Captain Blubber I
Write a love letter to Captain Blubber 3 words at a time
Last posted
Mar 20, 2015 at 03:58PM EDT.
Mar 18, 2015 at 03:18PM EDT
49 posts
26 users
Captain Blubber I want lock now!
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian…
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Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who's dick's sucked
why are you doing this
Captain Blubber wrote:
why are you doing this
Becuase we love you hon, even if you are Blubber <3
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish.
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish.Ayyy lmao words
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit.
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like
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Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum #rekt
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point,
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, why are you
Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, why are you aliens will love your sexy
Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber
Cecaelia Girlie
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?!
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! Not that I
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today
aptain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that's too lewd
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Loquacious Leviathan
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck)
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM's girthy cock)
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate RandomMan's sexy ass.
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate RandomMan’s sexy ass. It is too
Spirit Coyote
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate RandomMan’s sexy ass. It is too Much for me.
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate RandomMan’s sexy ass. It is too Much for me and my manly
Captain Blubber I want lock now! Drunk fat canadian who’s dick’s sucked all the users in the ass with a mighty flying potato fish. Ayyy lmao words were my first word. Binding of Isaac is shit. It stinks like ur mum. #rekt. Back on point, aliens will love your sexy ass body with plenty of lube it up dog -gy style, son. Why does Blubber not notice me?! You have weak, but firm cheeks and a nice stonking great tits of molten ice. I want to ban you today for having a thorough pony collection that’s too lewd.
Riff-Raff (JK, you suck PM’s girthy cock)
P.S. I hate RandomMan’s sexy ass. It is too Much for me and my manly hairy vaginal farts.
Already sent the letter yesterday guys.. surprised he didn't suspend me….
<OTL> wrote:
Already sent the letter yesterday guys.. surprised he didn't suspend me….
inb4 suspension