Hurt Vinyl
Scores for new page:
Vriska- 207
Suiseiseki- 202
Captain Falcon- 104
KYM-tan- 72
Vinyl Scratch- 16
320,842 total conversations in 9,947 threads
Last posted
Dec 30, 2012 at 09:10PM EST.
Dec 08, 2012 at 04:04PM EST
1391 posts
36 users
Hurt Vinyl
Scores for new page:
Vriska- 207
Suiseiseki- 202
Captain Falcon- 104
KYM-tan- 72
Vinyl Scratch- 16
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vriska
Who would hurt this?
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vriska
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vriska
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vriska
(My last Vriska hurt for now)
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Vinyl at 4 HP
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Hurt Vinyl
Vriska- 203
Suiseiseki- 202
Captain Falcon- 104
KYM-tan- 72
Hurt Falcon
Alright Falcon, one girl down, three to go.
Hurt KYM-tan.
Hurt KYM-tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Also, If falcon dies, I'm going Suiseiseki all the fucking way.
Hurt KYM-tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt Falcon
Hurt Falcon
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt Falcon
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt Falcon
Hurt KYM-Tan
Falcon has been knocked down from the 100 mark
Vriska- 203
Suiseiseki- 202
Captain Falcon- 99
KYM-tan- 61
Hurt KYM-Tan
Yes, I got a bit angry there.
Hurt Suiseiseki
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt Vriska.
Hurt KYM-Tan
Hurt KYM-tan
Hurt KYM-tan
Hurt Falcon
(I bet you guys hate KYM so get off this site, and never come back. Serious. )
Hurt KYM-Tan
I like how the people who were around the creation of KYM-tan are not the ones hurting her.
I just want to ask a question to the people who are hurting falcon:
Do you hate me?
The forums called just for fun.
I thought we were having fun here guys.
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