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Engrish songs

Last posted Jun 18, 2016 at 08:57PM EDT. Added Jun 07, 2016 at 12:33AM EDT
18 posts from 16 users

So you know how sometimes singers try to sing songs in English but it's extremely obvious that it's not their first language?

I say just post your favorite song that has sort of Engrish lyrics.

The only requirement is that the entire song has to be in English or mostly English. Saying random English words during a song doesn't count.
So for example:

Black Lagoon is one of my favorite anime and its OP fits the tone of the series perfectly. Not only is it gritty and fast-paced, but full English lyrics are appropriate for a Westernized series featuring mostly American main characters. However, I like the opening better without subtitles. That way, I can pretend it's Japanese instead of Engrish. The problem here isn't grammatical, but that the phrasing sounds incomprehensible and unnatural, and while the singer is trying her hardest to pronounce all those words correctly, it ain't perfect. It's a shame, because one of the reasons I like Black Lagoon is how perfectly it depicts the personalities of Americans. They were going for a Tarintino-esque atmosphere and they succeeded. Unfortunately, the Engrish kind of takes us back to Japan when the opening sequence should be getting us into an American mindset. Still, it's a minor flaw. It's a great OP for a great series.

Last edited Jun 09, 2016 at 12:23AM EDT

Dir En Grey's sung a good couple of their songs in English, and the fact Kyo's English could use some work is rather obvious. Most of their English language songs mostly come from the period in the 00s when they were first starting to experiment more with progressive metal, metalcore, and deathcore.

(turn on subtitles by clicking the CC button)

Nowadays the band mainly sticks to keeping their lyrics in Japanese.

This one from '08 comes to mind. I remember there used to be a flash animation that used this song, but I can't seem to find it anymore.


No, but that was apparently a parody of what I was thinking of. It's in the related videos of that one, called "Nightmare City: Catastrophe". Thanks for the link though.

Thrash95 wrote:

IMO Best engrish butt rock song

And now GG Revelator just gave us ANOTHER legendary Engrish butt rock theme:

Seriusly, I need to know what band does this music. It's addictic as fuck


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