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Last posted Oct 06, 2011 at 09:42PM EDT. Added Feb 11, 2011 at 03:26PM EST
9959 posts from 189 users

Godzillan wrote:

Off Topic:
So I know what episode I should show my friend first, but what do I do before/after?
Because I don't expect to come to his house on a Saturday and get his ipad and watch ponies…or do I?

On Topic: Well considering what we got from the content already in Season 2, I think it's safe to bring Luna in.

Not really sure I understand the question.
Depending upon the episode, I might give some background information that makes the episode more meaningful. For example, seeing Pinkamena in Party of One doesn't really have the same effect unless you know how happy, hyper, and sweet she had been for the entire first season.

Afterwards, I figure you'd just hang out, answer any show or fandom questions, and do whatever it is you'd normally do. Refer to some tumblr's, comics, or fanfics if he takes a shine to a certain character. Recommend other episodes. Make cupcakes. I dunno.

Wow, I leave this thread alone for a month and it is nearing Over 9000 Posts.

Nevermind, this will reach 10000 posts before we can count to 10000 in a certain other thread…

Last edited Sep 30, 2011 at 08:09PM EDT

Gigatoast wrote:

Trust me when I say there's a 100% chance the official depiction of Luna will piss people off. The fandom has built a character based on less then 60 seconds of screen-time and one line of dialogue, and now that she's actually going to be given time to develop canonically there's no telling how it'll turn out.

Studio B have already made it clear that they aren't going to the fanbase to help shape the show, so to all you fanon Luna fans, keep your minds open and be prepared to toss all your preconceived notions. As for me, I can't wait to finally like this character.

I don't really mind. The fans have shaped Luna through that 60 seconds. Giving us the Luna as we know her. Although other works with Luna will pop-up after the episode, the current Luna will still appear. We already have different Lunas, some make her cute, some crazy, others like to make her sad. Flutterrage, Tree, Chicken, Pinkamina. These all got personalities through the fanbase. We even made Molestia, and that one will never be used in an episode. But still fans create Molestia and Trollestia fanworks. Trollestia was created from one scene, then fans suddenly started noticing her other troll actions.

But the best example for this is obviously Derpy. She's a background pony, no personality at all. Yet the fans gave her muffins, mailmare, emptying fridges, derp-rails, Dinky. And we still love her, even though we actually know nothing about her.

Last edited Sep 30, 2011 at 08:21PM EDT

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Wow, I leave this thread alone for a month and it is nearing Over 9000 Posts.

Nevermind, this will reach 10000 posts before we can count to 10000 in a certain other thread…

It was inevitable.

But may I ask what thread you are referring to?

RandomMan wrote:

I don't really mind. The fans have shaped Luna through that 60 seconds. Giving us the Luna as we know her. Although other works with Luna will pop-up after the episode, the current Luna will still appear. We already have different Lunas, some make her cute, some crazy, others like to make her sad. Flutterrage, Tree, Chicken, Pinkamina. These all got personalities through the fanbase. We even made Molestia, and that one will never be used in an episode. But still fans create Molestia and Trollestia fanworks. Trollestia was created from one scene, then fans suddenly started noticing her other troll actions.

But the best example for this is obviously Derpy. She's a background pony, no personality at all. Yet the fans gave her muffins, mailmare, emptying fridges, derp-rails, Dinky. And we still love her, even though we actually know nothing about her.

Amen, brony!

Ideological the Vinyl Scratch wrote:

Erm…Random……No offense, but I think it's fairly obvious which thread

I got it.


It was even frontpaged, how could I not notice?

Last edited Sep 30, 2011 at 08:22PM EDT

Ideological the Vinyl Scratch wrote:

Erm…Random……No offense, but I think it's fairly obvious which thread

what is it?
I dumb.

RandomMan wrote:

I don't really mind. The fans have shaped Luna through that 60 seconds. Giving us the Luna as we know her. Although other works with Luna will pop-up after the episode, the current Luna will still appear. We already have different Lunas, some make her cute, some crazy, others like to make her sad. Flutterrage, Tree, Chicken, Pinkamina. These all got personalities through the fanbase. We even made Molestia, and that one will never be used in an episode. But still fans create Molestia and Trollestia fanworks. Trollestia was created from one scene, then fans suddenly started noticing her other troll actions.

