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Why Porn On KYM?

Last posted Sep 22, 2014 at 02:32AM EDT. Added Sep 20, 2014 at 05:58PM EDT
49 posts from 23 users

I've never understood this. Anytime I ask the simple quesrion of "Why?" I just get knocked down. What I'm talking about is why do people look at porn on KYM, and more importantly, why do people post porn? Please give straight answers. All I've gotten for the year or so I've been here are people dodging the question. As for why people fap to porn on here I can slightly understand. (only slightly, it's still mostly a mystery to me.) Maybe someone's just browsing through images normally without the intent of looking for porn and they find an image that they really like and can't find the source so they fap to it right off of KYM. In any other circumstance, it doesn't make sense to me. (Examples: Looking through trying to find porn like it's a porn site, the uncensored source is easily available to them yet they choose to use KYM anyways, etc.) Please explain this to me if you can.

As for the main reason I made this thread, why post porn? Every once in a while it's necessary for a gallery and really demonstrates a solid example of a meme, but a majority of the time it's for a reason I don't know. For those of you who do it, why? I know for some people it's because boobs get upvotes, but most of the time why do you do it? Why do you feel the need to share it to everyone? Why do you feel the need to look through KYM threads about it that are super censored when an easy google image search or even going to non-censored threads from other sites can provide the same results except with actually nudity? Why do you fap to images of people with clothes on when you can find nude pictures of the same shit? Why is KYM a secondary porn site for some of you? Just be warned that for the most part I share the opinion of Melonlord when it comes to this kind of stuff except less extremely than he does. I seriously want to know. It could help clear up some misunderstanding I have on you guys. FUCKING WHY?!

TripleA9000 wrote:

I post it because i think it hilarious, plus it does provide more content for the galleries and that's always a good thing.

Hilarious? How exactly? Also, more content doesn't always mean better. Depends on the content. Porn could be good or bad I guess, but it depends and as long as the gallery isn't flooded with it. As I said though, I'm kind of personally against it for reasons I can't explain. I just don't like it, but I'm not going to try to stop people really.

Why not?

Really. I'm not sure why porn isn't allowed in the first place. The site already has a NSFW implementation, so I don't understand the purpose of demonizing it.

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 06:09PM EDT

The thing is no one posts porn. It may be scantily clad women or men, but it's usually to showcase some fanart. Fanart is a good way to show the popularity of something on the internet. The more borderline R34, the more popular it probably is.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Hilarious? How exactly? Also, more content doesn't always mean better. Depends on the content. Porn could be good or bad I guess, but it depends and as long as the gallery isn't flooded with it. As I said though, I'm kind of personally against it for reasons I can't explain. I just don't like it, but I'm not going to try to stop people really.

beats me, i just got a weird since of humor for these things.

Spider-Byte wrote:

The thing is no one posts porn. It may be scantily clad women or men, but it's usually to showcase some fanart. Fanart is a good way to show the popularity of something on the internet. The more borderline R34, the more popular it probably is.

That's a pretty damn good reason. Thanks for the explanation. It doesn't explain everything I wanted to know though.


Probably because it's a database meant to be seen by everyone out there for information. Most sites have an anti-porn policy because they want it to be viewable by everyone. Also, if porn is allowed a site might degrade. KYM is mostly a meme-site, but even when nudity isn't allowed there's still this pretty big, unorganized porn subculture on it. Imagine if nudity was allowed. Half the reason people would visit this site would be for porn, sort of like 4chan. They want the site to exist for the reason it was created instead of being derailed by unnecessary things like porn.


Good enough I guess. It can be funny sometimes.


I know that it's technically not porn, I just don't want to have to use big, complicated phrases or terms like "racy images" or some shit like that so I call it "porn" nonetheless.

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 06:15PM EDT
Imagine if nudity was allowed. Half the reason people would visit this site would be for porn, sort of like 4chan.

The people that go to 4chan for porn go to the specific porn boards. Imgur allows porn, but I doubt half of all users visit it for porn, the same way I doubt half of all Reddit users visit Reddit for porn.

They want the site to exist for the reason it was created instead of being derailed by unnecessary things like porn.

