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KYM's Got Talent Season Two

Last posted Jun 06, 2013 at 07:39PM EDT. Added May 23, 2013 at 08:35PM EDT
225 posts from 19 users

Ann Hiro is too late. I will not accept an invisible car. So as a result, Ann Hiro has been eliminated. We will still judge the other entries, but however, the scores from this challenge along with the scores from the next challenge will be added to determine who gets eliminated in the third challenge.

Sting: 3. A bit bland, but good nonetheless.

Endo: 5. I think you'll be a great threat in drawing competitions.

DisturbedHuman: 2. Pretty bland.

Sam: 5. 10/10 would ride.

Serious: 4. Ah, the good old DeLorean. I love it.

Marmot: 3. ah, the '69 charger. looks good.

The was eh, but the description was a nice touch
it was 2edgy4me
It looks like an eraser
Jetstream Sam-4
The captions are great, but the drawing is just okay
Serious Business-3
Loves me some back to the future
The drawing was decent

5- I love your art style. My favorite part is that Seinfeld is in the trunk to breathe toxic fumes.
Sting Auer
3- Your art skills aren't impressive, but I gave you three points for your writing that is like a used car dealership newspaper ad.
Disturbed Human
2- I don't find anything special about this sketch of a toy racecar.
Serious Business
4- I've always wanted a plane-car.
Jetstream Sam
5- You put a lot of awesomeness in one vehicle.
Floating Marmot
3- You are good at shading. This car reminds me of the cars in comic books.

Sting – 9
Endo – 15
Disturbed Human – 6
Jetstream Sam – 14
Serious Business – 11
Floating Marmot – 9

Well congrats to Endo for getting the first ever perfect score on a challenge. However, because Ann Hiro has been eliminated for not completing the challenge, all six of you are safe for now, but because of this, the scores from this challenge along with the scores from the next challenge will determine who gets eliminated next.


Crouching Sloth
Captain Douglas J Falcon


Sting Auer
Disturbed Human
Serious Business
Jetstream Sam
Floating Marmot

Challenge: Write your own rewrite of the Navy Seal Copypasta.

Last edited May 29, 2013 at 03:57PM EDT

chowzburgerz wrote:

Sting – 9
Endo – 15
Disturbed Human – 6
Jetstream Sam – 14
Serious Business – 11
Floating Marmot – 9

Well congrats to Endo for getting the first ever perfect score on a challenge. However, because Ann Hiro has been eliminated for not completing the challenge, all six of you are safe for now, but because of this, the scores from this challenge along with the scores from the next challenge will determine who gets eliminated next.


Crouching Sloth
Captain Douglas J Falcon


Sting Auer
Disturbed Human
Serious Business
Jetstream Sam
Floating Marmot

Challenge: Write your own rewrite of the Navy Seal Copypasta.

Maybe we should also make an alternative challenge that relates to the Navy Seal Copypasta just in case someone can't get access to a mic. I remember last time we did a voice challenge a lot of people weren't able to do it and dropped out because of it.

ProjectENDO wrote:

I can dramatic read or write a new one, both challenges work for me
but writing a new one does seem a little easier

Ok, writing a new one is the one I want.

What the truck did you just trucking say about me, you little dump? I’ll have you know I promoted top of my class in the Discovery Camp Preschool (DCP), and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Cookie Jar, and I have over 300 confirmed diapie changes. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top boogerflicker in the entire DCP armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another binky. I will wipe you the duck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Ballpit, mark my trucking words. You think you can get away with saying that poopy to me over the lego table? Think again, firetruck taker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of soccer moms across the DCP and your pacifier is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, butthead. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your teddy. You’re trucking dead, poopyface. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can throw sand at you in over a eleventy-gillion ways, and that’s just with the plastic shovel. Not only am I extensively trained in not getting the toilet seat wet, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the DCP and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dirty butt off the face of the continent, you little poople. If only you could have known what unholy spankings your ugly mommy was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your rubber ducky taking. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you stupid poopyface. I will put poopy on your peanut butter and jelly sandwich and you will think its icky. You're truck is mine, kiddo.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little human? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my line in the Bending Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret thefts on my friends, and I have over 300 confirmed keg stands. I am trained in rioting and I’m the top bender in the entire Planet Express crew. You are nothing to me but just another girder. I will bend you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Universe, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am building my secret network of hookers across the USA and your Career Chip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, human. The storm that drinks out the pathetic little bräu you call your life. You’re fucking bent, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can bend you into over three hundred and sixty angles, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in bending, but I have access to the entire liquor store across the street, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will burp fire all over you and you will burn in it. Bite my shiny metal ass, kiddo.

Last edited May 29, 2013 at 05:03PM EDT

No reason this should take very long, guys. Let's get this round over with!