But the best example for this is obviously Derpy. She's a background pony, no personality at all. Yet the fans gave her muffins, mailmare, emptying fridges, derp-rails, Dinky. And we still love her, even though we actually know nothing about her.

Well, that's the beauty of background characters, they start with so little influence and personality that it's up to the fans to characterize them, and they're fanon characterizations will most likely never be proven wrong.

Spin-off characters like Pinkamina where conceived by the fanbase, they are considered completely separate from the characters in the show and have a canon of their own.

Luna is tricky though, she is a real character who will have some impact in the show. As of right now, since the character is so underdeveloped the fanon Luna is considered to be the official Luna, but as Studio B shape the real Luna, more and more of the fanon will be proven wrong.

Fanon characters like Derpy only work when they will almost never be proven wrong, so you can picture it within the context of the show.

Gigatoast wrote:

Well, that's the beauty of background characters, they start with so little influence and personality that it's up to the fans to characterize them, and they're fanon characterizations will most likely never be proven wrong.

Spin-off characters like Pinkamina where conceived by the fanbase, they are considered completely separate from the characters in the show and have a canon of their own.

Luna is tricky though, she is a real character who will have some impact in the show. As of right now, since the character is so underdeveloped the fanon Luna is considered to be the official Luna, but as Studio B shape the real Luna, more and more of the fanon will be proven wrong.

Fanon characters like Derpy only work when they will almost never be proven wrong, so you can picture it within the context of the show.

True. I will love to see the result of Studio B's version of Luna and its impact to the fanbase. I doubt Luna will become unpopular, but the fanworks of her will surely get a twist.

But if you bring it like this, I can best compare it with Celestia. Celestia has huge impact in the show, yet she can't be considered main cast, her role is too small for that. She has also been given a personality and everything. Yet, like I said before, we created Trollestia and Molestia. Both of these have been proven wrong, yet they still continue to exist.

A different example might be Trixie. She was given an own episode, personality and everything was shown there. Yet fans often give her other personalities in their works. She is also popular for shipping with Twilight, something which you wouldn't say based on the episode.

RandomMan wrote:

I don't really mind. The fans have shaped Luna through that 60 seconds. Giving us the Luna as we know her. Although other works with Luna will pop-up after the episode, the current Luna will still appear. We already have different Lunas, some make her cute, some crazy, others like to make her sad. Flutterrage, Tree, Chicken, Pinkamina. These all got personalities through the fanbase. We even made Molestia, and that one will never be used in an episode. But still fans create Molestia and Trollestia fanworks. Trollestia was created from one scene, then fans suddenly started noticing her other troll actions.

But the best example for this is obviously Derpy. She's a background pony, no personality at all. Yet the fans gave her muffins, mailmare, emptying fridges, derp-rails, Dinky. And we still love her, even though we actually know nothing about her.

I can't make a long post, but I will say this. Very well put.

RandomMan wrote:

True. I will love to see the result of Studio B's version of Luna and its impact to the fanbase. I doubt Luna will become unpopular, but the fanworks of her will surely get a twist.

But if you bring it like this, I can best compare it with Celestia. Celestia has huge impact in the show, yet she can't be considered main cast, her role is too small for that. She has also been given a personality and everything. Yet, like I said before, we created Trollestia and Molestia. Both of these have been proven wrong, yet they still continue to exist.

A different example might be Trixie. She was given an own episode, personality and everything was shown there. Yet fans often give her other personalities in their works. She is also popular for shipping with Twilight, something which you wouldn't say based on the episode.

Well like I said, Trollestia and Molestia are just spin-off characters, like Pinkamina they don't have to be canon.

The more… inaccurate parts of Trixie's fanon are at the very least avoidable and can be chalked up to fans just being fans. But how much about Luna's fanon personality do people consider official because they know so little about the real Luna?

And that's the thing that's always bothered me about Luna, the only interpretation is her fan interpretation so that's the interpretation we all have to accept, only I really don't like the fan interpretation so that's why I'm glad we can get some real official characterization.

Of coarse some people won't be able to accept the real characterization of the character and continue to use the fan-version, but no longer will the fan-version be considered any more then just the fan-version. All it's going to do is take the piss out of a fanon that's taken too seriously, and that's just what it needed.

