This one was from a dream I had so if it seems strange then that's why.
Can you draw these creatures that were in this dream I had. They were in a factory and they where the size of a city bus. They had many spindly mechanical legs, the tips of which also produce flashes of electricity. Their bodies were covered in this strange back mass of hair, wires, and smoke. Their faces were a Periclean-like masks yet with a few bits of mechanical parts there, parasitically with their teeth which appear as those of a chainsaw, hell they even move like one. From what I remembered they usually stayed at these grey cubes suspended in the air covered in strange symbols, the only reason those cubes haven't fallen down to the ground is because what's holding them up were grey cylinders that came down from the ceiling. Apparently these creatures in the factory are used to make eldritch technology the likes of which us humans can never comprehend, they also leave these cubes whenever intruders enter the factory, usually to kill them.
You don't have to do this part but maybe as an added bonus you can probably have a few KYM users encounter these creatures.