What the trucker-hat did you just fezzing say to me, you little beret? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in haberdashery, and I’ve been involved in crafting numerous turbans for Al-Qaeda, and I have covered 300 confirmed skulls. I am trained in classic casualwear and I’m the top haberdasher in the entire US garment district. You are nothing to me but another hat-size. I will dress you the fez up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on your head, mark my fezzing words. You think you can get away with saying that stetson to me over the internet? Think again, fedora. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of silk across the USA and your hair is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, miter. The storm that spices up the pathetic little thing you call your head. Your fezzing head, kid. I can sew anywhere, anytime, and I can dress you in over seven hundred hats, and that’s just with my bear hats. Not only am I extensively trained in unbrimmed headgear, but I have access to the entire repertoire of Old Navy and I will use it to its full extent to move your miserable hat off the face of Congress, you little sombrero. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” baldness was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held on to your hat. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the haberdasher, you duncecap. I will shape a furry cap all over your head, and you will be down with that. Your fezzing head, kiddo.

Last edited May 29, 2013 at 04:57PM EDT

\/\/|-|47 7|-|3 fuck d1d y0u ju57 fuck1|\|6 54y 480u7 |\/|3, y0u l177l3 817c|-|? 1’ll |-|4\/3 y0u k|\|0\/\/ 1 6r4du473d 70p 0f |\/|y cl455 1|\| 7|-|3 |\|4\/y 534l5, 4|\|d 1’\/3 833|\| 1|\|\/0l\/3d 1|\| |\|u|\/|3r0u5 53cr37 r41d5 0|\| 4l-Qu43d4, 4|\|d 1 |-|4\/3 0\/3r 7|-|r33 |-|u|\|dr3d c0|\|f1r|\/|3d k1ll5. 1 4|\/| 7r41|\|3d 1|\| 60r1ll4 \/\/4rf4r3 4|\|d 1’|\/| 7|-|3 70p 5|\|1p3r 1|\| 7|-|3 3|\|71r3 U5 4r|\/|3d f0rc35. Y0u 4r3 |\|07|-|1|\|6 70 |\/|3 8u7 ju57 4|\|07|-|3r 74r637. 1 \/\/1ll \/\/1p3 y0u 7|-|3 fuck 0u7 \/\/17|-| pr3c1510|\| 7|-|3 l1k35 0f \/\/|-|1c|-| |-|45 |\|3\/3r 833|\| 533|\| 0|\| 7|-|15 31r7|-|, |\/|4rk |\/|y fuck1|\|6 \/\/0rd5. Y0u 7|-|1|\|k y0u c4|\| 637 4\/\/4y \/\/17|-| 54y1|\|6 7|-|47 5|-|17 70 |\/|3 0\/3r 7|-|3 1|\|73r|\|37? 7|-|1|\|k 4641|\|, fuck3r. 45 \/\/3 5p34k 1 4|\/| c0|\|74c71|\|6 |\/|y 53cr37 |\|37\/\/0rk 0f 5p135 4cr055 7|-|3 U54 4|\|d y0ur 1P 15 831|\|6 7r4c3d r16|-|7 |\|0\/\/ 50 y0u 83773r pr3p4r3 f0r 7|-| 570r|\/|, |\/|46607. 7|-|3 570r|\/| 7|-|47 \/\/1p35 0u7 7|-|3 p47|-|371c l177l3 7|-| 1|\|6 y0u c4ll y0ur l1f3. Y0u’r3 fuck1|\|6 d34d, k1d. 1 c4|\| 83 4|\|y\/\/|-|3r3, 4|\|y71|\/|3, 4|\|d 1 c4|\| k1ll y0u 1|\| 0\/3r 53\/3|\| |-|u|\|r3d \/\/4y5, 4|\|d 7|-|47’5 ju57 \/\/17|-| |\/|y 84r3 |-|4|\|d5. |\|07 0|\|ly 4|\/| 1 3×73|\|51\/3ly 7r41|\|3d 1|\| u|\|4r|\/|3d c0|\/|847, 8u7 1 |-|4\/3 4cc355 70 7|-|3 3|\|71r3 4r53|\|4l 0f 7|-|3 U|\|173d 574735 |\/|4r1|\|3 C0rp5 4|\|d 1 \/\/1ll u53 17 70 175 full 3×73|\|7 70 \/\/1p3 y0ur |\/|153r48l3 455 0ff 7|-|3 f4c3 0f 7|-|3 c0|\|71|\|3|\|7, y0u l177l3 5|-|17. 1f o|\|ly y0u c0uld |-|4\/3 k|\|0\/\/|\| \/\/|-|47 u|\||-|0ly r37r18u710|\| y0ur “cl3\/3r” c0|\/||\/|3|\|7 \/\/45 480u7 70 8r1|\|6 d0\/\/|\| up0|\| y0u, |\/|4y83 y0u \/\/0uld |-|4\/3 |-|3ld y0ur fuck1|\|6 70u6u3. 8u7 y0u c0uld|\|’7, y0u d1d|\|’7, 4|\|d |\|0\/\/ y0u’r3 p4y1|\|6 7|-|3 pr1c3, y0u 60dd4|\/||\| 1d107. 1 \/\/1ll 5|-|17 fury 4ll 0\/3r y0u 4|\|d y0u \/\/1ll dr2\/\/|\| 1|\| 17. Y0u’r3 fuck1|\|6 d34d, k1dd0.

