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Pop Songs of the Yugoslav Wars

Last posted Aug 18, 2020 at 05:06AM EDT. Added Aug 09, 2020 at 06:30AM EDT
4 posts from 3 users

Hi guys, so because it was 30C last night I ended up on one of those weird 3am Youtube journeys where you stumble upon the more…interesting things the site has to offer and I made quite a shocking discovery.

The Yugoslav Wars had a really catchy soundtrack and everyone get's a song.

You want an upbeat pop-polka song about Bosnian Artillery? Here you go:

Do you want something a little spicier? How about this nice little jingle about a paramilitary death squad/?

Meanwhile, the Croatians have gone for a prog-rock approach:

And to top it all off, we have a diss track, a goddamn diss track:

There are many, many more examples of songs like this and they all sound so worryingly upbeat and happy. I wasn't entirely sure what to do with this new found knowledge, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

I'm generally surprised no one's used them as backing music to a balkan-themed troll video or anything like that, as they have the same sort of feel as the Ievan Polkka or the Soviet march from Red Alert 3.

Roki was one of the first ones I stumbled across and he is very good.

Out of all the songs of his I have listened to so far, I think my favourite is Republika Srpska i Krajina; although Crni Bombarder is a really close second.

I've only really gotten into it over the last day or so, but I'm finding myself drawn to Bosnian songs quite a bit.

They've just got this energy and excitement which I really like. Coupled with the Southern Rock vibe they've got going, it's just really easy music to fall in love with.

These songs are honestly guilty pleasures of mine. They're all basically nationalistic war propaganda but so are other songs I like.

I'm really into Slavic Culture anyways.

Last edited Aug 10, 2020 at 01:37AM EDT

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