If we're using the strict definition of meme than KYM needs to start documenting fashion trends ("styles"), and regional cultures ("behaviors") since they would both qualify as "memes" as well.
One of the big issues is the same problem advice animals had: there's just too many hashtags getting articles. Most hashtags are like supergiant stars--they're short lived, violent, and usually implode into an inescapable hole of despair and hell, trapping anyone foolish enough to get close.
#cancelcolbert #bringbackourgirls #kony2012 #ifiwereaboy #feministsareugly #notonemore #yesallwomen
How many of these lasted more than a few days/weeks before being totally forgotten about? How many did you forget about until just now? I always thought two of the big critera for getting a confirmed meme was 1) it's longevity, something that just sticks into the internet and stays aroudn for months and is maybe lucky enough to be ingrained and 2) it's spread, it's everywhere. Youtube, 4chan, Reddit--all the sites use it and it spreads across the web. How often do hashtags do either of those? They die quickly and are soon replaced and are almost always exclusive to twitter and maybe tumblr