Well, that took alot longer than it should have.

Disty wrote:

\/\/|-|47 7|-|3 fuck d1d y0u ju57 fuck1|\|6 54y 480u7 |\/|3, y0u l177l3 817c|-|? 1’ll |-|4\/3 y0u k|\|0\/\/ 1 6r4du473d 70p 0f |\/|y cl455 1|\| 7|-|3 |\|4\/y 534l5, 4|\|d 1’\/3 833|\| 1|\|\/0l\/3d 1|\| |\|u|\/|3r0u5 53cr37 r41d5 0|\| 4l-Qu43d4, 4|\|d 1 |-|4\/3 0\/3r 7|-|r33 |-|u|\|dr3d c0|\|f1r|\/|3d k1ll5. 1 4|\/| 7r41|\|3d 1|\| 60r1ll4 \/\/4rf4r3 4|\|d 1’|\/| 7|-|3 70p 5|\|1p3r 1|\| 7|-|3 3|\|71r3 U5 4r|\/|3d f0rc35. Y0u 4r3 |\|07|-|1|\|6 70 |\/|3 8u7 ju57 4|\|07|-|3r 74r637. 1 \/\/1ll \/\/1p3 y0u 7|-|3 fuck 0u7 \/\/17|-| pr3c1510|\| 7|-|3 l1k35 0f \/\/|-|1c|-| |-|45 |\|3\/3r 833|\| 533|\| 0|\| 7|-|15 31r7|-|, |\/|4rk |\/|y fuck1|\|6 \/\/0rd5. Y0u 7|-|1|\|k y0u c4|\| 637 4\/\/4y \/\/17|-| 54y1|\|6 7|-|47 5|-|17 70 |\/|3 0\/3r 7|-|3 1|\|73r|\|37? 7|-|1|\|k 4641|\|, fuck3r. 45 \/\/3 5p34k 1 4|\/| c0|\|74c71|\|6 |\/|y 53cr37 |\|37\/\/0rk 0f 5p135 4cr055 7|-|3 U54 4|\|d y0ur 1P 15 831|\|6 7r4c3d r16|-|7 |\|0\/\/ 50 y0u 83773r pr3p4r3 f0r 7|-| 570r|\/|, |\/|46607. 7|-|3 570r|\/| 7|-|47 \/\/1p35 0u7 7|-|3 p47|-|371c l177l3 7|-| 1|\|6 y0u c4ll y0ur l1f3. Y0u’r3 fuck1|\|6 d34d, k1d. 1 c4|\| 83 4|\|y\/\/|-|3r3, 4|\|y71|\/|3, 4|\|d 1 c4|\| k1ll y0u 1|\| 0\/3r 53\/3|\| |-|u|\|r3d \/\/4y5, 4|\|d 7|-|47’5 ju57 \/\/17|-| |\/|y 84r3 |-|4|\|d5. |\|07 0|\|ly 4|\/| 1 3×73|\|51\/3ly 7r41|\|3d 1|\| u|\|4r|\/|3d c0|\/|847, 8u7 1 |-|4\/3 4cc355 70 7|-|3 3|\|71r3 4r53|\|4l 0f 7|-|3 U|\|173d 574735 |\/|4r1|\|3 C0rp5 4|\|d 1 \/\/1ll u53 17 70 175 full 3×73|\|7 70 \/\/1p3 y0ur |\/|153r48l3 455 0ff 7|-|3 f4c3 0f 7|-|3 c0|\|71|\|3|\|7, y0u l177l3 5|-|17. 1f o|\|ly y0u c0uld |-|4\/3 k|\|0\/\/|\| \/\/|-|47 u|\||-|0ly r37r18u710|\| y0ur “cl3\/3r” c0|\/||\/|3|\|7 \/\/45 480u7 70 8r1|\|6 d0\/\/|\| up0|\| y0u, |\/|4y83 y0u \/\/0uld |-|4\/3 |-|3ld y0ur fuck1|\|6 70u6u3. 8u7 y0u c0uld|\|’7, y0u d1d|\|’7, 4|\|d |\|0\/\/ y0u’r3 p4y1|\|6 7|-|3 pr1c3, y0u 60dd4|\/||\| 1d107. 1 \/\/1ll 5|-|17 fury 4ll 0\/3r y0u 4|\|d y0u \/\/1ll dr2\/\/|\| 1|\| 17. Y0u’r3 fuck1|\|6 d34d, k1dd0.

