Oh good, it's finally over! inb4 downvotes because I have a differing opinion to le KYM hivemind. lol just kidding, guys.
I really hope y'all had fun with KYM spirit week and that's not sarcasm because it was really interesting to see the KYM community come together and actually commit themselves to doing one small activity each day.
Sure, it stopped me from working on the feature-length KYM Thread Simulator v3.0 movie for a whole week and probably has left a permanent mark on the project BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE IN THAT THREAD STILL HAVE NOT REVERTED THEIR NAMES BACK TO WHAT IT WAS BEFORE SPIRIT WEEK WHICH WILL REALLY MESS UP WHAT THE CREDITS LOOK LIKE (who would want to be credited as a different person or just not credited at all?), but why should I waste time being selfish and disapproving of fun, when I can just sit back, relax and enjoy watching fun happen?
And so, even though I didn't participate, KYM Spirit Week was still fun for me as I resigned to the fact that I shouldn't stop people from having fun. The End.
(P.S. Do you know where else you can have fun with fellow KYM users from around the world in realtime? That's right, the #knowyourmeme channel on the Freenode IRC network. THIS CHANNEL IS NOT #OMGKYM, which might be the first channel to display when you connect from KYM's chat page. Anyway, just grab an IRC client and stay connected to that first channel FOREVER. It doesn't matter if it seems empty, just idle there and then join in the conversation whenever it starts being active again. We talk about anything from animu to vidya to internet and we sometimes organise multiplayer games (like osu! or Board Game Online or Civilization or FPS games).
Now, there is an inside joke on these forums that the IRC is obsessed with dicks, but you might see a bit more than that too, like… well, let's just say we can get much more NSFW than the main site (spoiler: there is rare chance to spot links leading to furry yiff and pony clop aplenty). What are you waiting for? Join the channel now! Revive it, please!)