Then user-submitted images that don't belong to an entry gallery (a la) wouldn't be allowed, but they are. Specific subforums that don't pertain to meme research wouldn't exist, but they do.

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 06:22PM EDT

I think it's because some of the subculture entries on the site, such as anime series (self explanatory) and certain subcultures that attract the furry fandom (Five Nights at Freddy's being a recent example), it's inevitable to have a large amount of fans that make art that is very sexual. Another one being that as was mentioned earlier with the NSFW tagging of bothe galleries and entries, you can get away with posting certain soft-core pornographic images as long as it stays soft-core and has no nudity, and I personally don't mind it if the art is high quality. Then again this is a site that has a rule 34 image gallery as well as a closed Shadbase gallery, so it's a bit hard to complain about it. (Sorry if that last sentence sounded a bit douchey, I just couldn't think of another way to word it better.)


K den. They still want to keep the overall "family-friendliness" of the site though that makes it easily accessible. Even if you disagree, it's a policy most big sites have that are meant to be seem by a wide audience unlike 4chan or Reddit or something which have a tighter demographic in a way.


Scantily clad. Just like that one infamous trial thing, "you know ehat porn is when you see it". Intended to be sexy and possibly fapped to. Stuff like that. Barely clothed.

@Disturbed B

I just don't get why KYM is the place to get it for some people. Don't dodge the question. You know what I mean. Why a meme-site where you can't even get legit porn with nudity?

I don't think KYM is necessarily the place people go for porn.

People just share images they like. It could just be for upvotes or popularity, but if they don't break the rules it's not really a big deal.

Last edited Sep 20, 2014 at 07:09PM EDT

It amuses me the various definitions of porn. I personally don't find scantily clad women to count at porn. That's more ecchi/fanservice to me. No sex/nudity = not porn.

As for why it's posted other than the obvious upvotes/popularity, I think it (to an extent) has its place in the kym galleries. The galleries are there to document all aspects of the meme/subculture in question. That's going to include the porn. I know that sounds like a cheap excuse and I know nobody actually posts porn for that reason (really, I don't see a reason they would post it other than for the upvotes) but it's my argument for why we should allow such posting. Should we be restricting how much of it gets posted to the galleries. Eh, I don't think so. I honestly don't agree with Delta's view on the subject. We have a NSFW tag so people don't have to look at it unless they wish to, and yet people still feel the need to bitch about it. I know the tag isn't there in the trending images or user activity sections, but it's still a complaint that baffles me. It's like the site tried to make compromise happen and yet one side is still not pleased. Having porn dumps happen is not good, but in general we don't like image dumps by one user anyway. I'm not a media mod so my opinions on this subject basically end here.

I will comment on why users like it though. I have to say I think the claim that people come to this site to fap is an exaggeration. Do people fap here? Probably, but I doubt that's the only thing they come here for. As someone who also looks at the NSFW images I gotta say there's something fun about just running into it on a generally otherwise clean site. I don't really know how to explain it. When you're looking for porn you have to actually search for it, but here it's different. It kinda just comes to you so to speak. I dunno, this is getting weird so I'll stop here.

Crimson Locks wrote:

really, I don’t see a reason they would post it other than for the upvotes

You bring up some good points, but one thing that I've never understood is this particular line of reasoning (even though I've seen it used to justify NSFW content several times in the past).

Unlike forum posts, there isn't a visible karma tally for comments, images, videos etc (is there?). So I don't see the purpose of posting something "for the upvotes", as you say.

Particle Mare wrote:

Crimson Locks wrote:

really, I don’t see a reason they would post it other than for the upvotes

You bring up some good points, but one thing that I've never understood is this particular line of reasoning (even though I've seen it used to justify NSFW content several times in the past).

Unlike forum posts, there isn't a visible karma tally for comments, images, videos etc (is there?). So I don't see the purpose of posting something "for the upvotes", as you say.

b/c ppl are stupid

Nobody here can seem to agree on what "porn" is. The way I see it, it's pretty obvious: if the creator intended for something to be that, then that's what it is.
For example, if you're doing it to some random pictures of bikini-clad women from Facebook that you saved on your computer, then that's not porn, it's just some random pictures that you just happened to choose to fap to.
On the other hand, if a guy with a seriously powerful school-bus fetish lovingly captures images of the "grill" and "engine" of one that parked near his house on a spring afternoon, then that would be porn, despite the fact that there are hundreds of identical ones out there made for totally mundane, non genital-stroking reasons.


