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Thicc thiccer thiccest

Last posted Jun 27, 2016 at 05:20PM EDT. Added Jun 24, 2016 at 08:44PM EDT
64 posts from 29 users


Okay, I'll kys you.


Would that make me a sperm whale?

But you're the one who still has the second tier Skullgirls waifu, fite me 1v1 with no backup characters ya feg.

[I'm not kidding, I didn't mean to delete the first post, I meant to hit "edit" but I hit "delete" instead and then clicked on "ok" instead of "cancel" because I moved the mouse over too quickly; that's what I get for posting after having a couple of alcoholic drinks]

Platus wrote:

Yeah, this thread has basically gone off the rails. Locking.

How are you a mod? No seriously. The only thing i've ever seen you do is suck on Gaben The Troll's overweight penis.

ITT: Elmo Hitler creates various mental tableaus for the denizens of Riff-Raff, all centered around the act of fellatio, featuring a variety of subjects.

(This thread was dangerously low on needlessly extravagant language. I fixed it.)

I wrote a biography on platus.
Platus, a mod of KYM, was born 2005, under the name "Patrick Platus" or "Platus" for short. From an early age, he was found to have problems in communicating with other kids, and even adults sometimes. While other boys his age were playing sports, he stayed inside on his old computer, tagging images on a site called Know Your Meme. His parents grew increasingly worried about him, which led to him being taken to the doctor. When he was at the doctor, he was given the diagnosis of "Severe Faggot". From this day onward, he grew increasingly intrested in Meme Research, which led to him becoming a database moderator in 2010 at only 5 years old. "I mean, the guy is a complete faggot sure, but he does work. What could possibly go wrong?" site creator Jamie Dubs says after making him a database moderator. One day, a new show came out on the Hub network. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The moment Platus sat down and watched this show, he fell in love with it. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who loved it either! Many users on Know Your Meme shared the same interest. Some of these were Blue Screen of Death, Muffinlicious, and Platus' soon to be husband, Gaben The Troll. Gaben the Troll was an obese manchild who shared the same intrests as Platus, so they got along perfectly! "Hell, i'm not judging. At least they both jerk me off whenever I want them to" moderator RandomMan says in response to Gaben and Platus's relationship. One day however, things took a turn for the worse. Know Your Meme seemed to grow out of its ever popular "Autistic Brony Phase" and it seemed to grow into a new phase. The Shitpost Phase. This was started by moderator Captain Blubber, when he created the board known as "Riff Raff". This name would send shivers down Platus's spine. Not only were people shitposting on HIS memesite, they were also attacking his love Gaben too! BioticZombie started this attack, and it was finished by multiple other users, forcing Gaben to deactivate and come back a day later. Platus grew increasingly mad over his love being struck down and he went into an unstoppable rage, warning users for shitposting in riff raff, a board designed for shitposting. This leads us to today. Will Platus stop his rage? Only time will tell.

I'm not even kidding when I say I really did post this thread after having a couple alcoholic drinks last night, and note I very rarely ever drink alcoholic stuff, it's typically only when I'm hanging out with family (yesterday was my brother's birthday and he wanted to go out and eat Mexican, and since my brother doesn't drink anything with alcohol it was me and my brother's best friend who had some really large margaritas during dinner). I wasn't "drunk drunk," just "loosened up" enough to be more of a fuck than usual (kinda like when I was on painkillers a year ago).

The point I'm trying to make is I'm wondering if this thread is any indication on if I should post in Riff-Raff while "drunk" more often or if this is an indication I shouldn't be allowed on this board even when I'm 100% sober.

EDIT: Downvoted already. That's fair, I was probably a bigger faggot in this thread than I've been in any others.

Last edited Jun 25, 2016 at 01:41PM EDT

Mistress Fortune wrote:

I'm not even kidding when I say I really did post this thread after having a couple alcoholic drinks last night, and note I very rarely ever drink alcoholic stuff, it's typically only when I'm hanging out with family (yesterday was my brother's birthday and he wanted to go out and eat Mexican, and since my brother doesn't drink anything with alcohol it was me and my brother's best friend who had some really large margaritas during dinner). I wasn't "drunk drunk," just "loosened up" enough to be more of a fuck than usual (kinda like when I was on painkillers a year ago).

The point I'm trying to make is I'm wondering if this thread is any indication on if I should post in Riff-Raff while "drunk" more often or if this is an indication I shouldn't be allowed on this board even when I'm 100% sober.

EDIT: Downvoted already. That's fair, I was probably a bigger faggot in this thread than I've been in any others.

Moral of the story: Come back to IRC pls. You'll have more fun and there won't be an easily accessible public record.

Some one send Fortune some more pain pills while we're at it so she'll come back onto IRC can deal with the pain of making a Riff Raff thread.

No Original Names wrote:

"its funny because its my fetish that i constantly post on this site and constantly reference because im insecure and incompetent so theres no other possible jokes i could ever make hahahaha"

>NON judging insecurity and incompetence

TheLastMethBender wrote:

You don't just make a thread like this and not deliver OP.

I better see some thiccness right now or im IP banning you from the entire internet

[crysis suit voice] MAXIMUM THICC

Asura wrote:

I know, but if Pan-Pizza can be a total cringelord and yet still be well liked, there's hope for me yet!

MEANWHILE, AT PAN'S HOUSE: "I think I found someone worse than me."

when u tried to find a heck but you just couldn't freakin' find one


tbh you're still cool in my book everyone makes bad threads that's what riff raff is for. Don't let these faggos get you down

Slutty Sam wrote:

when u tried to find a heck but you just couldn't freakin' find one


tbh you're still cool in my book everyone makes bad threads that's what riff raff is for. Don't let these faggos get you down

Shes a massive cringe lord but shes one of the best massive cringe lords

The one serious comment here: funny part is it was unintentional, I meant to edit the OP but I deleted it by mistake. I was "drunk."

@The Bitter Brit
True dat yo.

@Roy G Biv
I always got the biggest boners during economics class.



Last edited Jun 26, 2016 at 02:36PM EDT

Mistress Fortune wrote:

The one serious comment here: funny part is it was unintentional, I meant to edit the OP but I deleted it by mistake. I was "drunk."

@The Bitter Brit
True dat yo.

@Roy G Biv
I always got the biggest boners during economics class.



Last edited Jun 26, 2016 at 03:34PM EDT

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