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When will we be able to disable the NSFW thumbnails?

Last posted Jun 20, 2017 at 12:33AM EDT. Added Jun 15, 2017 at 03:30AM EDT
4 posts from 4 users

People asked about this in 2012 and 2013

I would really like the option of being able to disable that filter when I am browsing in a place I don't have to worry about it in.

It gets hard to know what images are there if we want to add an example, and is frustrating for those of us who don't want to open big images and just assess thumbnails.

Oh man the monthly thread is back.

As much as I'd love to dig up the last 5 responses I made, I can say it in much simpler terms:

Disabling a specific (read: NSFW or spoiler) kind of thumbnail and loading the correct thumbnail for said image requires a separate query to the site for each image it applies to. This means that if it is done site-side, we've multiplied the amount of resources required to generate the thumbnails of a full gallery. This is why ArchaicEX's plugin is so hard on your connection. The response from James last we checked was that it just wasn't feasible with KYM's current hardware.

So long story short – if you want it done, it will be client-side and very resource-intensive. If you want to know more you can browse this forum or try searching for keywords like "NSFW thumbnail" to find the fuckton of other discussions we've had about the subject. If it's really important to you, I can suggest trying a browser plugin that allows you to preview images/pages by hovering over them. Think like what the Reddit Enhancement Suite does.

ArchaicEX’s plugin is so hard on your connection.

I'm not entirely sure what makes you say that, but I suspect that, for this use case, the script will reduce network usage. If someone is going through and clicking on all the covered images to see what they are, then they end up loading the medium-quality versions. My script will load the low-quality versions and eliminate the need to click on them to see them in the light box. I recommend it here.


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