Thank you for this thread, Sam. Now here is an appropriate place to answer the question "Why"

Now as been said before, technically no real porn is posted here (or at least shouldnt), not even by those who indulge it most. This site only permits scantily clad lingerie figures at most. And most people who actually are into porn will agree that lingerie models do not count as porn. I call it 'softcore' at most. But others may just call it "someone wearing skimp clothing" and don't consider it much of a great deal. It's no different from seeing people on the beach or on a Lingerie catalog to them

It's like watching a bikini fashion contest. It's not there for fapping, it's there for appreciation of good looks. Those watching, watch for that appreciation

Softcore is more or less just something nice to look at. I look at softcore porn thinking "she's pretty" or "nice dress and/or boobs". I don't look at it thinking "fapfapfapfapfap". If I wanted the latter, there are certainly other places for that.

In fact, once you start looking at hardcore porn scenes. Softcore becomes relatively nothing and isn't even boner inducing. I would not think that anybody is actually fapping on KYM. I don't. Not even in [cough]thread[cough]. I doubt anybody else does either.

So whats the point of having softcore threads you ask? Well to me it's like any thread about an art topic. Sharing good fanart and such. Nothing more. The added sexiness is only a nice interesting twist for a discussion topic. Then your question "Why" becomes more "Why not". If people like looking at hot babes, there isn't a major reason why they can't discuss it on a forum which permits just about any topic you enjoy along with other posters they like posting with. The Booru's may not always offer that experience

Now referring to bikini babes as "porn", is a bit of a stretch as you are now learning. I think you are looking at porn from a very black & white perspective. There's plenty more grey areas in between "purely platonic" and "outright debauchery". But to give you three basic categories for starters:

Softcore Porn: No visible nudity. Made for eye candy rather than boners.
Porn: Visible nudity and fucking. Made for boners.
Explicit porn: Exaggerated nudity and fucking plus added fetishes

The various suggestive/questionable/sexual content posted here falls under various degrees and is treated in different ways but pretty much all goes under that first category. The pornsphere goes much deeper, but I'll leave you with that for now.


I don’t understand the purpose of demonizing it.

Neither do I. So far I haven't seen proof that exposure to minor sexuality has real negative effects on people. So I think it's unnecessary to consider the expression of sexuality as an overall terrible thing. But oh well, that's society, what can you do?

@Particle mare

Unlike forum posts, there isn’t a visible karma tally for comments, images, videos etc (is there?). So I don’t see the purpose of posting something “for the upvotes”, as you say.

I don't think an overall tally matters to uploaders at all.

What uploaders like is receiving that message "Your upload received it's 500th upvote!" and knowing that their particular upload was appreciated and well received. That alone would be the reward.

Of course not all images are uploaded for upvotes. Some people just like sexy poses and upload for the image itself. Forum threads on softcore were like that. They were never about karma. They were just about posting sexy

@Blue Screen

Thank you! That's the answer I was looking for! I finally understand! Now I can die sleep in peace. Also, there are people who fap to softcore porn on KYM. I've seen it. Some people outright say (for some reason, not sure why they'd want other people to know) about how they fap to an image or how they're going to. Lots of it isn't serious, but you can often see people who are serious which I find strange. Thanks for the answer though. 'Twas great.

Why not…? If it has the proper tags. Hentai Quotes is one of the best galleries for "research"

By the way, I wish there was a way to disable the NSFW and SPOILER tags, they are a nuisance when you already know the risks. Even on the MLP gallery…

Maybe put it as an option in your profile.

Slutty Sam wrote:

@Blue Screen

Thank you! That's the answer I was looking for! I finally understand! Now I can die sleep in peace. Also, there are people who fap to softcore porn on KYM. I've seen it. Some people outright say (for some reason, not sure why they'd want other people to know) about how they fap to an image or how they're going to. Lots of it isn't serious, but you can often see people who are serious which I find strange. Thanks for the answer though. 'Twas great.

