TRY NOT TO FALL OVER DEAD EVERYONE, but the mainstream media is finally admitting that Hispanics like Trump.
{ “Most Hispanics here in East Texas are here legally, they vote, and they are hard-line opponents of illegal immigration,” said Mr. Sanders, a top adviser in Democrat Tony Sanchez’s 2002 campaign to unseat then-Gov. Rick Perry. “The only one they want is Trump -- not Hillary, not Bernie. That’s the conundrum for Democrats.”
Whether Mr. Trump is saying he loves Hispanics or vowing to deport all 11 million or so illegal immigrants, it’s equally music to the ears of many Hispanic voters.
“I don’t care if he likes me or not as a Hispanic or Latino, as long he creates the jobs he promised,” said Carlo Maffatt, a Mexican immigrant who lives in Las Vegas and who did political liaison work in the Hispanic community for Republicans during the 2012 presidential election. “He is never going to take me out for a beer, so it doesn’t matter whether I like him or not either.
“The job of the president of the United Stats is to create jobs, not to be the friend of every American,” Mr. Maffatt said.
Mr. Maffatt said recent Hispanic immigrants have plenty of reason to favor Mr. Trump: They don’t want new immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, competing for “a job for whatever anyone will give them.”
“When we are new here and desperately trying to make a living, we will charge less than white Anglo-Saxons. We eventually improve our lot, but then when we have more new immigrants coming in, [and] we’re the first to lose our jobs because they’re willing to work for less money,” he said. }
Despite recent alphabet network robo-call polls saying otherwise, a Reuters poll of 10,500+ shows Carson tanking back down to ~18% (to Trump's 30%) after the latest debate.