Gigatoast wrote:

Well like I said, Trollestia and Molestia are just spin-off characters, like Pinkamina they don't have to be canon.

The more… inaccurate parts of Trixie's fanon are at the very least avoidable and can be chalked up to fans just being fans. But how much about Luna's fanon personality do people consider official because they know so little about the real Luna?

And that's the thing that's always bothered me about Luna, the only interpretation is her fan interpretation so that's the interpretation we all have to accept, only I really don't like the fan interpretation so that's why I'm glad we can get some real official characterization.

Of coarse some people won't be able to accept the real characterization of the character and continue to use the fan-version, but no longer will the fan-version be considered any more then just the fan-version. All it's going to do is take the piss out of a fanon that's taken too seriously, and that's just what it needed.

I don't think that's going to happen at all. All I think that episode is going to do is give the writers and artist more stuff to work with.

And I doubt that its going to stop people from writing Luna any way they want, but that's just my opinion

Ashki wrote:

I don't think that's going to happen at all. All I think that episode is going to do is give the writers and artist more stuff to work with.

And I doubt that its going to stop people from writing Luna any way they want, but that's just my opinion

I never said it would stop people, I just said people will take her fanon less seriously and I'll be alot cooler with the character. Hell, if they do it well enough I might just start loving her.

Gigatoast wrote:

Oh, and it looks like they installed a train track running through Ponyville in the time between 1st and 2nd season.

I wonder if they're going to explain that.

Based on the balloon and Twilight walking.

I'm guessing this is the new opening.

Xelus Shnider wrote:

>Walks into the MLP:FiM entry.
>Sees the same image for the icon of the entry

It's been there quite a while… Since we got the #1 spot and 2 mil views… Anyone else think of changing it?

possibly this
or this
or this
tis all i can think of

Gigatoast wrote:

I never said it would stop people, I just said people will take her fanon less seriously and I'll be alot cooler with the character. Hell, if they do it well enough I might just start loving her.

I liked her just from that appearnce. hipster glasses. Besides, I don't see whats wrong with people liking characters with limited screentime.

RandomMan wrote:

Based on the balloon and Twilight walking.

I'm guessing this is the new opening.

Looks that way. Oh, and they finally got rid of "Cara-mac" now it's just good old fashioned Big Mac.

R.I.P. Cara-mac, you will be missed*.

*no you wont, you scare me.

Gigatoast wrote:

Looks that way. Oh, and they finally got rid of "Cara-mac" now it's just good old fashioned Big Mac.

R.I.P. Cara-mac, you will be missed*.

*no you wont, you scare me.

Actually, I liked that model, even if it is just Nig Mac with Caramel coloring.

Ashki wrote:

I liked her just from that appearnce. hipster glasses. Besides, I don't see whats wrong with people liking characters with limited screentime.

Wha..? You misunderstand me good sir, I don't dislike fanon Luna because she's based on so little source material, I dislike her because of the way her fanon characterization turned out. Derpy has literally one word of spoken dialogue and I like her.

Gigatoast wrote:

Wha..? You misunderstand me good sir, I don't dislike fanon Luna because she's based on so little source material, I dislike her because of the way her fanon characterization turned out. Derpy has literally one word of spoken dialogue and I like her.

So. Who are you to tell the fans how to write a character, particuarly one that has no appetances until now?

Ashki wrote:

So. Who are you to tell the fans how to write a character, particuarly one that has no appetances until now?


Who the buck said I was telling anyone how to write a character? I just said I don't like her, is that so hard to accept?

Greetings, Bronies! Have you ever wondered how our favorite faithful student got her name? The Great Faust has the answer:

And there it is. Ambiguous answers are best answers.

Gigatoast wrote:


Who the buck said I was telling anyone how to write a character? I just said I don't like her, is that so hard to accept?

Cite wrote:

Damn you guys know me too well, I'm not goin' nuts this time by the way, Ray's comment just kinda took me aback. Besides, part 3 of the Portal 2 soundtrack is out so I'm in too good a mood to get pissy! :D

Gigatoast wrote:


Who the buck said I was telling anyone how to write a character? I just said I don't like her, is that so hard to accept?

You said you didn't like her because of the way she was written by the fanon, or something to that effect. At least that's what I was getting from your post.


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