So… I uhh… I want to be angry right now, but since this is just a trailer, I wait till the official movie comes out. However, I will be slightly annoyed and what they did to change the story of the games and made..this.
First out, before the Wii, I had a PS2 which I played like hell as a kid. One of the games that I commonly played, including which I found to be a guilty pleasure was Rampage: Total Destruction. Plot was about a soda that could turn people into monsters which was sorta the basis of the whole Rampage series, which originated as an arcade game.
While there was supposed to be a Kinect revival of the game, everyone pretty much knew by that point, the Kinect sucked. There would word of development of the movie, which I didn't bat an eye at, because the movie was originally slated for 2013 or 2014, meaning that the movie was in a development hell and I figured the movie wouldn't happened.
Then, I saw this. As someone who played the games, I can say that the tone shown in the trailers is way different that the video games, as the games were more comedic than edgy. Seeing how Dwayne was shown in a trailer of Jumanji 2 (Jesus Christ, why make a sequel or revival on that?), there might be some star power in it, though everyone is waiting till the movie officially comes out.