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[Memeory Lane] Equestria Daily features KYM's brony culture survey

Last posted May 22, 2012 at 03:38PM EDT. Added May 22, 2012 at 12:26AM EDT
23 posts from 18 users

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This is what's considered news here?

I mean, I can understand that they're supposed to be the biggest collection of bronies on the internet, but, really? This, news?

This is nothing compared to KYM showing up in a national capital.

Last edited May 22, 2012 at 02:13AM EDT


Technically, no. It can be altered. opspe handled the scribd upload, so it's up to him as to whether he wants to change them now, and I would certainly help him with it. I think my desire to be professional is equal to my desire to stop working on the paper anymore. But it can't hurt to see what you saw either way.

Were there really that many errors?

My self-invented term "ponysexual" is getting quite some attention on EqD. I'm curious if it will begin getting regular use as an actual term for people who have had intimate feelings toward ponies.

If it does, that means I just contributed a new word to society…

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

My self-invented term "ponysexual" is getting quite some attention on EqD. I'm curious if it will begin getting regular use as an actual term for people who have had intimate feelings toward ponies.

If it does, that means I just contributed a new word to society…

You just want to become the next Shakespeare, don't you BSoD?

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

My self-invented term "ponysexual" is getting quite some attention on EqD. I'm curious if it will begin getting regular use as an actual term for people who have had intimate feelings toward ponies.

If it does, that means I just contributed a new word to society…

I really hope it doesn't. But that's just because I wish people wouldn't discuss "ponysexuality".


I wouldn't worry. I doubt it will catch on. I'll be very, very surprised if it does


T'would be most grande of a happenstance should it happenstance at all. Ye I lament the elusiveness of such a time come to pass.

Forsooth aye be no poet, nay artiste, nay governor, nay philosopher. I shalt rile in obscurity for all of time. To be abandoned with naught but distant dreams. Who is one who squanders all time and cent upon sitting down in thy computing chair to match the influential power of one like Shakespeare? And yet who is one to deny thy own God given potential?

Last edited May 22, 2012 at 09:00AM EDT

Based on the very low number of people who affiliated themselves with the term, I doubt it will catch on.

I still like how I'm one of the few people who actually writes articles based on the show. I know it's KYM meme articles, but articles nonetheless.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

My self-invented term "ponysexual" is getting quite some attention on EqD. I'm curious if it will begin getting regular use as an actual term for people who have had intimate feelings toward ponies.

If it does, that means I just contributed a new word to society…

Perhaps, but don't expect credit. It seems to me it's one of those words that's pretty much a logical linguistic formation to the point where it was inevitable that it would find its way into the language once the brony phenomenon became as big as it did. In fact, while I couldn't say for sure, I expect you weren't unique in coining that word. As it happens, doing a time-restricted Google search for instances before June of 2010, I found that at least the word "ponysex" was in use on the Internet.

Ew. There's one for the "So, how has everyone changed since they joined KYM?" thread: It seems like at least once a month, due to KYM research issues, I perform a Google search of which I didn't really want to know the results.

Pardon my tangent here, but I've always found it interesting when I come up with a word I've never heard before that turns out to already exist nonetheless. Some words are just logical extensions of existing words. In reading about Japanese recently, I came up with the term "polypthong" to describe a linguistic concept. I haven't seen it in any dictionaries, but Google shows 23 results, and I expect any professional linguist could actually describe what the term means better than I could, even though I made it up.

I'm just fascinated that 1/3 of the survey group enjoys R34.
The implications of which are staggering. Too bad there will never be civilized discussion of this without at least 7 people jumping in to inform everyone "MLP ROX" and "MLP SUCKS".


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