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Waifu/Husbando Thread

Last posted Aug 13, 2015 at 10:47AM EDT. Added Jul 16, 2015 at 11:37AM EDT
39 posts from 37 users

So in love I can't even ship anyone from this series. But he's my pure love husbando. The slut on my multiple dakimakura is

for which I am truly not sorry.

sign another one of these threads, fine.

Rylia, the Crystal Maiden.

Also cosplay: Bringing waifu's to life just to only disappoint you even more at the end.

Anime Waifu

I've stated enough times why Stocking is my waifu and I feel I don't have to say why I love her again to everyone as they've probably heard it about a dozen times.
Video Game Waifu

Juri is just so sadistic when it comes to everything she does, and that's something I really love about her character. She's the perfect mixture of evil and sultry with a dash of sadistic playfulness along with her nice taekwondo skills. I also wouldn't mind getting kicked around by her.


#boycott smash 4 lyndis 2015

(Tharja literally best girl in ever)

(no ragrets)


[unzips monado]

dat agility thoe [ships self with him intensely]


Last edited Jul 17, 2015 at 03:04PM EDT

If I had to restrict myself to only the best of the best

Anime husbando:

Vidya husbando:

I'm sure these both come as a huge surprise to everybody.


I am sure I am correct in assuming that through this image you are trying to point to Tapioca as the one true husbando

Last edited Jul 17, 2015 at 06:54PM EDT
I am sure I am correct in assuming that through this image you are trying to point to Tapioca as the one true husbando

Of course you are, how could you even think of anything else? althought Tapioca would be a waifu, my bad


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