reaction comedies
Don't know what i mean? Think about it, in the lowest kind of content know as youtube reaction videos has a annoying guy with a annoying voice reacting live, screaming overeating commentary over a video that should be funny on it's own
But what people miss about this subject, is that american comedy in movies became pretty much this over the years. The comedians don't do puns over the situation, they don't do anything funny, they just experience what's happening in the plot like someone dying, someone farting or anything shocking happening and then make a very forced fast paced commentary full of slurs and screaming about it in a very fast paced rhythm
This is why we put stand up and improve comedians in movies, if something happened in the plot, they should make JOKES about it. This is why i don't have a problem with Let's Plays and Rifftrax comedy, it's funny if you can come up with something funny about it.