You've seen it? Like you hacked into their webcam and actually watched them fap to kym softcore porn? Might wanna pick better wording next time, mate. I'm not entirely sure how you know some of these people are serious when they say they're gonna fap, but the fact that this is actually a topic in the thread is a little more concerning to me than users commenting that they're gonna fap to a sexy image.

Yes, your suggestion has come up many times by other users, but it seems right now the consensus is implementing something like that would be too complicated and more trouble than it's worth.

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 03:36PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

You've seen it? Like you hacked into their webcam and actually watched them fap to kym softcore porn? Might wanna pick better wording next time, mate. I'm not entirely sure how you know some of these people are serious when they say they're gonna fap, but the fact that this is actually a topic in the thread is a little more concerning to me than users commenting that they're gonna fap to a sexy image.

Yes, your suggestion has come up many times by other users, but it seems right now the consensus is implementing something like that would be too complicated and more trouble than it's worth.


Okay then, that was pretty stupid wording on my part. Thanks for pointing that out. I've still seen pretty serious posts though. There are indicators that they're serious as well. If you've seen a serious fap-post you'd know. They're sort of rare since most people who do don't bother posting it and for good reason, but I've seen these posts I swear! I'm not crazy!

Derpy Vaz wrote:



You see dicks being inserted into vag on KYM? cus I don't.
If you do, point it out to mods cus that's against the rules

I'm sick of saying that it's not literal "porn". It's just very sexy images created with the intent of being fapped to. No actual nudity or intercourse though.

Slutty Sam wrote:

I'm sick of saying that it's not literal "porn". It's just very sexy images created with the intent of being fapped to. No actual nudity or intercourse though.

Good for you I guess… I don't know if you're trying to make an argument with that or anything by saying it's "porn" though. Just in case you are, I said created with the intent of being fapped to and having very exaggerated sexual characteristics. My avatar does not fit that definition exactly.

Taryn wrote:

Why not?

Really. I'm not sure why porn isn't allowed in the first place. The site already has a NSFW implementation, so I don't understand the purpose of demonizing it.

One time I let my friend use the website but as I left all I heard was "I don't know what's safe".

Slutty Sam wrote:

Good for you I guess… I don't know if you're trying to make an argument with that or anything by saying it's "porn" though. Just in case you are, I said created with the intent of being fapped to and having very exaggerated sexual characteristics. My avatar does not fit that definition exactly.

So you know every artists motivation and how they intend people to see it then?

Spider-Byte wrote:

So you know every artists motivation and how they intend people to see it then?

No, but you can usually tell. As I said, some of the signs are exaggerated sexual features and angles that accentuate those features. You know it when you see it, I hate having to explain this. It's not concrete, of course their will be flaws in the method since it's not concrete and it doesn't represent everything. At this point you guys are just toying with me. You fucking know what it is when you see it.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Good for you I guess… I don't know if you're trying to make an argument with that or anything by saying it's "porn" though. Just in case you are, I said created with the intent of being fapped to and having very exaggerated sexual characteristics. My avatar does not fit that definition exactly.

I SRSLY can't tell if you are just being like Taryn and trollin. i.e. complaining how there is all this porn here. Having a sexy avatar and saying why do people post sexy pics to fap to. People can fap to anything and choose not to fap (that's another discussion entirely) but you seem to be complaining about sexy pics. The examples you showed Wii fit is a sexy meme and Samus in her skin tight outfit has always been as well. the only thing you can complain about is nipples poking out in that pic = against rules

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 07:30PM EDT

Derpy Vaz wrote:

I SRSLY can't tell if you are just being like Taryn and trollin. i.e. complaining how there is all this porn here. Having a sexy avatar and saying why do people post sexy pics to fap to. People can fap to anything and choose not to fap (that's another discussion entirely) but you seem to be complaining about sexy pics. The examples you showed Wii fit is a sexy meme and Samus in her skin tight outfit has always been as well. the only thing you can complain about is nipples poking out in that pic = against rules

I'm not really complaining even though I sound like it. People should be able to fap to what they want where they want to, I was just curious as to why here though, and that's pretty much been explained to me and I understand it now. Even though I don't like them myself I think it's okay if they're posted (like you said those two are good examples of legit memes) when relevant. Also, I wouldn't say my avatar's sexy. Maybe if you're really desperate or something I don't know. I don't think a girls midriff in a game targeted towards kids would count as "porn" as how I'm talking about it.


