While I've been poking around Know Your Meme, I've noticed numerous articles that should be sub-entries of other articles. For instance, "Move Faster, Pokey!" ought to be a sub-entry of ProtonJon. In fact, I have editorship of both articles, I actually created the former entry, I can prove it, and I have tried to make that link myself, but nothing in the article editing form allows me to do so, no matter how hard I've searched. I even checked the article creation form, and there does not appear to be an option to choose a parent article to assign a new article to (which explains why I didn't do that in the first place – I did create the "Move Faster Pokey!" article 4 years ago (as of this post), so I don't remember all the details). So, I have to ask: how does one article become a sub-entry to another article?
(Also, for many of the relationships-that-should-exist that I've noticed, one (or in some cases, both) of the articles in question is/are deadpooled. For instance, DeviantART and DeviantART Drawing Memes – DeviantART Drawing Memes is currently deadpooled. (And if we want to get pedantic, the Character Age Meme article that is currently a sub-entry of DeviantART should instead be a sub-entry of DeviantART Drawing Memes, as "Character Age Memes" is a more specific form of "DeviantART Drawing Memes".) Likewise, the Goldman article should be a sub-entry of the House of the Dead entry… or, well, I would be saying that if the former wasn't a complete disgrace. Now, this would all make sense if there is some sort of policy that deadpooled articles are not allowed to have or be sub-entries. I just don't know whether or not that is the case, since, as I previously stated, it seems impossible to create an article to be a sub-entry to another article right off the bat, and thus it is impossible for me to look at the edit histories of deadpooled articles to see if they used to be sub-entries to other articles.)