field and stepped out to observe the sky turn from twilight to midnight blue. He watched the moon appear large over the horizon. He watched it shrink and settle in space among the stars. But mostly he waited for the villagers to come and find him. He was smart enough to evade the villagers for a while, but he wasn't going to outrun the villagers' vengeance forever. And he couldn't end his own life and he didn't really want to live it in constant fear.
He heard a car pull up and turn off behind him before the slamming doors and the hastened footsteps. He didn't flinch or move or speak to acknowledge it. He simply focused on the moon. Surely, it would be a more beautiful sight than the spilling of his own blood. After a brief pause from the hitmen, they opened fire. The first few shots actually missed Teh Brawler altogether, but before Teh Brawler could smirk at their poor aim, they finally scored a bullseye in the back of the mafioso's head.
30 hours remain in the Night Phase Mafia, please submit your vote.
I'm shortening the time to 30 hours for the rest of the game's Phases.
Any day phase's tie will be broken in the same way as this tie.