Yeah, i know people are always complaining about the deadpool status, but i promise i'm not here to say "BNMs and Gold Members shouldn't make entries" (because if anything, BNMs and Gold Members have my full support if they're willing to contribute somthing good). I'm here to just mention some problems and see if there is a good way around it (other the example mentioned above)>
1. Most spam entries always remain on the site-
a) Deadpooled- Kc has been on the site for 2 years, and didn't show any signs of being a meme in the first place. MasterPanda's MeME is another good example of this. You could argue that it doesn't really matter because they don't have many veiws or have been forgotten, but that doesn't really make a difference. I'd guess that most deadpooled entries are spam entries, with no purpose other than to just clog up the amount of deadpooled entries we have.
b) submissions- I sometimes wonder just how many spam entries are still submissions, i mean if this entry caould go unnoticed for 5 months, just imagine how many spam entries could as well?
2. The community feeds trolls- i can remember one thread where i made a suggestion that could help get rid of these entries, but i was shot down. The mods gave me some suitable reasons why such as it would cause an extra layer of complication. but one reason bothered me and still does "We like to let the community look at it before we deadpool or hide somthing". If it has potential then yes, by all means let the community see it, but the majority of these kind of entries are obviously spam,and don't need the community to say so. If it's just to let the community see the kind of entries we get, that's letting the community react to it, thus feeding the troll.
tl:dr i think mods should be more strict when it comes to spam entries, deleting obvious spam on-site, and banning troll accounts. if my argument has some holes in it, then so be it.