I turn the thermostat of the oven to the maximum, burning the cookies. Nobody is pleased. The grandmas pout in rage and walk off.
Cool, top of the page :)
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Oct 22, 2013 at 07:12AM EDT.
Sep 30, 2013 at 09:54PM EDT
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28 users
I turn the thermostat of the oven to the maximum, burning the cookies. Nobody is pleased. The grandmas pout in rage and walk off.
Cool, top of the page :)
Ricky wakes up.
Shoots lone k. Finds jace, bashes his head in with relic.
Steals relic. Melts it into gold chain,
Now has gold chain treasure,
Looks at ricky using binoculars
Goes to his house to steal gold chain treasure.
Evades all alarms and defenses
Takes chain treasure
Ricky catches me
I fight using chains
I run away
I use SEKRET EDITOR MAJJYKZ to turn the chain back into the Boots of Kick Everything (that was the exact relic you were all fighting over) and immediately garrison it in the Temple in my base. Good luck, I have all the defenses, all of them. Loads of walls, towers, and ranged units. And some hero contarii and gold colossi for the hell of it.
While TARDISES was preparing for a frontal assault he never noticed that I was lurking in the shadows summoning a Dimensional Shambler to take the treasure without him realizing it due to the shambler's ability to travel into multiple dimensions.
I use godmode and noclip.
sv_cheats 0
Noclip and god effect wear off
Big Stupid Jellyfish gets sucked into the void.
I leave with the treasure
Tase mike.
Steal boots and melt back into chain.
SEKRIT EDITOR MAJJYKSZ again. You cannot simply melt down a relic into a chain, I won't allow it. And just for that, I set up a trigger to automatically Bolt Ricky to death, And then send the relic back to the temple, after making sure that everything inside is revealed through various units placed throughout the base.
I am on weed. Therefore, I AM INVINCIBLE.
Steals the loot off Ricky's dead body
I sneak behind Douglas and steal his treasure.
I stab Atrap's in the back while he was busy trying to get away from Caption Falcon. But before I could leave with the treasure I was abducted by a UFO.
Comes back to life as a zombie and forms a zombie mob to take out the UFO and steal the treasure.
A volcano rises up around Ricky, he has no chance to survive make his time. I then calmly pick up the relic, because lava from Volcano and Earthquake NEVER harms the caster.
(I wonder if anyone gets the reference?)
I cast dispel magic, removing your fancy volcano and disguise, exposing your true self. With this I reveal to the world that you were A SENTIENT FIRETRUCK ALL ALONG!
Since you no longer have any hands, you drop the treasure, allowing me to snatch it away.
See you in Siberia.
(Nope, sorry, doesn't ring a bell).
I have no idea waht the hell you tried to do, but it appears you were stuck in some sort of crazy simulation. I stand on top of the mountain that is left over from the volcano, and have the relic.
I activate my stealth-boy, and sneak you up from behind. When in touching reach, I pickpocket the relic from you, and replace it with a live grenade.
My burnt corpse comes to you and forces you to get addicted to jet. Therefore making you trade the relic for jet and abandoning you.
I am watching this on television
little does everyone know that i am also in space
I have the only "second copy" of the box
I see what's in the box. I don't want to tell you plebs so I keep silence and countinue to enjoy.
I hack the gold out of you all
My burnt corpse comes to you and forces you to get addicted to jet. Therefore making you trade the relic for jet and abandoning you.
And shark there is no "box" the treasure is boots.
Using the powers of necromancy I command your corpse to give me the treasure and for you to jump off a bridge so that way you wont get in my way.
Sadly for you, your necromantic powers are no match for my Dance Ray.
Now both you and Ricky perform the Thriller dance, while I fly off into the distance.
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