So, as some of you may remember, Verbose had this great idea several months ago. I was on a bit of a break at the time, so I missed all of the fun, but I think sufficient time has passed for us to try this fun little game again. So Verbose and I have agreed to revive the idea and we'll be working together to do this again. Well, most of the work will be done by him, but still.
Here's how this goes: the majority of us, from what I can tell, really enjoy music, and I've found that great joy can be had in sharing that music with others. Plus, as a listener, hearing various styles of music and being attentive to others' tastes can introduce you to some great music you might have otherwise never heard. Therefore, we're going to take that premise and organize it into a game, stealing using the same pattern Verbose did eight months or so ago.
That's right, it's a forum game, but unlike other forum games, there are no winners and losers per se, outside of individual enjoyment. This is simply a chance for the community to get together, share some tracks, and have a good time.
Now, for the mechanics I'm stealing straight from good old Verbs:
1) If you're interested in joining something like this, post here. This is not a huge commitment of any sort, but we want things to run effectively, so please don't sign up if you know you're not going to do with it.
2) Everyone will be assigned a number based on when, after these intro posts by me and Verbose, he/she posts in the thread; I.E., the first person to post that they're interested is no. 1, the second no. 2, and so forth.
3) Verbose will work his voodoo magic, and everyone will be randomly assigned a partner based on the pool of those interested. See where this is going yet?
4) This is your buddy. Love your buddy. Cherish your buddy. But don't abuse your buddy, please. You'll be with your buddy for 7 days.
5) During that week, you will give your buddy a link to one song per day for each day of the week. Try to share things you really like, and variety is encouraged, but not required (heck, none of this is required). Be nice, and actually listen to the song you receive each day. It'll take just a few minutes of your life.
6) If you like your buddy's taste, great! Don't feel like you have to limit yourself to one song a day if you're really enjoying what you're hearing. Just be sure to tell your buddy that you want to hear more.
7) Be honest, but not mean. If you really just don't like what you're hearing, don't lie about it. But don't be a jerk. Just ask you buddy to mix it up a little.
Other things to remember, again stolen from Verbose:
- Make sure you can actually participate during the week. Nothing sucks more than to get bailed on while everyone else is having fun. Should this happen, or should we have an odd number of people sign up, I'll volunteer to be the odd man out. In other words, I will partner up with whoever does not have a partner at any given time. Trust me, I've got plenty of weird music to share with you people.
-Keep in mind your partner has 24 hours to post his/her link. Crap happens. Don't get worried if your buddy hasn't posted late into the day. If they miss a day, give them time to catch up.
-If you fall behind, catch up. If you miss a day, post two songs the next day, and so forth. But don't be that guy. Don't abandon people.
-If you've been abandoned or feel like you have, contact me or Verbose and we'll sort it out.
-Post your song links on walls or via PM. If we get a million embeds in this thread, browsers will react poorly. That being said, feel free to discuss your buddy's posts in here. But again, let's not embed in this thread to save everyone the headaches.
Well, are you interested in doing this, guys? If not, that's cool. But it seemed a fun thing to bring back. Any questions?
List of interested users:
- Mack
- *Verbose (if needed)
- Adam DeLand
- opspe
- Crouching Sloth
- Mike
- Ωuantum Meme
- Kyntak
- level4outbreak
- Vino
(Total of 10 so far. I expect to begin randomizing at Saturday (today) 11pm Eastern, and have the pairs by 11:59pm Saturday night.)