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Last posted Jun 13, 2010 at 04:07PM EDT. Added Jun 12, 2010 at 08:01AM EDT
33 posts from 16 users

I have been playing TF2 all day yesterday. I have no online payment methods, though, so I can't play online starting tomorrow at noon.
As Heavy would say…

This week I was up 72 hours straight. Oh course I can't prove it, but I had three papers, 2 speeches (one 16 minutes long the other 5), a presentation on a study I did on the importance of biodiversity, wrapped up a three week study of the slug populations of an area swamp and three early exams. /sadist gloat

Actually Touhou is new to me, I have not heard of it until about an hour ago.
I am still not sure what Touhou is exactly. I look it up on youtube and a bunch of random videos come up.


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