Bingo! That's exactly what I've been trying to say except short and simple and put in a way anyone can understand. Thank you!

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 07:46PM EDT

Derpy Vaz wrote:

I SRSLY can't tell if you are just being like Taryn and trollin. i.e. complaining how there is all this porn here. Having a sexy avatar and saying why do people post sexy pics to fap to. People can fap to anything and choose not to fap (that's another discussion entirely) but you seem to be complaining about sexy pics. The examples you showed Wii fit is a sexy meme and Samus in her skin tight outfit has always been as well. the only thing you can complain about is nipples poking out in that pic = against rules

For one thing Sam's avatar is a screen cap of a fully clothed character from a Nintendo game, b.) there are much better examples than the ones he gave. Look at the Fire emblem, Gurren Lagann, or KLK galleries and the top voted are images with fully visible asses, camel-toes, and nipples through shirts with comments saying "must not fap" or "I came".

Understandable. Still, I know you're an oldfag IRL, but I know you understand the internet and you've been using it for a while, you know what's sexy on the internet today and what's sexy when you were a horny teenager with no internet or really shitty dial-up on a fat-ass computer in the living room in a house full of people. Saying my avatar is "porn" is pretty damn out of context.

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 07:52PM EDT

Slutty Sam wrote:

Understandable. Still, I know you're an oldfag IRL, but I know you understand the internet and you've been using it for a while, you know what's sexy on the internet today and what's sexy when you were a horny teenager with no internet or really shitty dial-up on a fat-ass computer in the living room in a house full of people. Saying my avatar is "porn" is pretty damn out of context.

I said "sexy" not porn. I know the difference between the two you obviously don't since you keep saying porn for things that aren't.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

I said "sexy" not porn. I know the difference between the two you obviously don't since you keep saying porn for things that aren't.

"television programs, magazine, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a nonsexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience."

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 08:01PM EDT

the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other such entities.

Alright, I misunderstood you. I guess I could understand why you'd say it might be "sexy", even though I don't really think so. Also, I'm saying "porn". I put quotes around it on purpose just so you know I'm not talking about actual porn.

Alright then, glad this is all cleared up between us. Any other problems you have with what I'm saying? I just want to fix any misunderstandings if they still exist. Nice quotes by the way. Sammy Clemens was a freaking genius.


That's a weird definition. Usually the conventional definition is that it includes nudity or actual sex in some way. If we're going by that definition, what I'm talking about might actually be considered porn. Well, I think we should stick to porn including nudity in some way.

Last edited Sep 21, 2014 at 08:07PM EDT

Pornography- (often abbreviated as "porn" or "porno" in informal usage)
is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal.

also a blanket term but goes on to say:

Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself, and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. The primary subjects of pornographic depictions are pornographic models, who pose for still photographs, and pornographic actors or porn stars, who perform in pornographic films. If dramatic skills are not involved, a performer in a porn film may also be called a model.

Old Man GigaChad wrote:

I just googled "definition porn" and that was what came up.

Yeah, under those blanket terms anything that arouses you is porn
So that means Lord Starscream is my porn? Damn I need better porn


I always thought softcore was nudity but no fucking.

Well to be fair, I was being pretty liberal with my definitions so take my word losely there

Porn is a pretty subjective thing. We all have our individual attractions and the volume of erotica we need to be aroused is based on lots of variables that differ per person. So naturally everyone ends up with different interpretations.


I wont rule out the possibility that some people might fap on KYM. In my experience there is nothing that can't be fapped towards. It's inevitable.

But lets also be honest: how often have we all said that we would totally overreact to something when in fact we weren't responding to it at all?

Lots of guys post "i came" reaction images when they really didn't. So I still assert that people who fap to KYM could only be a very small minority, of maybe very inexperienced kids who haven't seen real porn before

(Actaully, I imagine that anyone who really does fap to KYM would more likely not make a statement about it so we'd never even know).


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