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Should Karma apply to comments on entries?

Last posted Mar 18, 2010 at 09:12PM EDT. Added Mar 18, 2010 at 08:56PM EDT
2 posts from 2 users

You're straight off the bat with

some really well written comments

As true as that may be, comments like that are infrequent. The meme database is the most trafficked part of this website.

Therefore, the majority of new people who have joined the site will reside there rather than the forums.

Newbies to the site will pick off comment behavior easily each time. In fact, the "1+ variable" term has become a Bandwagon Effect causing new people to use it as Slang for wanting to confirm / deadpool. I'm even sure they begin believing that their "1+" or "1-" will have affect on whether or not the meme will be confirmed or deadpooled. And as KYM-savvy people, We know that it's useless.

Saying that, It's obvious that some Meme entry Comments are typically biased.

On the forums, we can easily agree on a well written comment, but on a meme entry, people have different aspects and personal traits of what is a meme and what isn't.

Upvoted by people who agree, and Downvoted by people who disagree.

Basically, I believe the majority of the comments will probably be downvoted.

Though, aside from that piece of skepticism, It's something to look forward to, and hopefully may work out for the better.

Last edited Mar 18, 2010 at 09:27PM EDT

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