Well, that took alot longer than it should have.

sweet jesus

What the swag did you just fucking yolo about me, you little wayne? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Swag Fags, and I've been involved in numerous Obey records, and I have over 300 confirmed swaggers. I'm trained in wearing my pants down low, and I'm the top poser in the entire Swag Fag army. You are nothing to me but just another No Swag. I will swag you the fuck out with swagger the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking hashtags. You think you can get away with not taking pictures in a mirror over the Internet? Think again, No Swagger. As we speak, I am contacting my mom, she has a lot of swag, and your no swag, ratchet ass is being traced right now so you better prepare for the yolo, nigga. The yolo that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your swag. You're fucking dead, nigga. I can swag anywhere, anytime, and I can swag in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my baggy, swagalicious skinny jeans. Not only am I extensively trained in hanging low and having plugs, but I have access to the entire Hollister store. and I will use it to its full swagginess to wipe your miserable no swag off the face of tumblr, you little Non-trend follower. I will swag yolo all over you and you will swag in it. You're fucking dead, nigga.

RUN AWAY!!! It's the Swag Monster!

Last edited May 30, 2013 at 09:01AM EDT

@ENDO & Serious Business

Different time zones and such….anyway, enjoy this fine pile of steaming crap

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little sukka? I’ll have you know I was made leader of my scouting party in the The Order, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the 4th Reich, and I have over 300 factory bullets. I am trained in gasmask donning and I’m the top stalker in the entire Spartan elite forces. You are nothing to me but just another nosalis. I will stab you the fuck out with a QTE the likes of which has never been seen before on this post apocalyptic Earth, journalize my fucking words. You think you can cart away with saying that shit to me in Polis? Think again, sukka. As we speak I am sending a messenger rat to my secret team of traders across the metro system and your ID is being dug up right now so you better prepare for the raiders, mutant. The raiders that will wipe out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, sukka. I can be almost anywhere, depending on the radiation levels, and I can kill you in over 3 different ways, and that’s just with my bare watch hand. Not only am I extensively trained in resisting radiation, but I have access to the entire arsenal of D6 and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your mutant mandibles off the face of Moscow, you little sukka. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” message was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking messenger rat. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you’re paying the bullets, you goddamn sukka. I will shit dirty ammo all over you and you will "EUGH!" in it. You’re fucking dead, sukka.

Last edited May 30, 2013 at 01:39PM EDT

There you have it. All six contestant have posted and now it's judging time. Remember the scores from the last challenge and this challenge will be added up.

5- I love the Bender reference.
Sting Auer
3- The humor is too gross.
Disturbed Human
1- My eyes… …they hurt!
Serious Business
5- I like how you made it from a threat to kill someone, into a threat to make a cap for their ugly bald head.
Jetstream Sam
5- This reminds me of a game I play.
Floating Marmot
4- The batman running was a nice addition.

Sting – 16
Endo – 24
Disturbed Human – 11
Jetstream Sam – 23
Serious Business – 20
Floating Marmot – 17

Only Crouching Sloth needs to make his judging picks.

Nice Futurama theme
Interesting baby humor
Jetstream Sam-4
Serious Business-5
So many hats
Floating Marmot-4
swiggity swag

Here are the results:

Sting – 20
Endo – 28
Disturbed Human – 14
Jetstream Sam – 27
Serious Business – 25
Floating Marmot – 21

KYM has voted. The contestant leaving the competition is………..Disturbed Human.

4th challenge coming up in an hour or two.


Crouching Sloth
Captain Douglas J. Falcon


Jetstream Sam
Serious Business
Floating Marmot

Challenge: Draw an awesome guitar and make it rock and roll. You all have 48 hours to complete the challenge.

Last edited May 30, 2013 at 04:40PM EDT

It rolls, it rocks, it breaks rocks and its a guitar pickaxe…..PICK….AXE

Pick….Pick? Plectrum? guitar plectrum?…..axe? an axe? guitar = axe?

Everythin' you could ever want.

Last edited May 30, 2013 at 07:17PM EDT

ProjectENDO wrote:

Jetstream, I can't tell if you're an idiot or a genius, but I love you either way

Friendly rivalry? Let's see what you got.

okay, here's mine
i know the lack of detail may cost me the title, but i've been trying to build my animation skills, so this was good practice

i've always wanted a guitar that's shaped like a dragon's open mouth, and orange is my favorite color, so there you have it

ProjectENDO wrote:

Jetstream, I can't tell if you're an idiot or a genius, but I love you either way

I think its a bit of both in all honesty, I just can't help to take things over literally sometimes


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